>finally decide to buy this after hearing so many people say its great
>get 5 minutes in
>see that it has baby ass batman/assassins creed gameplay
>fuck off.png
>check online to see if the story makes suffering through the gameplay worth it
> its just some shitty mix mash of other fantasy stories
>refund it
I honestly have no idea why so many people sucked this games cock
Finally decide to buy this after hearing so many people say its great
cool story senpai
>get 5 minutes in
>I honestly have no idea why so many people sucked this games cock
solid bait/10
its an exaggeration dumbass. i played for 45 minutes
>>finally decide to buy the third game in a 3 part series after hearing so many people say its great
What to know how I can tell you are an idiot?
>"What to know how I can tell you are an idiot"
The only idiot here is you
If I wanted another story about massive disappointments I'd ask your parents about you
Not op but why the fuck would I get the worst games first. Instead of playing the "better" one. To entice me To play the worse ones after I finish the one I got. I wanna see how good it became. if the options there id go that route and enjoy the games. Star war movie chronology
Style* fuck
I agree that there are problems with the game, but the way you describe your dislike calls in to question your intelligence and quality of taste.
So yeah, you probably shouldn't play it. Just keep parroting your opinions from Sup Forums shitposters who haven't played the game.
Witcher 1 is the best in the series.
Gameplay wasn't anything like batman/ass cred
The other 2 games didn't come out to real gaming platforms retard.
You right. It's actually worst.
You're right, it has a second dodge button and broken hit boxes, this alone makes it 10x less enjoyable than bamham combat.
It's easily better.
I've played all three games so you can't trick me.
Batman gameplay is just utter shit, might as well be pure QTE.
Assassins Creed's combat is far and few in between and you spend most of your game climbing, running and occasionally cradling your assassination target in your arms all inside a controlled zone that scolds you if you stray too far away.
Witcher 3 has 0 QTE, three times the utility than either of the previous games and generally less forgiving.
Fromshills still butthurt it seems
Hitboxes aren't broken. They literally aren't. There is no situation where a monster who shouldn't have hit me does.
You don't have to do this thread daily you know.
I'm just praying this is just bait and not a literal retard posting about getting mad at a game after playing it 5 minutes, then getting so mad he complains about it on Sup Forums.
>Finally decide to build gaming PC
>Tfw it was legit bullshit lies
>Cascade shadows ruined modern games worth playing
>GTA V, Witcher 3, Fallout 4, every AAA game has horrible cascade shadow technology
>Shadows rendering 3 to 7 feet in front of you
>Witcher 3 has shimmering in certain times of day
>Have to manually fix cascade shadow rendering distance and shadow resolution quality through ini for non-console rendering
>Hairworks absolutely tanks fps
>Doesn't even look good on Geralt, only on monsters
Got lied to and made to upgrade for no reason. If I knew all AAA games couldn't handle rendering cascade shadows without it streaming right in front of my fucking eyes I'd have stuck with my GTS 450 and old as fuck games.
>Polish Defense Force in action
Holy shit
>have the oportunity to play one of THE games of this generation
>have a stick so far up your ass you can only see what you want to see while playing
>spoil yourself on the story which is one of the driving factors of the game
>render game unplayable forever for you
No user, you are the cancer, you dont like games, let alone good games, and you never will. It is time you stopped posting and left this place.
are you saying you watched the star wars films out of order? Is that meant to back your point up?
>5 minutes in
The intro is longer than 5 minutes
Op is an autist
I hate the rpg elements in it.. Like the start is good but when the world opens up it just shits it self.. Run for 20 mins encounter peasant at lvl 5.. Run for 20 minutes more spot exactely same looking peasants but only 20 levels higher.. Theyr almost impossible to kill
star wars is a poor example because 4>5>6>1>2>3>7>8>9
I feel like action rpg doesent mesh very good with rpg like level systems..
I'm saying they came out not in order. As in 4 5 6 or whatever go in front of 1 2 and 3. Like how they tried to make a prequel to borderlands after it came out. You already know what's gonna happen if you played the other 2. Imagine starting with the pre-sequel seeing Jack all trying to be a hero then going to 2 seeing why hes like that.