Before Jordan Belamire could say hello, the man was rubbing her chest. When she said "stop" and ran, he chased her...

>Before Jordan Belamire could say hello, the man was rubbing her chest. When she said "stop" and ran, he chased her, reaching out and pinching. He even shoved his hand at her crotch and grabbed at her.

"There I was," Belamire wrote, "being virtually groped in a snowy fortress with my brother-in-law and husband watching." She was playing QuiVr with the HTC Vive — a game in virtual reality — and a fellow player had just sexually assaulted her.

I want to get off this ride. More claims of being virtually assaulted. Assaulted! In virtual reality!

Other urls found in this thread:

hahahahahahahaha how the fuck is virtual rape real nigga just take your headset off like nigga close your eyes haha

>husband watching

>I want to get off this ride
why? shit's hilarious. you should see the fits they're having over at 'gaf

It would be amusing if it the outrage was a bit more isolated and it didn't bleed into everything else. Everyone is so busy trying not to offend anyone, while simultaneously trying to be offended by everything. It's lousy and tiring.

>VR is gaining steam — but developers can make it a safe space for everyone

Top lel

I'm gonna play devil's advocate, but isn't it kind of fucked up that she can't even enter a virtual world without being accosted?

Harden the fuck up, people get shot at in these virtual worlds all the time

VR is shit anyways I'm glad that it's getting its privilege checked

Everyone gets shot at and it has no meaning besides winning/losing because you respawn. Some kid pretending to grope you online is obviously nothing like real molestation (hence why she didn't call the fucking police), but I'd be pretty pissed off if I couldn't play online games without being singled out every game by retards. It doesn't matter what they're doing, they're doing it to her just because she has a female voice. I'd probably avoid online games too if I was a woman, or at least play with a silenced mic. She's totally justified in being mad about it.

Weenies put in a safe space super power for their floaty hand game.

Stop posting this.

Thanks fampai, glad I'm not the only reasonable-thinking one.

but she's not justified in claiming that she was raped. Falsely accusing people of rape like this should be illegal.

If I was a transfag I'd at least change my name to something female.

But the feminist won't allow a groping or rape games so people have to play them in vr games

Thats the point though. She enters out of her own volition. If she finds something she doesn't like, turn the shit off.
Like why the fuck did she even ran away (virtually?) Are women too stupid to comprehend virtual reality? No wonder "she"'s making a fuss about this


that name always reminds me of the sexy bitch from Scrubs, tee bee aych

It's a pseudonym dipshit

Jordan is technically a unisex name

Yeah, Cox's wife had the name I think

> they're doing it to her just because she has a female voice
Are you implying thats wrong? Are you actually and unironically saying that women aren't subhuman trash that deserve to be made fun of constantly? They literally can't do anything without men. Not even feminism would work without men.


But what if you can't go anywhere without this happening? The alternative is complete isolation.

My voice is kind of high pitched making me sound like a child. I often get ganged up on by entire rooms making me feel uncomfortable to use my voice. However my issues are irrelevant because they gang up on me with bullets as opposed to floating hands?

Who the fuck are you to judge what actions are tolerable and bad? Have you had a group of people circle you and shove guns in your face before? Was that experience nothing special to you?

Fuck you one sided white knights.

you're right, I was out of line sorry

>But what if you can't go anywhere without this happening?
That's a huge what if scenario you got there. Literally not happening. Is that what you're going with? Are you saying Sup Forums should be a become a more liberal place because people get offended here?
Its the same argument. Don't act like one experience makes no alternatives.

>cant go everywhere
Pff kek yeah sure buddy, as if the novelty of no-feedback pretend groping isn't going to get old like teabagging did

You're not making a good comparison.
Have you ever tried the experiment of making a fake OK Cupid profile with a female avatar and seeing what happens?

It's a game. Maybe he's role playing as groper.

I can't tell if you're being over the top as a joke, but I don't really understand why you think that my defence of that article means I'm somehow shitting on your picnic. At what point did I say your issues are irrelevant? It sucks for both you and that woman.

>playing QuiVr
>the player models consist of floating hands and a helmet
>she's mad because someone intruded her personal air essentially and she did absolutely nothing about it
This is retarded.

If this is a multiplayer VR game she could've just either pulled the plug and went into her little safe space or she could've just left the match and re-instance herself with another group or person.

From a gameplay perspective I would consider this some sort of form of greifing because it's taking the game and not playing by its intention so the leader of the match should have the ability to kick/ban certain individuals from that lobby.

The argument shouldn't be about "Dealing with sexual assault in VR." It should be arguing how do you moderate players in VR.

What kind of strawman is this? Whats going on here? First a literal what if scenario that's 100% fictional, and now asking me to make an OK Cupid profile, because what? Women get lots of shit?

If you dont have anything meaningful to contribute don't. Don't just go with "b-but women" everytime you pull a blank.

