Is this /ourMMO/?

Is this /ourMMO/?

>no quests, grinding or levels
>95% PVP 5% PVE
>no campaign is permanent
>varying maps, rulesets, difficulty, duration and victory conditions in each campaign world - attracting casuals and hardcores
>item durability is a thing
>crafters in high demand during campaigns
>crafting is not a secondary activity
>no dungeons/raids; meaning no dumb mob drops from RNG
>emphasis on social interaction
>tactical squads can beat zerging armies
>class system saves a lot of money and is very interesting
>SWG-tier crafting
>no P2W
>no NDA
>creative dir of Shadowbane
>producer of SWG and UO
>both know why MMOs are shit today

Why aren't we hyping this game up?

Becausw something that ambitios made by such a small company with a tiny budget will either not be released or fail to deliver The product

Everyone promises you the world... It's not gonna work

I'm huge into pvp in mmo's and that's basically all I focus on in them but this game honestly looks straight trash can.

>Why aren't we hyping this game up?
I'm more interested in who funded it, aren't MMO's dead now?

In a certain sense yes they are, but still a really profitable market if executed just above mediocre.

>"le our game"
fuck off shill

>game was estimated to be done by winter 2016
>they are still selling pre-alpha access on their site

Looks like another star citizen to me

>95% PVP 5% PVE
What the fuck does this even mean? How do you achieve this metric?


No fucking thanks.

Spawn 1 mob for every 19 player and let them fight for it.

Most of the same shit was said of Darkfall and look how that turned out.

EQ style leveling was the only fun part of MMO's, and we're never getting a game like that again.

Rust and DayZ have shown how people treat massive open world pvp battlegrounds

Its not my cup of tea

>purposefully left out action combat because he knows it's the nail in the coffin for this shit game

>no quests, grinding or levels
>95% PVP 5% PVE
Sounds like absolute shit


>no dungeons/raids; meaning no dumb mob drops from RNG

Don't let this fool you, BDO has no dungeons or raids and focuses entirely on rng drops.

wow an MMO which promises to be different than all the others ?

We didn't have that before

No mans sky Flashbacks

>5% PvE

What's the fucking point?

Go play a fighting game if you want PvP you fucking dumbass.

why do people keep jizzing themselves over MUH PVP then abandon every game after 2 weeks?

There's a reason every MMO like this has failed. No one aside from a very vocal minority actually wants it, yet the devs keep buying into their memes.

Can't wait to see this shit crash and burn and then watch people like OP crying in WoW threads how MMOs suck because they don't pander him alone.

>95% PVP 5% PVE

let me sum how this game will work:
-pick the OP class
-fight against someone who blew up money
-only people who blow money stay on the game
-most of them will be fed up by paying, net not winning
-most of them leave
-servers close down

A few things might happen
a) It promises everything but delivers nothing

b) It promises everything, delivers it but not how you expected so it's still fucking shit

c) It promises everything, delivers it but it gets corrupted very fast because the developers are greedy/lazy peaces of shit and have to ruin everything for everyone

d) It's perfect, the planets aligned, you drowned your own parents in the blood of 72 virgins and built great pyres to appease Beelzebub but now he has your soul so you can't enjoy it

Basically, with MMOs you can't win

>no quests or levels
>95% PVP, 5% PVE


I'm sure it'll go as well as BDO, Archeage and all those other failed MMOs that were "going to be different".

More than half the shit on that list will be dropped once investors/publishers step in and force the devs to pussy out in order to play it safe.

>its de publishers fault!!!!!

Why is it that no MMO has actually tried to simulate a world or done anything to innovate the PVE frontier of said games?

All the new MMOs go the WoW route of do two thousands quests to reach level cap and then raid twice a week.

Even the games with a few cool features like ToS go and shoot themselves in the foot with the mindnumbing questing shit not to mention ToS was broken as shit and I want to kill myself before I'd play another one of those.

With BDO we knew what was going to happen, the publisher is owned by the developer in this case. The developers knew fair and well what the fuck they were doing in this case, To sum it up they don't give a shit.

>no quests, grinding, levels

devs are using this lie still?

The game was fun, but the bots ruining the economy was a huge problem. Was really intense sailing the ocean and being chased by a band of pirates. I played the first month, then quit when I saw prices rising by x10 in 2 days, and publisher/dev not giving a flying fuck about bots or that Quetzalcoatl guy who was using a hack do take every available plot of land.

If they banned bots and hacks, fixed that one archer class being retardedly OP, removed the p2w and somehow dealt with disgusting player made ghettos it would have been a great game. I'd be satisfied with trading, fishing, socializing and world pvp.

>main selling point was the lack of p2w trash features
>every aspect of the game became p2w even for the casual play


Can't we just get a FF11 clone? Holy shit.

You'll get the nexon reboot and you'll like it

No, no I won't. You can't make me.

>Expecting anything from MMO market when they can't even get Ragnarok 2, Ragnarok 1 clone or Maplestory 2 right
When market is overfilled with wowkillers that are badly done wow clones that somehow manage to be even worse than wow you know that you shouldn't get your hopes up.

>nexon reboot of ff11

>No PvE
>No fighting Giant Monsters
>Just sitting around ganking morons

Im a huge shadowbane fan. But this game is a total disaster compared to shadowbane.
Im fucking dissapointent. I backed it up 3? years ago, but quickly retrieved my money when they revelead their literally MMOBA plans.
People still dont know what the fuck this game is going to be.


That made me mad since day fucking 1. And it literally shows with its clunky animations and eyecancering graphics.

Nexon is remaking the game up through CoP for smartphones

We don't really know much about it even though it was supposed to come it this year. They said it will be the type of game you can realistically play like a smartphone game (ie not 10 hours a day 7 days a week)

I jest OP, but there's a very low possibility that they're doing nothing. From all the revenue they're getting from the p2w stuff, I think they'll be keeping track with what they're doing for a while.

I just noticed that image says conclution

So they're going to jew the fuck out of it and ruin all the fun it used to have?

>no PVE content
>crafting is a requirement

>not playing it and joining the /d/ legion
>not serving your superiors under their desk

>You can't gain anymore Zeny, EXP, or item drops because you're out of energy! Click here to recharge your energy!

I really want it to be good.

But it's been some 3 years and it still looks like absolute garbage.

There is no way in hell they have the expertise to write even passably acceptable netcode.

People want it, you snivelling little retard, yet devs sadly continue to produce the same bland, ugly shit.

When a good PvP game is released, it will take off.

stamina/energy/fuel systems are bullshit, but at least the way you're implying it works you'd still be able to play when you run out.

hahaha keep dreaming fucknugget

Yeah if you pay a small total of 5.99 per hour. kek

>Why aren't we hyping this game up?

Because hyping things in general is fucking cancer. Fuck off