Why is this game still so good after so many years?

Why is this game still so good after so many years?

because 2003 gaming didn't suck

But it's shit especially compared to the first one.

Solid shooting mechanics. Guns all feel strong and you have decent enough mobility to make it through areas quickly and strongly.

Max Payne 2 is legit one of the best shooting games made.


Too many escort missions

First one has a lot of bullet sponge enemies, more so near the end.

I love Max Payne 1 to death, but it's worse in everyway to MP2. Max Payne 1 still is enjoyable for its difficulty though.

Purely mechanics wise? It shits over Max Payne 3.

I'd understand if you posted the first game, but the second game is mediocre and has bullettime that completely breaks the game. Not every game has to be brutally difficult but it's easy to the point that you can play the entire game with your brain on autopilot.

I love how they retweaked the slowmo and made it so the more kills you get the slower everything moves. Shit just purely encouraged you to go all out against big groups of enemies.

Vlad was the best villain out of all 3 games.

>No hits taken

Is this Superhot

>but the second game is mediocre and has bullettime that completely breaks the game

Max Payne 2 has a better story and writing than Max Payne 1 -- which is no easy feat. Both are better than MP3 obviously.

>Not every game has to be brutally difficult but it's easy to the point that you can play the entire game with your brain on autopilot.

Max Payne 2 is only easy because you're GOOD at it you moron - which is what more games should be like.

Try the games survival mode. Guaranteed you'll lose like a bitch

>too many

There is only one

There's also the mission where you protect Max, but because you're using a point and click sniper rifle as Mona it's super fucking easy

I had a dream about my wife.
She was dead, but it was all right.

God! I turned out to be such a damsel in distress

And that's one too many

There's also the rooftop sniper max/Mona escort but I'm not even sure if max can die during that

>Say game is too easy
>Bitch about an escort mission that's also relatively easy


I remember when I first got the demo, I played it wo much that I had the whole vodka renovation part memorized when the game came out. The ragdoll physics just blew my mind when I was a kid. Definitely one of my top 10 games.

Such a shame it doesn't run on win7 and up.

Never said the game was easy fucko, just said it had too many escort missions

>Replay that scene with Cowboy Mike over and over just to see how they land differently

Still love it. Bullet time+Ragdolls is so pronounced and unique.

>Max Payne 2 is only easy because you're GOOD at it you moron - which is what more games should be like.

It's easy because a base mechanic is broken. Only the first two kills of any given encounter matter, at that point all the enemies are slow enough that they're not hitting you and it's trivial to mop up any remaining ones. You almost never run out of the stuff either

There's a fix that pops up immediately once you look into the steam discussions or any other online talk about it

Great graphics that age well, along with a believable shadow and physics engine.
Great writing.
Great gameplay mechanics.
Great presentation.

It has some of those things in common with a lot of early and mid 00s gaming. Such a great era, it's as if things stagnated shortly after that and got a bit lazier at the rise of AAA gaming and the economic crash.

I've tried everyone I've found and only ever got it to work by disabling all but one cpu cores and that's not something I particularly want to do every time I run the game.

You can technically abuse it in Max Payne 1 as well

I actually did a replay run through on the Xbox of MP1 in a similar fashion to MP2

>You almost never run out of the stuff either

It's a part of the game's charm - that you don't have to be stingy with ammo. You should actually go through it guns blazing

This. Escorting Vinnie isn't hard at all, you just have to be careful and stay close enough to guard him and far enough so that no one would hit him, i actually enjoy that they tried to switch up the gameplay.

The TPS gameplay is solid and smooth. It doesn't age.
Also helps that the writing and voice acting is fantastic.

Excuse me what, I am playing on Windows 10 without a single issue.

Well that sucks, works for me on a w10 machine flawlessly :^) with the audio and widescreen fix

I think MP1 has noteworthy issues on Windows 10, but 2 seems fine. I can run both fairly easily on Windows 7 myself.

It'd be a lot better if you didn't have to unlock difficulty tiers, but I honestly had no issue with the games difficulty.

Because it improved on every good thing about the first game and gave us more of what we wanted.

The game has a speedrun mode, I'm pretty sure you're meant to abuse the fuck out of your bullet time to the point where you can blaze through a level with it on the entire time

>pumping 10 rounds with the striker into a guys torso sending him flying over the room

Good times

The dialog in this game was so good.

>>pumping 10 rounds with the striker into a guys torso sending him flying over the moon


I did this to one of those cleaners outside, he flew up a long ways, and I forgot about him, then dealt with some other cleaners, then finally exited, and like a bad punchline, his body fell down right beside me

Did the Striker take different ammo than the other shotguns in MP2? I know in 1 the Jackhammer took different ammo compared to the sawed off and pump. Shit infuriated me since the other two shotguns became obsolete halfway through MP1.

Because you haven't saved monica yet

Fuck you guys, now I just bought Max Payne 2 and I was already broke


that was your first mistake