>Adult games - Piss easy, checkpoints around every corner, no bosses
>Kiddy games - Hard as balls, one death = go back to the start, boss that fuck you raw
Explain this to me again.
>Adult games - Piss easy, checkpoints around every corner, no bosses
>Kiddy games - Hard as balls, one death = go back to the start, boss that fuck you raw
Explain this to me again.
Adult games are ment to sell for a quick buck and leave the general audience wanting more
Kids games are made to get kids to shut up for long periods of time
adults have less free time to play games in than kids do. the end.
"adults" can't be assed investing bigger amounts of time so they tend to give up if the game doesn't literally play itself.
>literally 240p
Nintendrones will defend this
I have like 8 hours of uni per week compared to the 45 hours of highschool
A good game is a good game, retard. You didn't complain when the SNES and Genesis had 240p/480i.
Besides, we're getting a possibly 720p handheld/1080p console right around the corner.
>kiddy games
>super pmd
Fuck that ending, I nearly cried
"adult games" are just moviegame faggotry for assholes who dont even like videogames made by assholes who dont even like videogames.
Isn't that going to kill games like PMD which can't afford to put 95% of their budget towards making the graphics look nice?
With no other responsibilities? You aren't an adult
just render the images at higher resolutions.
pokemon models in XY were made ridiculously detailed so that they could be used in future titles/generations.
>that thumbnail
Why are mystery dungeon games so sad?
Well I've had to take care of myself for the past 12 years. Getting sick is a bitch.
>I go to not high school
>I'm an adult!
you are still a child
I doubt people are going to pay full price for a game that looks like this even if it's less pixelated
Nintendo keeps citing PMD as successful in their investor's meetings. I'm sure they'll be fine.
240 pence is a good deal for a game. I don't know what your problem is.
lol you're literally a child.
wait until you start actually working when you're in your 20 onward, your life is fucking over. You're lucky if you actually get to see your mates now and then.
Forgot pic.
Read an interview with the writer, he suggests that most stories today focus too much on complexity and depth. He thinks that basic stories are the most powerful, the ones that appeal to raw emotion.
That's why PMD is unique
240p in 2016 is not ok
I still play SNES games in 2016.
Again, good games are good game. Why are you being a graphics fag?
Oddly enough the worst games in recent years have had great graphics and best games have been lacking.
You're not going to tell me Fallout 4 was better than Monster Hunter 4U, right?
>mostly prefer to play with just each oth-
fallout 4 hits that perfect sweet spot where it both looks and plays like ass.
a true bethesda masterpiece.
>Playing Neptunia
>Go through a dungeon fighting a lot of mobs without using too much potions and mana
>Boss at the end is pushing my shit in
>After like 20 minutes manage to beat him, exhausting almost all of my potions
>Finally now I can save an-
>Lol nope another boss fight immediately after, no saving
>Die and lose all my progress
>Don't feel like playing anymore that day
It shouldnt be full price anyways.
Games like that could always be priced at 3DS level.
Many WiiU games sold for much less than your average retail game.
I literally just finished Super Mystery Dungeon and I have no idea why people find it harder than the DS games or even hard at all.
Aside the Salamence fight maybe since it's very early in the game, which I beat anyway at the first try, the game is pretty damn easy. It costantly throws you a fuckton of good items (seeds, spheres, even sticks now), on top of that there's those gem things that boost your pokémon even more, to not talk about how oran berries this time around increase your max HP, or how the game holds you hand for half of the game by pairing you up with obligatory highly levelled pokémon.
Also the main story dungeons don't even have many floors compared to the past entries, so it's not even hard regarding the player's patience or item managing to not starve in-dungeon.
I could go on listing features that turn this game easy for another good couple of minutes.
>But don't use that stuff!
If you go out of the way to remove that you still don't have a hard game, but a tedious one since 99% of the time the fights don't have strategy involved at all, due to how the fights work in this game.
It's still was a fun game don't get me wrong, the story was pretty nice and overall the game felt good.
But it wasn't hard, I bet you're the same chucklefuck who says old pokémon games are hard just because you could barely read when you played them as a kid so you'd use a fucking Growlithe against that one Miltank.
fallout 4 has shit graphics though
>Complaining while also making excuses for cheating while
What's the point of this post? Not cheating makes the game challenging, which is the point of a game.
The conversation wasn't talking about raw graphics, it was talking about >240p. Surely, if Fallout 4 is running 1080p on consoles and even higher on PC, then it MUST be a good game with good graphics by that alone.
games RELEASED in 240p in 2016 aren't not ok.
learn to read.
it was, in every single way.
>trash like Monster Hunter
>ever being good
lmao, FO4 was meh but still miles and MILES better.
It's OK, they're brother and sister after all
You mean the Nintendo Switch.
