My older brother got me pic related for my birthday and I must say that it was better than I expected it.

>amazing AI - one of it's crowning moments was when a small group split up to look for me, but when one of them found me the goal wasn't to kill me ASAP, but to tell his teammates of my position so they could all gang-rape me
>surprisingly good atmosphere/scares - for someone who hasn't played this game before, I find myself surprisingly unnerved when there are no enemies around, after every encounter I feel I've killed my only company
>level design - the pieces are a little samey, but the way those pieces are put together make for a rather cool level design with tons of tactical play, though it does seem to favor the AI more than the player

>the entire game has 10 textures total - and we're gonna' fucking make them last
>3-weapon-limit - for what purpose? I thought these older shooters hated this concept
>story - I am only 50% through the first game but I really don't understand much so far, why is my protag having all these hellish visions for one?

Should I move on to the sequels when I'm done with F1, or should I try the expansions that came with the platinum pack?

Fear thread.

The first FEAR is the best one, FEAR 2 is good but not as good as the first, FEAR 3 is garbage, the expansion are worth a play and more action oriented (as far as I recall),

Firstly, it is clear that your brother is a man of refined taste and you should do all in your power aquire the same taste i shooters.

Secondly you must be quite underage to not know that Fear 2 was a huge step down and 3 was downright garbage.

Play the original, then Extraction Point then Perseus Mandate. Consider that canon.

Then, if you really must, play 2 but think of it as a side thing. Avoid 3 like the plague.

The story is dumb, so there's no reason to care about the sequels unless they have better gameplay, and they don't. Play the expansions because you already own them. The sequels aren't worth buying unless they're very cheap.

I like FEAR 2

Honestly, kinda' this. The only good parts of the story are told in the first game, and even then "good" is probably being a little charitable.

The atmosphere is great though, so at least the game has that going for it.

Thanks you guys this is good advice!

Really? What do you like about it?

I miss these guys.

I would hang out with both you and your brother. That said, don't bother with the sequels, just play both of FEAR's expansions and that's it. FEAR2 feels like a generic shooter with jumpscares and F3AR is just horrible.

The weapon limit thing, it's because FEAR isn't all that old. It actually came out during the time FPS games were heading into the whole 2-3 weapon limit concept. The story will develop more as you go on and you'll understand what the fuck is going on. Also there are things in the environment that you can use like phone messages and emails to access some backstory too.

Notice how you don't see the original developer or publisher on this cover OP? Let that be indication enough.

>replacing the E with 3

When will this meme end?

Id really like another game like FEAR but, this industry will just keep pumping out the same old shit year after year.

No man skys(big Flop)
Evolve(big flop))

Alright, I think based on this and what others ITT have said I'll avoid the sequels unless I have a dire itch for more FEAR after the two expansions.

I didn't even realize before now how new this game actually is. Was FEAR 1 well-received when it came out?

I'd hang out with you too!

not that guy but i liked FEAR 2 ending

>a small group split up to look for me, but when one of them found me the goal wasn't to kill me ASAP, but to tell his teammates of my position so they could all gang-rape me
It's all literally smoke and mirrors.

The horror + action FPS wasn't really commonly-walked ground back in the day. Pluss FEAR had a few really signature elements, like the spoopy set pieces and the stupidly well-coded AI that would rape your eye-sockets if you let them. Shooters aren't made with that kind of love anymore.

3 is not itself a bad game but its a horrible FEAR game

>3-weapon-limit - for what purpose?
Probably to drive a point home.
When you get cool weapon, use it because not far away an even cooler one lies and waits for you.

AI in every game is smoke and mirrors, user. What do you want them to do, create a conscience AI?

Maybe, but it felt real, which is more than what you can say about homing-sniper-#239823-that-can-spot-you-through-walls in COD.

If you notice when groups of enemies arrive to the scene in FEAR, one will have point, aiming forwards, the others will follow behind him scouting out to the side, as to get maximum visual coverage.

It might be small things but it show that someone worked hard on it.

>these older shooters
nigga what ? FEAR isnt part of 'them'
You can try the others, FEAR2 is ok-ish and 3 isnt worth the time.
also, thanks your brother

FEAR is the only game series to have AI that notices flashlights

Not really. FEAR came out at a time when gameplay features in a game took the furthest back seat in the aspects considered in reviews. As such, the good parts of the game were all given a meh while the bad parts like the bland environments and the story had the spotlight shown on them. It was widely regarded as an average shooter by most places but user reviews had always been great for it. It's still a bummer that there's nothing quite like FEAR's gunplay in any other FPS with better aesthetics and setting. I remember Extraction Point was better received than the main game I think due to it being a lot more concentrated on shootouts than trekking through bland offices and warehouses.

