What's up my Gravity Rush bros?
Why can't they just release it?
What's up my Gravity Rush bros?
Why can't they just release it?
Looks amazing. Kat is also a grade a qt, please post more.
Never played, remaster on ps4 worth $20?
Because if they released it now it not only would it have to compete with Battlefield 1, Skyrim, Titanfall 2 and COD, it might come it broken and buggy because it might not be ready.
If they released it on it's original release date it would have to compete with Final Fantasy 15 and The Last Guardian which is another Japan Studio SIE game so I don't think they want both of their games to compete with each other.
However with it's new release date it's actually the first notable game of 2017, which might give it a chance in the west.
Just be patient OP
Jesus christ why can't anyone draw good Kat fan art
this is all I could find
What language does she speak, anyways? I heard it was a mix of Japanese and French.
That's just as shit as OP's fampai
Kat makes my dick fat
It is a mix of French, Japanese and gibberish.
Just for flavour really.
Kat is the best Sony character, not even Sir Daniel has a chance
Basically nonsense meant to sound French.
Mining costume > Everything else
>you will never hear Kat speak English with a deep french accent
It's just too much user.
Absolutely. Keep in mind it was a vita game initially and certain aspects you can tell. But $20 for the full game ulscaled in 60 fps WITH all the DLC, you're in for a good time
Gotta look pal it's out there
worth every penny.
imo it has a shit tier anime story, and the combat can in most cases be simplified to doing 1 move, but the gravity physics and art style are god tier
She looks so cozy. I want to go to the beach with her all day, come home and shower off, have her change into that same outfit and chill in a nice cold air conditioned house one hot ass summer day
It was a PS3 game, that ended up a Vita launch (window) title, that got a PS4 port. I dare not imagine how fucked up the code must look.
>implying kat and raven aren't perfect together
Blonde hair/red eyes is my fetish. Ideally blonde with yellow eyes, but red is nice
I fapped to it.
I'm willing to bet that the delay was a combination of Sony not wanting its current first-party heavy hitters facing off directly against each other over Christmas, and realizing the post-holiday period isn't the dead zone for sales it once was.
Who /platinum/ here?
I have it on both Vita and PS4.
I thought it was originally a PS3 game called gravite which they had to dumb down because Sony forced it on their dead handheld? I can imagine the PS3 version would look better and be a little more in depth
Can't be bothered getting gold in all the challenges
This game is a slog to plat. I hate the sliding races.
Next year isn't that much better of a release when titles like KH collection and KH2.8, Nioh, Purseowner, RE7, Tales of Bears, and Horizon are literally a month or less afterwards.
Plat on vita is literally impossible. The motion controls are crazy
>tfw ywn play gravity daze 2 together with megane-chan
whats the point
Took me 15 hours to plat the game.
Git gud
Yes but coming out before all of them gives it a little bit of room
I can only find it for 30 online... Maybe I can find a physical copy for 20 dollars some where. I'd love to play it.
Kat is flat. FLAT!
>This game is a slog to plat.
>Plat on vita is literally impossible.
Like the other guy said. The plat is piss easy. GR was my 1st game on the Vita and I got the plat in ~15h
Id say even $30 is worth it. That's what I got it for and have 0 regrets. Very fun to fly around. Combat is a little bland. You have a lot of different techniques but all it comes down to is gravity kicking the shit out of everything. 8/10 would recommend
Anyone else that was pretty underwhelmed at first when you played the game? Up until the third town or so my impressiong was like "huh i guess it's kinda neat..." but that really changed once I got to the third town. The challenges became more varied, your moves became better as well and the plot picked up in pace.
To those who haven't played GR yet. Don't cast it aside if you're not immediately hooked. The beginning is really slow and sluggish but eventually the game becomes very enjoyable.
I really want a physical copy because I just like having physical copies but game is small enough to get digital I guess. I want to start building up my physical collection of PS4 titles rather than have mostly everything digital like my PS3 did. This holiday and next year have like 5 games I want to play and another 5 I'm interested in.
