So this...... is the power...... of sony

So this...... is the power...... of sony.......

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>Plays a game

Fakest part of the video

Come on, wasn't there a better game they could've put there, besides the game everyone admitted was mediocre?

The PS4 was even out at the time of the video.

My mistake, I didn't check the date and just assumed since we were talking about it it was a new thing.

Kind of odd that OP would decide to post a 3 year old commercial for no reason.

> best Arctic Monkeys album's poster on the wall

>Little big planet

>Black guy pushing the disc tray in

Fucking retard.

You saying the nigger is a nigger? no way, user

But that would be racist user!

>Also the RE2 sound effects over RE4 gameplay

What the fuck were they thinking with this commercial.

lmao is this really what it's like to live in the uk? looks awful

This was released just before the PS4's launch. That's all there was at the time.

Is it just me or shouldn't the white and black guys look older in the PS4 section? They still look young. Where's their families also? They've obviously had lovers and even got some more friends in the PS3 section. Did they get JUST and lose their friends, so all they have now are each other and their vidya while they pay alimony?

>Trying to make sense of a stupid commercial
You can't put people ay too old in these things, you can't put 30 year olds there. They aren't the target audience anymore.

>You're too late, I've already summoned Meteor.

Fuck Sony.

Yeah the opening of that ad was a great nostalgia bomb.

>tfw Selim the succubus (male) will never be real

How did Daniel get to be ~30 years old and stay in the same apartment?

I didn't mind that. What bugged me is using a port of a gamecube game to represent the PS2 section when PS2 had so many great titles to choose from that were either exclusive or actually debuted on PS2.

What a fucking ride.

They're immortal now obviously. His father looked at both his son and his friend, and with a glance of confusion wondered what black magic they came into contact with.
I've always loved these commercials because Segata Sanshiro looks similar to my grandpa. Especially when he wears the pissed off look.

>increasing the ps plus prices
>no man's sky was an absolute scam
>every game coming out has a nigger main character
>the games they said would come out 6 years ago are still being delayed
>they expect me to shit out another $400 for the playstation pro
>they expect me to shit out another $400 for the playstation VR WITH NO GAMES

Why the fuck should I like sony again?

>no man's sky was an absolute scam

Why would you blame Sony for that? They had nothing to do with making the game and they aren't the ones who lied about its content.

Because he's a retard.

PS4 times and only 2 games lying on the ground ahahhaha that got me.

>the games they said would come out 6 years ago are still being delayed
What games?

I assume he means The Last Guardian.

Sony bankrolled NMS's marketing campaign you dolt.

Jesus you're fucking retarded. Do you even know what the words you type mean?

They saw a potentially good game and decided to pay for a bit of promotion yeah.. They paid for his talk show appearances like Stephen Colbert, but they didn't tell him to lie through his fucking teeth about the game. They didn't create ads for him saying "you can run into other players and grief them in this game". They didn't market those features at all. They gave Sean Murray a platform to speak about his game, that's it. They later chastised him for how he lied and how he handled promotion in general. Anyone coming even remotely close to blaming Sony for Sean Murrays fuck-ups is a complete moron. There's plenty of other reasons to berate Sony, but this isn't one of them. If anything they did a noble thing by trying to help him get his game out there. They saw potential like we all did after that first trailer.