What's your reaction to the last video game you played?
What's your reaction to the last video game you played?
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I want to give some milk to that kid, if you know what I mean
I want to fuck that girl.
dragon quest IX. addictive as fuck.
>tfw stuck on a level
>dang-it ron paul 2
pretty good.
>Sunless Sea
>Trying to complete some stuff so I have some ability when I get the DLC
>heading back to London port
>two squares away... eh, let's full power this, I got the Hull health to spare
>Ah, great, the engines caught fire-
>Cross several tiles in about five seconds, crash into port
WHAT the SHIT just happened
I've never played a Civ game before, and I'm terrible at strategy games. But I picked up Civ 6 and just beat my first game tonight. Was gud. Was real gud.
Playing on hard early in the game. Just waiting until I get more levels and demons.
I'm playing Ace Attorney for the first time, and I'm having a blast !
>Bravely Second
It's amazing, but it does make me kind of sad that modern final fantasy is shit.
I tried The Dark Spire for the NDS, pretty sweet art direction and colors, the music is nice as well, only got to play a little since I'm stuck with a phone and I dont have a decent emulator, I got to the first dungeon after the tutorial and the game doesn't seem to fuck around. I hope I can get a decent emulator so I can get into it.
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Friend gifted me Project Genom and I got 10 minutes in before my shit rig made it unplayable. Gonna have to wait till I get better parts but it seemed okay.
It's a great game.
I like the art, could you describe the game a bit ?
Story of Seasons
I'm in Summer of the first year and it's getting better. I wasn't much impressed at first, although the game is now keeping me busy... even if it is busy with collecting bugs everywhere. If nothing else, the game is certainly quite calm and easy-going.
Boys gives the best kind of milk
Me too.
Ball-busting hard first-person dungeon crawler and extremely cool art.
Sound nice, I'll give it a try.
ok user, let's make this quick
post the lewd ones
planetside 2
>doing quests for the Halloween event in Destiny
Played Cataclysm DDA, it was surely fun.
Hyrule Warrior
valkyrie drive
CoH 2
I miss Taro.
F:NV Honest Hearts
6 terminals gave me more feels than the entirety of F3, 4, Skyrim and oblivion.
Need more of him
I'll buy an A
First person tile based dungeon crawler, you can choose to create your own characters or play with the already existing ones sitting on the guild, enemies can and will fuck your shit up from what I'm seeing, the chests they drop always seem to contain traps in them, not sure if disarming them is purely based on luck, but I keep getting fucked by them most of the time. Spells seem to have limited uses, although I'm not sure about this one.
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And be playable again.
I want to ____ that kid, right?
This a shota thread now?
I would like to buy an U
>Free Cities
There was friction.
In the dick region.
A hand may have been involved.
Soon hopefully. Don't have any more sadly
Just posting video game characters
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Dicked around a bit in Overwatch just doing quick play
>play Pharah on Ilios
>press E
You'd think people would stop falling for it, but they don't.
Is it
I want to fuck that boy?
Fallout 2. It was fun.
>guessing when there's only 3 letters
Reverse image search.
I'm not holding my breath. He hasn't been seen since 3 and I don't think they want to update his sprite.
Get on my level, son
>Xenoblade Chronicles
>spidernigger at 91 vs my boy Riki who's 6 levels lower
>doing a good job dwindling its health down
>it decides to use its bullshit art
>get flung across the screen, down the cliff, and die
I'm not mad. Not one bit. FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCK
well that's disappointing
Doom. It is good.
Arcade mode is like Doom 1/2.
>Ace Combat Legacy ACE difficulty
Worse Inazuma Eleven boy
Holy fuck I had a toy of the middle one and the one on the right. Never knew where they were from but holy shit.
Delete that.
Big Bad Beetleborgs. I don't know how I still know that.
Elite: Dangerous
>using ship launched fighter in conflict zones.
>getting blown to bits.
>deploy new fighter.
Thanks user. Made me nostalgic.
>monster hunter
>hyper rathalos
fuck this fucking faggot
Cheesy as fuck.
Level 5 is good at one thing and one thing only. Making cute boyish boys. Your boy is the worse of the worse.
There is such a word as "worst."
I'm tracing you.
The only good thing level 5 is good at is making a sequel a f2p mobage and making it nip only REEEEEEEEEEEEE
And what will you do to me?
Civ 6 is fun
kill yourselves pedo fucks
Comfy with a side of panic
I can't agree.
Emulators are great.
But i love the game. When's Snowboard kids 3, Atlus?
I remember them fixing this in 2. I'm playing that next.
I'm going to fix your taste.
Maybe the reverse will happen
Are you a girly boy?
>hr6 urgent quest
> Shagaru Magala
Got to get that G-Rank armor
>Tfw Gravios U armor set
when is that image going to be an instant ban anytime its posted
hopefully never
what's wrong with it?
>God Hand
its used as a pretext for a shotashit thread
and whats the problem with that?
its not videogames and its pedoshit
But he is playing a DS/3DS
That's the face when you finally git gud.
Pic related was me for the most of it.