This guy comes up to you on the battlefield and slaps your entire teams ass

This guy comes up to you on the battlefield and slaps your entire teams ass

What do you do?

Other urls found in this thread:

> Geballte Ladung & Rocketgun

>Good luck! I'm behind 5 engineers!

I'll probably just wait a couple more minutes until the damn thing breaks down, even taking account of the obvious teething problems that the new technology that is the tank, this thing was a hunk of junk.

>that feel when you see a heavy tank with dickbutt or pepe or some other meme on it

I didn't know World War I was so dank

I hate having to get the stupid-ass app to make one

Watch as the retarded driver invariably rolls the thing in a panic because of a few grenades.

Fire a missile at the side and watch it get btfo, since they aren't using angled plating.

>I play video games for the story and realism and historical accuracy

Literally kys

Didn't stop Sup Forums from shitting on the game for half a year straight.

>Read people saying that this is the most fun that they've had since Bad Company 2.
>Get excited and want to buy the game.
>Only on Origin™.


Call it historically inaccurate and make and indignant youtube video about it.

you can just use the battlefield website, unless you mean how you actually make them. I don't have a problem with that system since it forces you to get creative if you want something really detailed

I didn't make the combine logo or the first EG one that's equipped, I made the other 2 over the past couple hours in an attempt to not just be using someone else's

Exactly, fuck origin and this shitty system.
>Forgot email I used to register
>Now can't check KD, make an emblem or anything

Really that's just what Sup Forums usually does except in video form.

>tfw I just got 61 kills in one match with these thing and you're not even a good driver
Either this thing is insane or the teams I'm facing are just godawful. I'm not even a good driver.

you don't need to be a good driver to kill people

especially since Scouts have no way to kill tanks on their own and that's the only class people play

I play exclusively Medic. So fun not being able to do shit to a tank

>literally has a gun that fires grenades

Too busy saving lives

How do you play it solo? I don't have any friends.

that tank was actually a beast on paper

what went wrong?

K rounds are pretty good
4 snipers can easily focus down a big tank over half the map

by playing on 64-player servers

friends don't mean jack shit if you have 31 other people to blame

That because anti tank grenades are 2 more free grenades to kill people with!

and that anti tank launcher? shit son 1 hit kills shoot them infantry!

Wait to get a blimp and pound his shit in with bombs.

Heavy tanks really are free KD boosters in rush. At least on PS4 where I get the impression that the overall community is more retarded than on PC.

I just want somebody who can help me with ammo or medkits.

Too few.
Lack of war materials.
The fact it the tank, the concept, was rushed out into one of the bloodiest conflicts of human history and barely had any proper testing and fine tuning before deployments.

I've seen more coordination out of people on consoles than I have on PC

but thats probably because there's no text chat so they can't just sit there typing angrily about the Scout hiding in a bush that keeps one-shotting them

Huh. You'd think a lack of text chat would actually be a hinderance.

if your only form of communication is actually talking to teammates you can spend more time not standing there typing

Tried this, funnily enough the game has a deflect mechanic now

I get like 2/3 of my AT gun round deflected, especially at longer ranges

I prefer using pic related to blow up tanks and disembody horse riders

Assault > Medic = Scout > Support

most satisfying stationary weapon to use is the QF 1 AA

prove me wrong

Why did they sneak in aim assist for controllers on PC?

AA gun just looks weird when you turn the gun, your hand swivels the turning valve thing like a madman and it breaks the immersion immediately

Its the best way to piss off the people that camp for planes all game though, I do whatever I can to make flyboi faggots feel the rage

Bombers can be taken down with the Rocket gun, Field gun, basically any cannon and they are such big slow targets its like free XP flying above the map

pic related is god tier weapon

>Rifle grenade over syringe

Please kill yourself.

Interestingly enough, the A7V was actually faster than the British Marks.

My current favourite thing to do is picking the trench hunter tiny plane and hunting bombers with it. You drop that hail of steel bolts that straight up instakills in and anone inside if you hit it reasonably well. It's fun as fuck

Kill it and drift around with based pic related

What wrong with support, they are pretty Based

This 50000%

When hardcore comes out I'm gonna have a field day on all my stupid fucking team mates

If see a medic run past bodies to shoot his little fucking turd launcher I'm going to hunt him for the rest of the game

Medics are the cancer of this god damn game, right next to
>Model 10-A Hunter users
>back of the map snipers
>Supports without Ammo crates

Well Bad Company fags are pretty much the reason why Battlefield is trash to begin with. It's the pandering to consoles that ruined the franchise. I don't think BC fags are worth listening to.

Support is fine, it's just that assault is fucking ridiculous. And their primaries just aren't as good.

AA gun requires no skill. Any retard can mount one and clear the skies. At least make it so you manually set the airburst alt. to involve a little skill, like setting range on sniper scope

This starts playing.