Thread made me want to reinstall.

>game supports modern resolutions all the way up to 4k
>game works in 144 fps

Ahead of its time.

He's clearly underage, user. Just be glad his brother had sense enough to recommend him something that isn't BF or CoD.


Not to mention that the AI will listen for you. If they hear you coming running they will move back to their best fortifies position and wait for your goofy ass.

A question comes to mind: why do resolution caps even exist? I understand frame rate caps exist at times due to physics or animation being tied to a specific limit, but what's the purpose of resolution caps? To anger and frustrate people in the future?

There are games where AI squad members do communicate. In FEAR, they just mostly move from one cover anchor to another. Te anchors are just placed intelligently. It's a fun game, and the system works, but it isn't complex.

I don't know, doesn't make shit for sense to me either.

Maybe it's so that retards won't push their hardware further than it can go or something?`

On an unrelated topic, I even have an old save-file for this game.

so is there any game with a similar feel or gameplay to fear?, anything remotely similar would work, i even liked f3ar

It has something to do with the way games scale 3D models and that some older engines are literally not capable of scaling them beyond certain points. Which is all resolution really is, scaling.

It's an interesting question though, and I wish I could tell you more about it, but I don't really understand it myself. All I know is that there IS a reason for it.

Post favorite weapons, nevermind I just posted it for you.

The resolution support was patched in the original game, IIRC. You have to edit an .ini file for Extraction Point to get widescreen.

Presumably just software limitations combined with not expecting it to really matter. Most modern games just ask your drivers for all your supported resolutions now, I think.

Well Dead Space is a shooter-horror, I guess? Dead Space however lacks the first-person camera, the tight as fuck gunplay, and the amazing AI.

On the pro side, it has more than a dozen textures so it looks a little better than FEAR.

You know, as I type this out I realize that I can't really recommend it, no.

I never liked the shotty in Fear. It has nice damage, and a sexy sound but it just didn't LOOK the part, you know? I preferred the SMG.

>sniper accuracy when crouched
>tons of enemies used it so never ammo shortage
>great clip-size
>solid damage

It was my go-to weapon.

In terms of sheer fun-per-bullet I loved that giant fucking nail-gun that would nail enemies to walls by their heads and shit like that.

Man this was a fun game. Fuck, reinstalling.

>get penetrator
>only headshots
>crucify everyone by nailing them to whatever they're standing near
>turn them to pink mist
>grenade physics
>based spookiness
>jump scares are not cheesey, actually scare you
FEAR is my favourite game ever, also I would absolutely play the expansions

A few years ago I tried playing on the highest difficulty WITHOUT use of slomo.

Fuck that was a meaty challenge.

It's really easy, though? Lean is OP.

>jump scares are not cheesey, actually scare you

Some of them were okay, while some of them were downright terrific. I remember one where you were first introduced to the wall-climbing-invisible-melee enemies. The first time you see one it comes (with no warning) smashing down from a ceiling "riding" a dead body.

Remember emptying half my clip into a nearby wall before I managed to hit the slomo button.

I may be casual as shit, but I found it quite difficult.

I only played FEAR on PS3. And it was still fun.

i already played the dead space games and i loved them, even the third, thnx anyway.
Fear is a totally different beast, very underrated in my opinion, and i dont understand why there arenĀ“t more games like it.

>Love FEAR
>Really liked FEAR2
>Afraid to touch FEAR3 but still curious because it's hard to accept such great games can have such a bad sequel
>It's going to hurt like Dead Space

The first time you see assassin is actually the sewers level, it jumps in the water and runs away.

Maybe you just weren't patient enough. If you stick to cover, lean and don't rush too much, it shouldn't be hard.

Woaw, really? Fuck I don't remember that at all.

I just remember the shocking roof-entrance!

Have you played the expansions to the first game? Fun as fuck pham.

My first impression of FEAR was also "bland", the more I played though the more I liked it.
Its a game that allows you to wreck whole room then slide into group of enemies, shoot them in slow mo and scissor kick the last one.