But she has a big ass for me to rest my head on and thats what matters
Physical copies should be available on amazon. That's where I picked mine up, $30
>But she has a big ass for me to rest my head on
actually no because she's a fictional video game character who doesn't exist
>when you're using gravity fall and you get a shot of her ass and thick thighs
A man can dream.
It drives me crazy dude. Im in love with her
She's so upbeat and friendly. It's kind of a nice change of pace from all the "stronk, independent" Fem MCs they try to push on us
Yeah dude totally. Very refreshing to have someone like her lead a game
Flat girls are the best, though.
Same. And honestly I liked the motion controls on Vita. Still need to plat the Remaster. Maybe right before 2 is released.
Gravity Rush does not strike me as the sort of game that's had much corporate oversight at all. I don't think anybody's ever commented on why the change in platform was made, but all we had of the PS3 version was a very short and probably outdated video from 2008 or something.
Kat is not for sexual! Cuddles only!
But what about headpats? And handholding?
She's just playing with Dusty
Headpats and handholding are allowed
Reminder that she's not real
What about sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation so I can raise a happy family with her?
It is highly unlikely your bros could have any influence on a games release schedule. Unless they're the devs of the said game of course.
Thank you Jeffry
>tfw you will never hold on to Kat as you both make out in the sky
>asian girl
Into the trash.
Hmmmm... I think maybe that could be ok...
Yeah maybe. I just get annoyed thinking the series almost faded into obscurity. Whoever decided to port it to PS4 and green light a sequel deserves a raise
>vitafags tears when no GR2 on their dumb handheld
Eat a dick man, Gravity Rush sold me my Vita, and I love them both
Sony should make Gravity Rush remastered one of the Ps+ games in december, it would help get more people interested in 2. But they won't do something that would make sense
Why would you WANT the sequel on the vita? They can make a better game in every sense of the word on a real console
There's no question that a more muscular platform is capable than a handheld.
I was just saying I loved Gravity Rush on the Vita and playing the remaster wasn't a huge deal for me, which I'll attest to having played the game before.
I remember whatshisname the president of SCE saying that he thought things like Gravity Rush were good for the industry and basically their duty to support even if they don't make massive amounts. It was a few years ago now, but it made me like the man a little more.
What a guy, the most "video gamey" game I've played in years
It feels like playing a really great forgotten PS2 gem.
Whatever people might think about Sony you got to give them credit they're always publishing a lot of unique little games
By virtue of still having one foot in Japan even as they push more and more for the western markets and being easier to work with for third parties than Nintendo. MS is fine for third parties but never broke into Japan to begin with. Nintendo has Japan down pat but other than one or two franchises is majorly lacking in the third party department.
Why is she so perfect Sup Forums?
I bought it for 20 bucks. Probably the best twenty bucks I've spent on a video game recently. Short but sweet as hell. Art style and music is absolutely fantastic. Story is alright but Kat is such a fun character it's a god damn shame that she isn't Sony's mascot
Cute, brown and not written by committee.
She just works
She's fun and optimistic and she genuinely cares about protect the innocent. She's one of the best superheroes I've seen in videogames
The earlier gameplay videos they showed off this game looked like absolute ass with pop ins literally in your face. I hope they make a pro patch.
While also still being somewhat realistic and selfish
>saves the city
>does countless favors for the mayor and police department
>still force her to live in the sewers like filthy gutter trash
Kat is canonically smelly
What isn't?
>not embracing the stink
>no white costume for regular asian version
>STILL no preorders for SE on playasia
Just kill me.
True, those are the games that make be buy Playstation every gen.
PS4 doesn't have many at the moment, but PS3 was great in that regard, I loved Tokyo Jungle and 3D Dot Game Heroes in particular.
Don't get me wrong user, id breathe her stink like it was oxygen
It's easy as fuck, I was surprised when I saw the plat popping on screen because I wasn't even trying to get it.
Better than the original
Why is everyone such a dick to her though
Lickable armpits and sniffable butt
fuck this gay earth
Why does she have cow spots?
>Pooters outfit
I want Kat to lick me