>Everyone gets shot at and it has no meaning besides winning/losing because you respawn.

But it sucks less for the woman because nothing actually happened to her. She wasn't really groped.

The fake OKC profile thing is a thing. Do it.

are you a women?
i refuse to believe that a man is this stupid

Dude do the okc thing its actually fucking hilarious.

>women get a lot more sexual attention than man in a website made to get sexual attention
>this is a bad thing
now, one could say "i don't like this kind of attention" but guess what? you signed up for that too

What has OK Cupid to do with anything? Is that it for you? Virtual Reality and OKC? Thats "everywhere" in your eyes? Really? Or are you gonna go with the next strawman of what? Women in the military maybe?

>play a shooter
>guy on my team spams crouch on me
umm why the fuck dont they arrest people like this? I was LITERALLY raped for the 48th time

you could also try creating a female avatar in Habbo.

I hate to say this, but she's kind of right. Not in a traditional sense, but it's by no means ok for the person involved. Shit sucks but that's the way things are.

what the fuck does this have to do with anything

>sign up for dick
>being swarmed by men
Oh wow! Women can't go anywhere these days anymore! Just like that poor women that took her shirt off during mardi gras or what it was, just to be groped by niggers. Why can't women go anywhere anymore!

No, you dumb cunts. This is a man's world.

You've overplayed your hand, abused your privileges, and overstayed your welcome.

We are bigger than you, stronger than you, and we will rape you. And the rape's only going to get worse.

Welcome to Hell.

Well you can't exactly easily step into a woman's shoes in the real world, can you? Just fucking do it before you say anything else.
Time to go to work. Good thread.

I guess that came out wrong. I meant that killing someone for points is the point of the game. I wasn't trying to imply that killing one person over and over isn't griefing just like following them round and pretending groping them is.

I've read it imagining your gay ass whiny nasal pitched voice and I laughed. Kill yourself, kid.

>not and archive link
>giving them exactly what they want, clicks for a ridiculous news piece that they make it ridiculous on purpose just for clicks

This place is truly without hope, you'll truly never learn

I think people are making a huge deal because VR now requires more movement than fingers.
It's no longer considered a detached experience as opposed to being on the computer/console.
Now mind you we had multiple threads way in the day about women complaining about the rude environments of the videogame world. And yeah a women did complain about T-bagging in a shooter once and considered it "rape"
The whole VR shit is just more of the same.
You can either walk away or you can re-instance yourselt.
Or you know have some sort of moderation like every other multiplayer videogame in existence.

>spend years saving money
>finally be a """"woman"""
>play videogame
>floating hand follows me
>not take off the headset and laugh at the hand
>actually run away virtually until I have a mental breakdown and cry rape
You literally can't make this shit up. Women and the men having issues thinking they're women are genetic trash

>has subtitles

You see to think it's not them posting here.

so this is.................... the power..........................
of women suffrage.............................................................

Before you start ranting on about how skewed and retarded their politics are, here are some quotes to help you better understand what kind of people you're dealing with.

>VR is gaining steam — but developers can make it a safe space for everyone
>Virtual reality spaces are going to continue to become more lifelike and densely populated as more people acquire the hardware. That puts the onus on developers working in VR to learn from their two-dimensional predecessors dealing, or not dealing, with online abuse.

Here in the article the writer seems to think that VR is going to be The Matrix. And not only that, they think the problem with "assault" in VR is on the developers. This whole 'blaming someone else' thing continues as the article also mentions

>"First, I'd consider it assault, not harassment," Sampat said in an email. "And it is unavoidable in VR for the same reason it's unavoidable in reality: No one in power cares enough to do anything."

Have you guys noticed how these people argue like children? waaa mommy billy drew ugly faces on my toys without asking, this would never have happened if you cared. Don't give them the fucking attention

I want to meet you and bully you until you leave the server

What I don't get is why not take VR and make it an empowering thing instead of instantly playing the victim.

Let them shove their pixels at your being, it's not like VR can transmit the sensations to you or the person doing it. Just make it seem like you're an enlightened soul that doesn't need a body anymore or something.

But then they can't get free sympathy points so that's never going to happen.

Myeah, it can be pretty annoying. I know I get annoyed if I get killed over and over again by some dude because that actually obstructs my gameplay. Some dude standing around making gestures at me doesn't really hinder my gameplay though.

>G. Anger
>not tradable

>get teabagged
>no one makes big noise about it
Imagine the beauty of VR teabagging.

If one guy keeps killing you over and over again you have to kill him back! Trump him with your skill and wit!

You're still pure I see, even considering that something good could maybe come out of the whole VR fiasco

getting killed repeatedly is way worse than getting """groped""" repeatedly, but I'd still rather have neither happen

>If one guy keeps groping you over and over again you have to grope him back! Trump him with your tongue and vagina!

oh baby

>a virtual environment that made them mathematical equals
>she still ran

Couldn't she have fought him off? Or if women and men were perfectly equal should we still give women more rights?