Awesome ragdoll, enemies flying away will react to hitting walls and other things, as you headshoot guy in slowmo, his body will react to individual bullets.

Gore, enemies are decapitated, losing their limbs, getting ripped in half, turning into red mist, getting scorched, shit is awesome.

Whole shootouts are hectic, sparks, dust, pieces of walls, office shit flying everywhere.
Throw n8 in a room with enemies and go slowmo and you have a new wallpaper.

Nice effects, the game looked good and run rather well for ho good it looked.
you had reflection, I think chromatic aberration in slowmo, nice space distortion effects, bullets and bullet trails, whatever you destroyed rarely turned into dust, explosive barrels were torn apart, glass shattered, papers flew shredded.

AI not only smart but believable, jumpscares are rare, there are spooky moments but its never cheap jumpscares, its all part of the atmosphere of the place.

I also checked metacritic after writing all this but from the look of it reviewers gave FEAR rather high notes.

>stick to cover
>don't rush
Nigga you gay or something?
Thats exactly how you dont play this game, I used slowmo simply because I liked it but using n8s and circling the enemy provided me with some hectic shootouts in real time.
I think FEAR should be played like quake, constantly in motion, just go for headshoots and use grenades and stationary explosives and room layout to your advantage.

Take FEAR's shooting
Take Condemns Melee.
Make enemy AI crazy good
Make the game Gorey as fuck
Make game graphics stylistic instead of Muh realistic
Make the games environments destructible (not red fraction style but, The matrix lobby scene style.

There.....There you go game industry.

a new good game awaits... But, go ahead and make another generic cumstain

I was the same way except I finally did touch and finish FEAR3.

es no bueno

It's not super hard, but you'll get fucked really quick if you don't have armor and don't play like a bitch. You gotta do that mid-fight medkit spam.

I need to play more so I can make new webms

Do what this guy said . Play the expansions. Though non canon they're freakier than the main story imo.

FEAR 3 was done by a completely different team and it shows. The only thing I really dug was them trying to implement "randomized" scares, though I've only really seen evidence of it in the first level. Other than that I feel like the AI simply isn't the same and they lean too hard into enemies being supersoldiers with magic powers as opposed to the well trained, mostly-human, squads FEAR fans love.

In F3AR, Harlan Wade is a giant demon that's bullying Alma from the grave, and it's your ultimate goal to save her demon child, also - Beckett is locked in a glass box for most of the game, and is exploded by Paxton, so after a pretty promising future being Alma's sex slave/baby daddy, that's the best he gets

I beat this game less than an hour ago. It was my first playthrough and I loved it. The story was a little lacking since everything is really vague. What little story there is in this game is told through laptops and hallucinations. The AI was way ahead of its time.

Is condemned worth playing if I wasn't all that impressed with FEAR?

Thank you guys. I'm getting the expansions.
Do you know of some other good, slighlty aged shooters?

I would fucking buy 10 copies.

You forgot to actually make the levels shit that isn't just offices and corridors

Jesus, grenades in FEAR were so fucking fun. Like you did in the webm, you could use them to heard the enemy to the location you wanted.

Outdated xbox360 launch game but, if you never played it before get it when it goes cheap on sale.


Condemned is a LOT slower than Fear, and it's a lot more melee-focused. I enjoyed both, but Condemned is definitely the more atmospheric spook-game.

>I am only 50% through the first game but I really don't understand much so far, why is my protag having all these hellish visions for one?

Your protagonist/Pointman is Alma's son. You and Fettel share a sort of physic connection. He can control people's mind, you can control your perception of time to move faster while the world looks like its going slower

THat read lazer beam from expancions is godlike.

It's played as a spook, you just see something jumping in the water from rafters and running away. FEAR 1 scares are mostly primitive, but that one was very effective - you just see some weird movement and then you have no idea what was that but where it went.

>Thats exactly how you dont play this game
It's the most effective way to play it without slow-mo. You're going to have 10 medpacks pretty much all the time. Slow-mo is more fun, though. You can just kill entire squads with melee.

>"Something... something's got my leg!"

Fuck you might be right. I thiiink I remember that.

Time to fucking reinstall.

These things are so incredibly goofy, easy to deal with too. I still liked PM.

>mfw first time

I've just marathoned all the fear games including the expansions up to 3, I'm currently playing it and what the fuck did they do to the series. The only thing I can say good about it so far is that the sound design is excellent

>It's the most effective way to play it without slow-mo.
It's also boring.

