What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:




>Twitter profile is protected and private

What did they mean by this?

>all those people defending it

Jesus fucking Christ, I thought this game was unanimously shit

>its real
What the fuck




it's unanimously disappointing. still a cool and unique game just with a fuckload of the fun sucked out of it

It's just minecraft, with shittier graphics.

hey now, Minecraft has actual gameplay, even in the alpha.

this was a game retailing at $60 USD and had fucking nothing

Goodbye Games

Did Sean write that?

Do we really need 50 fucking threads about this? If I could delete either Sean Murray or anti-Sean shitposters from existence I think that's the one fucking time I wouldn't pick the nu-lord himself.

>it's real
oh my fuck

it's a meme you dip

I hurt myself today

they mean that their linkedin was hacked and the hackers can still post on twitter through it so they turned their twitter private until they regain control.

>amateur game dev bullied into depression and soon suicide by Sup Forums
I hope you guys are proud of yourselves.

It was ebaumsworld dude

Don't kid yourself. It wasn't only Sup Forums. The whole internet and the overwhelming majority of customers thought that the game was shit.

Notice all the other indie game devs that actually do deliver that haven't been hounded to near death

> indie game devs

Best use of sarcasm I've seen on the internet in ages, thanks for not using /s to ruin that post, my fucking sides.

Chaneling his inner Miyazaki, I see

There are a lot of successful and famous indie games where the devs genuinely care about their product and playerbase and deliver excellent quality games like Kerbal Space Program, Space Engineers, even Minecraft.

Oh man he just keeps going, well done.

He did it again! Unreal!



Microsoft is now an independent company

>Being this new.

>tfw they're homepage still shows the tweet

>who's this swede notch faggot

>tfw Sean Murray will probably an hero himself over this

I mean, sure, the guy lied his way practically through every presentation and interview but at least he was passionate about the game. At least he wasn't some EA suit cashing in on other developers' hard work while doing nothing at all.

Did he really deserve all this?


>Did he really deserve all this?
>the guy lied his way practically through every presentation and interview

THIS is what my waifu is with instead of me



Those fucking people posting responses


Wow, so that makes it a non-mistake. Amazing.


the ride never ends

I reached out to the developer and asked them whether it was a hack. A representative of Hello Games replied, telling me that a “disgruntled employee” had made the tweet and that they were “currently trying to sort out the issue.”

I reached out to the developer and asked them whether it was a hack. A representative of Hello Games replied, telling me that a “disgruntled employee” had made the tweet and that they were “currently trying to sort out the issue.”



Sean Murray quitting game dev and cancelling No Man's Sky 2 when?

The absolute madman.

It was Sean?

>and identifying himself Sean
I thought journos had editors?

he done goofed

>Remember me? Screencap this and spam it on Sup Forums for the rest of the day.

minecraft was literally made by some autismo in his mother's basement