Please elaborate on how having 'someone else's hand clip through your player model' is something that you would ever consider problematic

nice post check my 5

heh,,, nice try but can you counter this 5

I remember pushing the afk players out of the spawn in tf2. would that be considered "assault" if i did that in a vr game?

>In the near future
>kill someone in a game
>tbag them
>20 minutes later sexual assault unit kicks down your door
>shoots your dog
>arrests you
>"you have been found guilty of hateful sexual assault and sentenced to 20 years in the salt mines in the name of Empress Hillary, do you wish to make a final statement?"
>"I thought it was a man! I swear!"
>"Did you just assume gender? That's another 10 years!"
2017 is gonna suck.

>>"Did you just assume gender? That's another 10 years!"
oh kek

How is a shitty app such as OKC a representation of "women's shoes" even more the real world? You're so fucking besides the point, its not funny anymore

>"There I was," Belamire wrote, "being virtually firebombed by an apache hellicopter in a snowy fortress with my brother-in-law and husband watching." She was playing arma, with the oculus — a game in virtual reality — and a fellow player had just assaulted her.

grab 'er by the pussy!!


yeah'll never see THIS 5 coming.

>sexual assault unit
>mfw I will never have my door busted down by a unit of topless women in military boots and riot helmets that pin me down to the floor by force, strip me and play with my erogenous zones against my will until I orgasm, then immediately leave sending me kisses and snickering on their way out

Why even live.

>Assuming gender?
>Thats 5 years in the cube, creep

I'm pretty sure you have to pay people money for that to happen.

>When you get transferred to the Gay Squad of the Sexual Assault Unit

I just wanted to help people.



Its. A. Videogame.

Its not real. She wasn't sexually assaulted, bottom fucking line.

>Log on
>get harrassaed
>immersion ruined
>can't enjoy the game normally because autists are constantly trying to touch your character
>get told you can just take off the headset if you don't like it
>only options are A.) play the game while being annoyed, or B) Don't play

thats pretty shitty desu

Imagine if you were greived almost instantly every time you tried to play a game. It would ruin the experience. You can say take off the head set all you want, but in the end she wants to play the game. You're basically saying that she can't play the game.

I'm not saying it's legit sexual assault, just more or less that it would be extremely annoying.

Shes in a virtual world....where she can fight back...or just leave...lmao

It was a genuine question, user. Unlike Sup Forums and tumbr I'm not pretending to know the answer, just trying to get to the bottom of things

>It's like niggah just turn it off like what are you doing lol

Someone fucking gets it.

tell me a game where this happens and you have no ability to either defend yourself or change environment to one where those people aren't

>just more or less that it would be extremely annoying.
Well yeah, every single person gets fucked with in some way every so often but calling it an actual crime because some random person you don't know and will never meet again fucked with you is bullshit.

stop intellectually harassing me with your logic


would you honestly want to play games online as a chick? I'd say at least 80% of the time someone is evidently a girl from their voice or whatever, there's at least one retard trying to either chum up to her or talk shit no matter how friendly or unfriendly she's being. It's like they're minor celebrities. The reason girls can seem so annoying online is because the only ones that are willing to reveal their gender are mostly attention whores or want free shit. Telling girls "if you don't like it, just quit" is essentially saying that all online games aren't for girls.

It's not like all the positive/negative attention is the worst thing in the world tantamount to sexual assault like that article says, but I don't know why you guys so vehemently argue that there's no problem at all.

>only options are A.) play the game while being annoyed, or B) Don't play
What is every multiplayer game ever


To all of you guys whose solution is to this problem is to just "take off your helmet", look at it from the DEVELOPER'S perspective.

This is a business. An emerging sub-industry. If this problem takes off and the only solution people can think of is to hand wave it off as "life sucks, just take off your helmet", worst case scenario is that they take off their helmet, AND NEVER PUT IT BACK ON. In other words, this could end up alienating an entire demographic and stigmatize the platform and slow down the growth of VR. As a developer who needs an audience, you do not want this to happen; you do not want to shut down the possibility of appealing to a demographic even if you're not targeting it at the moment.

This is an issue that could potentially become more dangerous, like how cyberbullying already is, and I commend those developers for taking it seriously.

It's almost like women should fuck off and make their own games.

They can't, though, so it looks like they'll have to interact with males on males' terms.


why do you want to segregate men and women though? what about starcraft, counterstrike or dota make them inherently masculine anyway?

your argument makes sense when it's moronic sjws whining about sexist storylines in single player or 'overly sexy' character poses or whatever, but not when it's women being treated differently by other players while trying to enjoy themselves on a multiplayer game.

Then they should play as males.

>nine guys harassing one girl
>better ban the guys or else we'll lose out on all the girls' business