My work is 20 hours a week for 2500 yuros a month. I play all the vidya I want.
20 hours a week is fuck all, thats why you do.
kys faggot
Adults don't have as much time or desire to spend hours on a single encounter until they get it right.
Maybe those adults shouldn't play videogames, then. And maybe they should just kill their cellbrains watching TV.
post pay stub or lies
also just in case
Teacher in a non-governmental school in France.
retards will always judge a game's maturity by its aesthetic themes and "plot" (usually tacked-on, linear narratives masquerading as choices that the player makes) instead of things like gameplay and player-driven interaction
WAHOO *bing bing* 1-up!
Exactly, what happen to the time when people played games because they were fun. When I play games it's because it's fun. Not of stupid specs and powerful HD. It's the game itself thats the point. Why can't we just go back to just playing for fun?
You are a manchild
Read after ">But don't use that stuff!"
I wrote it just for morons like you since I knew that for people like you guys using the resources you find in the game is cheating for some reason. I hope you play with no hands but just your dick, because using your hands is cheating too, too easy to control the game that way.
It really depends on the job, especially those that don't require more work from home.
We are though. In case you haven't noticed, only normies "play" "games" for specs/grafics and they outnumber us 1000 to 1.
You're an idiot. Who benefits from you abusing oversights if all it does is make you enjoy the game less?
That's just poor design
More like
>Casual Western Garbage - Piss easy, checkpoints around every corner, no bosses
>Glorious japanese roguelike - Hard as balls, one death = go back to the start, boss that fuck you raw
If a game sends me back 30 minutes, expects me to start again from the beginning with a proper build or my save file gets corrupted, I simply uninstall it without a second thought. Kids accept it and try again, without questioning shitty game design decisions.
>implying western roguelikes aren't better
That's what happens when you fuck up. Setbacks.
Adults are already getting fucked raw with no continues.
This. After working 40+ hours at a shitty job and than coming home to deal with wife/gf/kids, most adults don't want to spend their 1-2 me hours a night replaying the same bit over and over to get it right.
Not saying games need to be piss easy, but I have no patience for obvious time wasting filler grind or artifical difficulty anymore.
I think I managed to beat this one on my first go but I haven't touched the game again in a while. Time to grab my 3ds.
Nah, Nintendo or TPCI is going to back them up those games sells a lot
The 3D effect makes it look clearer for some reason, I promise
Kids have too much spare time. Adults (read: working adults, don't pretend you're a real person just because you're in college/uni) have to spread their time over work, family, relationships, hobbies and sleep. It's not feasible to regularly do an 8-hour gaming session as an adult unless you're some rich motherfucker with plenty of money and plenty of time, in which case you are in the minority when it comes to the audience of video games.
>Pikachu's stance
Its pretty easy and gets even easier post-game for the most part with s few exceptions. I got Turtwig/Charmander so after the main story it was just earthquake/heat wave for days
i still prefer difficult games, even with less time to play
>only wage slaves are people
o I am laffin
Get a better job loser
Its wrong though. Working hours require less time than school days, since you need less sleep and don't even have homeworks.
SMD is brutal because you have to rely on items more than previous games.
>tfw you're halfway through the dungeon and don't have good gems for your looplet
I miss the hunger mechanic, made it so you had to keep a timely pace within the dungeon, or pack apples to extend your journey.
Nowadays, you can just sit in one spot forever with no penalty.
Ugh difficulty and boss fights are just too gamey for me :/
>Type Bulldozer
>Petrify Power
>Room clearing move
Lugia did not stand anything resembling a chance
Still the best Mystery Dungeon, and the best Pokemon.
>type bulldozer
I made a mistake by putting that on Swampert with Earthquake. Killed me and my other buddy with levitate. I think the same thing happened with alliance too.
>kid games
No time restraints or distractions occur in your adolescent life. Enjoy is this waste of time.
>adult games
Game is designed around your fulfilling successful life. Enjoy this concentrated experience as your life allows it.
>manchild games
waaah waaah why cant i play this game for 8 hours the tree roots are doesnt look good zoomed in
You're exploring dungeons when this stud walks up to your partner and Razor Winds her ass.
What do?
I'd rather get what they advertise than them promising me certain resolutions and not delivering.
Everyone's done that mistake. You know it's a hardcore game when your OHKO-machine has fucking friendly fire.
>Using the mechanics and items the game gives you and explains how to use is ""oversights""
Oh fuck I used a potion to heal, hax
Oh fuck I read an exploit online on how to get 99 HP Up, better use them
Super has a hunger mechanic though? It even penalizes you harshly for eating apples since they're your only source of income for most of the game.
>Waaah life is so hard
Are you getting your ass kicked? No? Guess it's better than highschool then.