>It's the most effective way to play it
yes but you effectively turn FEAR into a cover shooter, its a waste of gameplay time if you gonna play it in a no fun way.
This user has a good idea how to play it without slowmo.

If they make Fear 4 it should be just you playing as Paxton the whole time, shit would be fun

I love how that solider exploded into mist

Well, that's why I don't recommend playing FEAR without slow-mo to anyone.

Damage is really random on Extreme, Replicas can really fuck you up in a burst. Checkpoints are mostly reasonably paced, but even then there are stretches where I'd rather not die.

Wait the FEAR expansions are not-canon? Lame, I just got done with Extraction Point and thought it felt like a solid continuation

There's "two canon" timelines. So take it as you will

the main weakness of the game is the same-ness of the environment, but that's pretty much it

that and the games stopped being good after XP

>solid contribution
>Fettel is revived just because with no explanation
>is evil even though in 1 he doesn't want to hurt you because you're his brother and doesn't do anything wrong anyway

>equip shotgun
>activate slowmo and charge at two guys
>shoot first point blank in the head, decapitating him
>his body does a cartwheel and punts his still airborne severed head into the stratosphere
>shoot second guy in the chest, killing him
>corpse still has the finger on the trigger, his machinegun spraying bullets everywhere
>one of his stray rounds hits a red barrel I'm standing next to, killing me

Fuck. I miss shit like that

>not the G2A2

The expansions are called the "Vivendi Timeline".
As said. You can consider it it's own thing.

Shotgun in general is so fucking satisfying.

>Well, that's why I don't recommend playing FEAR without slow-mo to anyone.
It's not like it's that hard to play aggressively without it.

>even then there are stretches where I'd rather not die.
So, save?

Thats it, I am reinstalling first FEAR with expansions.
I mean seriously, where the fuck you seen gameplay like this that constantly kept the level without devolving into slobberfest or having enemies spawning behind you to spice things up.

>So, save?
I don't like quicksaving in games that have decent checkpoints system. FEAR does, so I never save in it. Much more fun to go through battles that way, but have to exercise caution in the larger battles.

Why does everything in fear have retarded recoil patterns, sometimes there's no kick and sometimes the gun is jumping everywhere


Huh. Interesting. I'll playthrough Perseus Mandate and see whats up. I did feel like the end of Extraction Point felt pretty apocalyptic.

So if FEAR 2 the continuation of the other timeline then?

I dunno if Alma can become a spooky psychic ghost I dont see why her son cant do the same.

The first expansion, Extraction Point, is well worth playing. It's more of the same.

Do NOT play Perseus Mandate. It's a horrible mess seemingly cobbled together by summer interns. It's so bad it may actually sour your experience of the base game.

FEAR2 is a consolized sequel. It works, nothing is broken, but it's a step down in both depth and difficulty.

F-THREE-AR is a generic FPS with none of the interesting qualities of the original game left. Not worth it.

How fucking old are you?
Also you didnt notice the best gunplay in an fps up to this day?

PM is really fun, though.

max settings vs min settings?

>So is FEAR 2 the continuation of the other timeline then?

Yep. FEAR 2 is the continuation of the "Monolith timeline", the officially recognized "canon" timeline that completely ignores the events that occurred in the Vivendi expansions.

Doesn't Fear 2 and XP have separate stories? Like, PM isn't really a plot point in 2

i think ur all nostalgiafaggots

>list story as a con because you don't understand it
>only 50% through the game

Come on user.

Neat, I might buy FEAR 2 and give it a whirl then

That being said, Fear 2 isn't very good. It's okay, but not a dime more.

All of that and Genevieve Aristide being completely absent pissed me off. The series' story may not have been anything special, but I hate how FEAR 3 fucked the whole thing up.

>watching jap melee-only playthrough on nicovideo that some user recommended in old FEAR thread
>these fucking video tags
>FPS = First Person Seagal
>Fighting Game
>The monster's perspective
>Highest difficulty level (for the enemy)

For 15 bucks "okay" sounds well, okay.

i pirated it on my ps3 so i can play it with my friends in our rehearsal room. Those framerates were unbearable, it felt like 20fps at most.

That sounds fun as fuck. Link?

>Le underage meme
Fuck off. It added nothing to your statement other than autism.