Twitter is now private

>Twitter is now private
What is going on? Are we finally going Nuclear?

Other urls found in this thread:

El ehm ay oh

Im Nuuuuucleaaaaaar Im Wiiiiiiild

>it's real
what the fuck?

Mistakes were made. Now consequences will never be the same.

I thought anime was the mistake?

is it? I cant even check their twitter its protected.

lol wtf is going on.

No, he's going to Mexico

The archive link posted seems pretty legitimate.

Is this their way of saying no dlc?

nu male cucks blown the fuck out.


Probably hacked and reported so it's protected now.

>tfw this is real

>There are still people who defend and claim NMS was an amazing game

Do you have informations of the whereabouts of this image ?

oh shit.

Waiting for the Phil Fish level meltdown.


he dun goofed

>Sean Murray is finished xD

None of those numbers make any sense.

In no way shape or form is that how revenue and payments are distributed.

Holy fuck you're retarded.


No it is not it is edited

>babby's first edited "saved original page" on

Yeah, it's right there

It depends of Hello Games is an S-Corp, C-Corp, or LLC, and obviously this is pre-taxes.

it's real you fucking butt whiff

>that denial
review success != sales success

Obviously you have zero clue on how this works


take me step by step on how you edit twitter and then save it on archive

it also depends on what kind of deal they had with sony.

Jesus Christ man, do you have even a basic understanding of how businesses and revenue work? Why would you go through the trouble of making this when you clearly don't?

Amazing arguments dude.
Yeah sure let's assume there's a lot of errors in the graphs and Sean received 50% of it. It's still ~20 million dollars.
But honestly I've no idea why you're being such an angry dumb autist for no reason, take your pills and stop making a fool outta yourself.

as expected

great rebuttal pal.


The gift that keeps on giving

how many times were you triggered while drawing that?

best game I never played, seriously

Thanks for your support through these dark times fellas

I mean even if you give Sony a 90% cut Murray still ends up with over 10 Million dollars. These numbers are all based on educated guesses and second hand sources, so nothings official. The point is the man is loaded now.

>literally resorts to a smug anime girl because he knows he's wrong

Is the entire studio going to group suicide because all there hopes and dreams were crushed?

>moving goalposts
>instant ad hominem

>get filthy rich by amazing luck
>all there hopes and dreams were crushed

Sean I'm gonna IP track you and we're gonna sue your ass.

Your deeply informational counterargument of "you don't know how this works" wasn't worth much else.

I snorted the last of cocaine through the bill, waiting for the hit that just would not come anymore. The high's weren't as high anymore, and the lust had finally subsided. I stared, bleary eyed at the scene around me; a whore by my side, a shimmering beach outside the window, no less than 10 discarded bottles of liquor on the floor. As my mind procedurally reassembled itself I tried to recollect the moments that brought me here. A company, a game, a team, a game, the interviews, the game, the thrill of release, that goddamn game. The title hammered my head like a hammer, each word a reminder of better times.

Without realizing it, my body had brought my laptop in front of me. Though the light stung my eyes, I could see that familiar blue bird, once my friend, my connection to thousands of supporters. Before I passed out for the 4th time that day, I typed:

No Man's Sky was a mistake.

can someone who actually has some business training improve this document?

unfortunely i am a retarded law fag and dont know shit about monies other than i has it

There are currently pending lawsuits against HelloGames.

He will not get away. Justice!

>The title hammered my head like a hammer
Goddamnit fuck me.

Who will play Sean in the movie? My vote is Matthew Lillard.

No Man's Sky was a mistake.

-Hayao Miyazaki

What's the point? There's absolutely no difference between him getting filthy rich or a little bit less filthy rich. The point still stands, he's fucking loaded.

>be 2015-early 2016
>hype for Nu Male's Sky was moderate, some people saw through the Spore bullshit but others were convinced by the dishonest gameplay trailers
>knew this thing would flop majorly in some way, but thought there wouldn't be a big fuss made over an uninspired indie game
>game releases
>ensuing shitstorm is unprecedented and some unknown shitbag becomes the next Todd-tier meme guy
Can we just give it a rest already? The game is shit, very funny.


Holy shit, are they fucking kids focused or something? The fuck is up with those icons and colors?

Talk about an immature as fuck company

Only if he does the Shaggy voice.

He did say the game would be mind blowing.

The Coroner's report also confirmed it.

My name is Sean, so this thread feels weird.

Peter Molyneux


>source: vgchartz

So can anyone confirm this as legit or not

Im sure it wasnt his intention to lie but rather that he was afraid that saying all those features people were interested in that werent in the game would hurt the sales of the game, but its still a lie to take money out of peoples pockets. Seemed like a nice guy, but not all who smile are friendly.

Wasnt there a lawsuit against them for false advertising?


It's eye catching.
Underrated post.

>Ro ronrine? You rucked rup Rean

>Talk about an immature as fuck company

This was the inside of their recreaction/break room.

Yeah if he keeps his glasses on and grows a Nu-male beard I think we have our guy

It is.
My source: I saw it.

>tea and noms xD
fuck startup culture with a rusty spade

>that kind of response
>to that kind of picture
>from that kind of tripfag


>Tea and Noms
Independent Games was a mistake

>that kind of picture
Okay, I can kind of get the other two, but what the fuck are you on about?

Are these adults that failed to mature? Or adults that missed on a childhood and are attempting to reclaim a glimpse of it?

It is literally a room that was decorated with a child in mind.

Bright as fuck colors, useless text over locations, characters on the walls.

wew lad

Lame. Twitter just got hacked. I was hoping someone had a mental breakdown

>purely estimated
Shoulda just start with that.

Go to their site, it shows the last tweet they made on the right sidebar.


May God bless your soul

>upload tits to twitter by mistake


Any proof that is was hacked? I was also hoping things were finally going to go nuclear.

Oh theyre THOSE kinds of people. You remember that part in GTAV where Michael had to dress up as an IT guy and go into that software development place? The place where there was a yoga room and "safe space" and the chairs were beanbags and people used the word "epic" in a sentence?

That's British game devs for you, see Media Moluecule. But at least MM have made good stuff and Alex Evans is a cute.

It isn't hacked. Official hell games has a link to their own twitter. It shows the tweet right there.

Oh fuck, that retard spams this shit on the Steam forums, too?
I only ever saw him pop up on pcgamesn

Besides the writings on the wall and maybe the chairs I don't see a problem, would re arrange some stuff but otherwise that looks OK to me.

Goddamn, that brings me back.

How long has it been?

Yup, millennials that are hip and cool and out of the norm.

Just look at the Google company. They work the same way. They have pool tsble air hockey bean bags and other useless shit like that.

Overgrown children that code

jesus christ you're a giant retard

>Are these adults that failed to mature?
I have no idea, but they are fucking everywhere. Here in Germany their favorite buzzword is "bunt", which means colorful. But in a very simplistic way.

Yet to them, if you describe anything as "bunt", it immediately means it is good and superior to all alternatives.

I dunno, maybe it's just their subconsciousness telling them to finally have kids or something and they don't understand the message.

The account was hacked to make that tweet.

Move along.

Why would you waste your time trying to argue in good faith with liberals?


>the Google company
They've been named Alphabet for literally a full year

>useless shit like that
Come on man. We all dig fun and games here. You're starting to sound like an underachiever that needs something to complain about.

If they can work in that sort of environment then why not, just because you think it looks obnoxious?

Fakku is pure cancer.

yeah good luck, by this rate the mongo hivemind will keep making threads about this until the end of the day

Man, I wouldn't complain about a pool table in our company's break room.
It's is just the overall combination of everything that screams "mental handicap"