Was making a good 2D Sonic seriously that hard for Sonic Team to do themselves?

Was making a good 2D Sonic seriously that hard for Sonic Team to do themselves?

Sonic Team doesn't know what made the classic games good


A) The people with the physics knowledge may have left, and,
B) Any combination of the Frontline employees themselves, management, marketing, and Iizuka could have wanted to make 'exciting, new-feeling, 3D games that will sell to modern kids.'

So, there you have it.

So characters that we want to see most in DLC are:

>Metal Sonic

Anyone else?


Seriously, fuck Amy. She's almost never been fun to play as.

Edgy the Hedgy doesnt deserve it as much as Amy or Metal

Wendy Witchcart
Tiara Zimbabwe

Why does Amy deserve it?

and why would Metal Sonic be fighting Eggman?

because Amy is a girl

This they lost their touch

Dimpsby themselves is capable of making great 2D sonic as evidenced by the advanced series and when they were working on Sonic 4 sonic team fucked up their flow by supervising them resulting in the massive flop that it was

Sonic team lost their inner child and it fucking sucks

So is Blaze

and she'd be a better choice

The more I think about it, the more I feel like there's a shit ton of potential to make more of Sonic's friends playable and have them play almost exactly the same, just with a FEW quirks and characteristics here and there.

what the fuck is the difference between metal sonic and mecha sonic? why are there 2 robot sonics?

There's 3, actually. Silver Sonic from Sonic 2, Mecha Sonic (the tall and lanky one) from Sonic 3&K.

Pretty much every other instance is Metal Sonic from Sonic CD.

>and she'd be a better choice

Considering Sonic Team doesn't know what happens when you put a round object on a hill? Yes. Yes it was that hard for them.

You've got it the other way around. Advance worked because they still had people like Yuji Naka on Sonic Team, who oversaw the development of the games. However, with each progressive Dimps game, they had less SEGA/Sonic Team input and of course Yuji Naka left in 2005/6.

Dimps succeeded with the Advances not for lack of Sonic Team help, but because of it. When left alone, they make shit like Sonic 4 and the water sections in Rush Adventure. Reminder that Dimps is a code-monkey company with no real creative output - when they're not being used for outsourcing Sonic, they're only developing shitty anime fighter tie-ins instead.

Sonic Team knows what happens when you roll shit down a hill.

They just don't care.

Sonic Team thought 2D on console didn't sell big money. That's why the only 2D games have been outsourced handheld games, and brief segments in the boost games. This mentality is still in effect, as evidence by the fact that the new 2D game is an outsourced low-budget game made by fans who basically did 90% of the work for free in fangames before being hired. If they were directed to do so then Sonic Team absolutely could have made a 2D game with the proper physics, the problem is that upper management didn't think the idea was profitable and therefore didn't put much if any effort into it.

Do they? Do they know? If they knew how it worked then why would they have left it out of Sonic 4 and Generations?

If they knew then Classic Sonic in Generations would have worked properly. In Generations they actually TRIED to make Classic Sonic play like he did in the Genesis titles and they failed miserably. That's not lack of caring, it's lack of ability.

I am not sure they don't know how to make 2D games anymore, more that the expectations of their company from SEGA demanded that they try to compete with 3D Mario.

Sonic was/is the mascot of SEGA, therefore, there is an expectation from that parent company for Sonic Team to attempt to make a breakthrough game that will attract new fans (not saying they were ever successful).

2D games are niche. Specifically, games with a retro flavor, like Sonic Mania, is niche. The only people who will pirate it are the people that played Sonic on their Genesis or Master System.

>Sonic 4
Because it was supposed to be a cheap mobile cash-grab before retarded Sega execs told them to port it to console+PC and call it Sonic 4.

Because classic Sonic was stapled on for cheap nostalgiabux with the game as a whole being low-budget compared to other major Sonic games as evidenced by it being so short and only $30.

but Sonic Team isn't even making that. Some american devs.

but she isn't

>Why does Amy deserve it?
Large fanbase, and the fact that her and Metal Sonic are as classic as the already playable characters.

Yes, given that it has never happened before.