What are some good vidya related sub-reddits?

what are some good vidya related sub-reddits?

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that game deals one is nice. I don't bother with the rest of the site because it looks like shit and they act weird.

>discussing reddit on Sup Forums



/r/games is pretty good.
/r/gaming is as bad as Sup Forums, just full of memes and baiting for replies

/r/ gaming is fine



/r/skyrim is absolutely terrible, just outdated image macros, screencaps of the same shit, and pictures of real life objects with no relevance to Skyrim.
/r/truestl is where it's at.


r/Games is better than this shithole can ever hope to be.

>Hey guys! look at this thing I did! (boy I'm getting some upvotes out of this for sure!)
>Wow so cool!
>ikr? it is cool really cool, here's a sick reference
>Oh snap bro!? Is that a reference I see?
>Sure is buddy heh heh, oh wait, I'm not even done yet, here's another totally tubular reference
No thank you


>reddit thread on Sup Forums

Absolute madman



that's r/gaming, not r/Games

but thanks for letting me laugh at your ignorance.

I sure do love mods that are extremely inconsistent with their already overly strict rules, a userbase that is obsessed with getting angry over nothing, and a "no fun allowed" bland community

r/games doesn't allow memes or low effort comments and is a way better place for discussing video game news than this fucking cesspool could ever hope to be

>redditor who found about Sup Forums through 4/chan trying desperately to be accepted #28934057089247230490

Go try to be le ebin contrarian special snowflake back at reddit where you belong.

You're talking about the video games community as a whole.

ironically pretending to be a plebbitor will attract actual plebbitors here
please stop

Every time I'm bored at work and find myself browsing reddit I cringe so fucking hard at the comments.

You can literally harvest thousands of upvotes by using a handful of copypasted quotes from famous persons that make you sound enlightened and brilliant.


That's nice, now fuck off back there.


Huh these are real.


Implying hiroshimoot isn't going to cause a grand exodus

Nice 5 but have you seen this 8?

/r/truestl is the only good one

With Sup Forums dying I too would like to know. Also I'd like to get some quick and dirty guide to using Redidt without cringing my way to a whiplash.

How can you fuck up that bad?

These new god awful ads are really pushing it. Makes me want to avoid browsing on my phone.



reddit has it all
there was/is a subreddit about beating women, but admins constantly delete it, so they have to change numbers

Are they malicious?

>Makes me want to avoid browsing on my phone.

They found a solution to stop the mobileposting cancer. BRILLIANT

/r/dota2 is basically the entirety of /vg/s /d2g/


/r/nintendo is okay-ish, I mean there is some mindless corporate dicksucking from time to time but Sup Forums does basically the same thing

They are so large they take up the full screen until you scroll past them and they are shit like "She went from zilch to a million in 6 steps"

>pronounced pay pay

how is it even possible for somebody to have taste this bad

The ones that are a giant circlejerk echo chamber


>taking the piss of that shithole /r9k/
was I supposed to get mad or something?

>look at this anime pic
>lol fuck sony
>lol fuck microsoft
>lol fuck nintendo
>lol fuck pc
>fuck i hate sjws
>guys this isn't a shill thread buy my game pls

this is Sup Forums

OP, check out r/cynicalbritofficial. That's where to look if you want to find some smart, rational consumers such as yourself (I'm sure!)

>Makes me want to avoid browsing on my phone.
Working as intended

I miss r/neverbegameover.

Sup Forums

Why does every single reddit post include "my girlfriend" or "my wife" or "my children"?
It makes it hard for me to fit in and feel like I belong.

r/kotakuinaction if you want the truth about games """"""journalism"""""""

Something about linking meme images just doesn't seem right.



Funny how I actually didn't know what the hell Reddit was until I came to Sup Forums and saw everyone using it as a boogeyman for everything they didn't like. Now I actually prefer it over this place by a long mile.

Once Sup Forums goes tits up I won't even miss it that much desu

Holy fuck this sounds a lot like Sup Forums.
I wonder if those people are Sup Forums regulars or if Sup Forums regulars are just /r/kotakuinaction regulars.


man, sonic the hedgehog 2 looks so much worse than i remembered it from my childhood

How to make Reddit not (as) shit:
>hide comment/post scores
>sort by most recent
I still can only stand the place specifically for games that no longer have a general on or have one but it's too circlejerky.

Parts of Reddit are not any different from Sup Forums nowadays

didnt you know?

our mods are ledditors

>literally Sup Forums - the post

master race

>hide comment/post scores
How do you do that?


I just use ublock's dropper function.

>tfw you'll probably have to move to reddit when Sup Forums dies

How do I fit in there?


Basically a news feed


I heard that was originally about pokemon go and it makes a lot of sense. For example, why would you be playing no man's sky around others?

Where's 8gag?
Where do you get your furry porn?

I don't get it..

>this is the average fucking Sup Forums user

>not visiting /r/check0


thats great, and what reddit is designed for. if anyone goes on reddit to have a discussion or interact with redditors, they should fucking kill themselves.


Kill me, Pete

>check out 8 chan
>full of illlegal porn, beta males and cucks



I hope you get hit by a bus head on

So like Sup Forums, except with more illegal porn and alphas.

i frequent r/fireemblem

>was I supposed to get mad

seems to be working.

/r/games isn't meant for "fun". It's for news.

It's actually not bad for looking at it once a day to instantly see all important game news.

I'm subbed to

>these people are right here right now
I mean it's Sup Forums, that doesn't really say much

Depends on the board, some are ultra progressive Sup Forums's worst nightmares, others are basically Sup Forums under a different name

The annoying thing about the whole website is that the community has a strong tendency of upvoting (=shit you'll be seeing on the front page) lots of horribly trivial feelgood crap like photo collections and "funny" memes. If you're willing to stomatch through that shit it can be a decent place for some genuine discussion.

>being a twigger
are you a google or something? post google hands with stamp or gtfo

wtf did you just say?

It's more of an echo chamber than Sup Forums. I would hesitate to call it alpha.

>I sure do love mods that are extremely inconsistent with their already overly strict rules, a userbase that is obsessed with getting angry over nothing, and a "no fun allowed" bland community

did you intend for that to perfectly describe Sup Forums or is it just a sad coincidence?