Spot his ass for everyone to see and ram

Planes shouldn't be allowed to fly unmolested the entire round. The days of Helibabbys going 70-0 for an entire round are over.

to be honestly it's this shitty game design fault
>let's give good mid/long range rifle and granade launcher to medic
>I wonder why people don't play medic with healing gear

The game's pretty fucking fun familia

What went right? The guns feel amazing

>2:50 starts playing

>It's a "medic stands on top of your corpse but doesn't revive you" episode

So is that M1906 selbstlade just useless?

No idea what Dice was thinking making that the fucking level 10 weapon for the Medic.

I hope it at least gets a huge damage increase or something in a balance patch.

>Flying through the fog, dropping bombs and getting chased by other fighters
Best feeling

This guy smacks your tank's ass from sniper range

What do you do?

I hope you're done having fun mate because it stops now.

>Disables a fucking vehicle in one charge.

pour salt on it

>Playing scout
>It's a fog round

A near instant kill is hardly molesting.

If they're going to give it that much damage it shouldn't knock the camera around so it's impossible to dodge.

>mfw firing that rifle

The Limpet mine is one of my favorite gadgets.

It fucking terrifies tankers when it goes off.

Demolishes entire buildings.

Blows open both armored doors in bunkers.

>not playing offensive, bumrushing scout

What loadout? I only just started the other day, so I don't go no guns yet

not when this guy has his say.
by the way where is my young adolf player skin?

>Blows open both armored doors in bunkers.
Thanks user, I didn't know that

Infantry counters AA mounts

Planes shouldn't be killing AA mounts on their own.

>destruction Is ass
>Impossible to win in operations as attacker

I hope they fix this

This shit the one reason I even bother with support. I fear supports more than any faggot assault when I'm playing tankbabby.

Any non scoped rifle that's not the springfield + spotting flares really. You're going to be really reliant on that pistol, though.

>destruction Is ass
Destruction is the best since BC2

>Impossible to win in operations as attacker

Agreed, I just accept defeat and try to get as much points as possible when attacking on Operations.

>all the Scouts for Germany are black


>Fucking bunker chokepoints on operations

The mortars really good too

Shit's way too easy to aim

>tfw you can't customize player skins to make all your classes black

>Gas Grenade and Shotgun loadout

Mortar needs to lose the UAV vision as it follows the round it. You don't need people to spot to fucking gang rape the points on Operations.

>mfw tossing gas in there

Been absolutely killing it with the madsen storm lately but I kinda want to try out the trench variation since I get a lot of kills with hipfire and it'd be better at that, anyone use it? Is it good? Is it worth my 200 warshekels?

>Finally take the bunker
>Blimp falls through the ceiling and kills us all
>they take it right back

meh i dunno, its great at times but it fucks me off when im railing the corner of a building with the tank shell and fuck all is happening. meanwhile sinbad and his paki friends are all throwing health packs at eachother

>200 warshekels
Do it, Those warshekles are in abundance

Which operations is best?

>mfw tossing billions of anti tank grenades in there
>mfw tossing dynamite in there

>Those warshekles are in abundance
Fucking how. I started the other day, but I feel poor as fuck

Planes need a lot of room to maneuver.

Lots of bombing runs will force you over to the next secure enemy point while your army is still hundreds of meters back, with nothing the threaten the AA.

Shell bursts shouldn't be automated, f you want to hit a plane across the map you should have to earn it.

whats the difference between the weapon variations anyway?

I don't know whether to buy the Storm or Trench or whatever other variation of guns are

You'll get more when you rank up. I'm around level 20 and have almost everything unlocked

They tell you right there, m8

These planes are fucking plywood and canvas. Those AA mounts are 37mm Pom Poms. A single direct hit should disable or kill the planes. Would you rather have that versus shell bursts?

Guess i just stuck with one gun while i levelled up.

The automatico storm gun for Assault gives you better ADS control. its amazing. trench for hip fire

Those tanks are now insanely strong, unless the enemy team actually pulls their heads out of their arsed and do a collective effort against them. It practically requires multiple assaults working at the same time to destroy them, one guy just can't do enough damage.

>tfw I as a medic heal everyone I see and that I can revive and heal
Pls no bully medics. We aren't all bad

Storm has better recoil control so you can fire for longer without accuracy issues

Trench increases hipfire

Experimental usually means the weapon has had a significant change.

Hunter for shotgun means the pellets do more damage at range. Sweeper gives the shotgun more pellets per shell.

The rest are self explanatory.

Martini-Henry is the most satisfying weapon in the game. Prove me wrong.

>MFW theres mortars bombarding, Tanks rolling, Sniper shots whizzin, and Support gunfire on the last point you have to take when this is playing.

it is fucking chaos those last few moments in a game.

>multiple assaults
>mfw solo'ing tanks all the time