This is a fucking GOTY. Nothing better ever came out this year and nothing will, literally try to prove me wrong

This is a fucking GOTY. Nothing better ever came out this year and nothing will, literally try to prove me wrong.

Doom was pretty good too, but Rabi Ribi is my GOTY

I think Furi and Shiren were better. Forza Horizon 3 as well, possibly.

It's really held back by the level design imo, though it's still pretty great.

I was never into racing games, I wanted something like the new DOOM ever since Duke Nukem Forever dissapointed me.

>tfw the last two dook games have been shit and a blatant cashgrab
End my life

It is really unfortunate, Duke Nukem 3D was fucking amazing all around. At least Doom is here to stay, fuck yeah to that.

Skyrim Special Edition came out today and is better than Doom.

You got some pretty good taste, but Super Hot is amazing and you've underrated it severely


Not him, but SuperHot got boring really fast, where the fuck is the free DLC they promised anyway? The game was amazing, but it is also very empty, campaing is short and there are not much special modes, too little of guns, so on.

We need SuperHot 2 to expand upon the formula to give us something amazing. In its current state SuperHot feels very lacking.

Numale cuck: the game. Shows you how shit vidya has became. You should kill yourself for enjoying this piece of shit tbqh.

Doom is a 4/10 and that's just the campaign
The whole thing is full of fucking terrible ideas and poorly implemented half baked mechanics
started off reasonably strong then completely fell apart after the first couple of levels like they ran out of time and had to salvage the project or something
It does look nice though

I liked Shadow Warrior 2 better, sue me

Each game mechanic makes sense and is properly implemented into the game and has its place. The glory kills make sense so do the upradges. Each level is good, has plenty of secrets to find.

Low quality bait.

I hated Borederlands system they put in there, first Shadow Warrior was far better.

It may have been a port, but EDF should've been GOTY last year, and it should be GOTY this year

>The glory kills make sense
only on paper, on lower difficulties it's just pointless tedious flash and on nightmare it becomes a liability taking control from the player the whole point is to "keep the player in the action" and it fails on all points well maybe the focus group dumbfucks like it
>so do the upgradges
the upgrades are only there to give the weapons some function since they neutered most of the weapon lineup
>Each level is good, has plenty of secrets to find.
most of the levels are shit just layout wise they tried to make it simple but it's just not interesting at all the encounters are completely predictable and there is no variety it never ramps up even towards the end
everything about it feels manufactured

new doom game was shit. loot pinata and health packs after kills and that god awful hack gordon dubstep soundtrack instead heavy metal.

>This is a fucking GOTY
you know, the witness came out in january.

ive literally never heard of Furi, and now that ive seen your post I wanna play it.

It looks ridiculously fun.

You're a miserable tool.

> Dubstep

That wasn't dubstep nigger.

> it's just pointless tedious flash and on nightmare it becomes a liability taking control from the player

If you know how to use glory kills well you can totally do them on nightmare, you just have to time it well and not be a retard who does it to every enemy.

Just get an abbility that gives you a speed boost upon doing a glory kill also get it with abbility that allows you to fully countrol your movement during double jumps.

Go for it user, it's fucking great.

>overprocessed samples with wubwubs

Yeah, definitely wasn't. Also djemt is a metal for numales.

>This is a fucking GOTY.
>Nothing better ever came out this year
Do you live in the past? It came out in 1993, senpai. That was 23 years ago.

dishonored 2 isn't out yet

Just hang yourself

Metal is for numales

>on nightmare it becomes a liability taking control from the player the whole point is to "keep the player in the action"

>he didn't do pic related

Yeah I can't wait to play the sequel to everybody's favourite """"""stealth"""""" game.

Forza Horizon 3 and Inside are both better games that came out this year.

Numales only listen to rap and hip hop, I think it has to do with white guilt.

Ratchet and clank
Call of duty black ops 3(inb4 le underage)
Awesomenauts overdrive
BB Old Hunters
Theres more hidden gems that deserves more attention because there to damn good

I agree. Baffles me that people call it a bad game. I think they wanted to hate it.

But user, it indeed is a stealth game

Agreed, Ratchet and Clank a close second

Fuck, where do you unlock savagery?

I've only played the Wii Shiren. Did I pick the only game in the series that's absolute garbage?

The game's really been getting to me, lately. I love the universe and the story behind it, but I seriously fucking hate the idea that they wanted to make you deliberately look like and feel like an asshole that they implemented into the game: the combat system, which is basically the other half of the game and the only fun part about playing Dishonored (at least for me). And it pisses me off that they punish players for doing a mechanic that they put in the fucking game itself.

>again the punishment meme in Dishonored

Every fucking time.
You do not get punished, the game just gets edgier and you get more people to kill as a result.

>wah wah wah the meanie devs punished me for killing in the game

If you act like a murderous brute who butchers guards you destabilise the city more than a sneaky assassin does, and people react differently to you. It's the logical conclusion to your actions, not a fucking punishment.

>murderous brute
>the game's tag line is "Revenge Solves Everything"

Moreover, it's not like you can't do multiple playthroughs of the game. I know I did, twice in sneaky mode and I'm about to finish my "kill'em all" run.
It gives a healthy replayibility to the game, you can play it for its scenario or for the FPS feeling of it.

I haven't played dishonored yet but I had this idea of when I play it

since the game gets harder the more violent you are and the more you kill, I wanted to purposefully play lethal only to have a more challenging and varied experience ( I get to experience all the lethal weapons and moves)

Does this make sense?

>innocent guards who are the only major force still managing the plague
>or unrelated nobles and civilians who are on the brink of panic as it is
>or even the criminal elements of the city who are barely maintaining order in the slums
>valid targets for revenge

You can brutalise every single person in the game who directly harmed you and still get the lowest-chaos ending possible. You can have your revenge in the most violent or cruel ways you please freely.

It's only when you gleefully indulge in slaughtering unrelated people that you start fucking things up for Dunwall.

Stardew Valley
Forza Horizon 3
This war of Mine
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

Plus all the other older games I still go back to.

PC gaming is good.

>Theres more hidden gems
kek, that's a turd