>he doesn't play Pedro for a cultural victory in Civ V and VI
He doesn't play Pedro for a cultural victory in Civ V and VI
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I'm quite font of latina girls
Who's this penis holster
Aren't Brazilians like negative percent native?
nop, the portuguese fugged a lot of natives, especially in the north/northeast
what is tribe
I dated a Brazilian girl once. Gave head like a professional.
Holy fugg he was op in civ5 with the jungle camps
No, pretty sure Brazil was sparesley populated to begin with, cleared by disease, and then repopulated by Europeans, a lot of Africans (most of whom died), and a handful of Japs. Brazil has one of the lower native heritages of Latin American countries.
probably because she was a professional
what was his name again?
>he plays 6
is she german
Why is this fetish so ignored? Feels like there's a decent niche to explore here.
>Brazil was sparesley populated to begin with, cleared by disease, and then repopulated
what the fuck are you talking about?
>Brazil has one of the lower native heritages of Latin American countries.
Well the low population of natives was true, but in the beginning of Brazilian history, the portuguese didn't colonize Brazil at all, to the point of Tupi being the most spoken language, since the portuguese cohexisted with the natives, until the 1700s when gold was found in Minas Gerais, the portuguese and african slaves came in droves here, most natives were assimilated and portuguese culture became the standard, especially in Manaus and the Northeast where there were already portuguese settlements prior to the 1700s. That is why you can clearly see a more native influence in those places. But yeah Brazil isn't like the Bolivia or Peru due to the extensive jungles and the low native count
Brazil, the country.
kuruminha a qt
>ywn be a conquistador and colonize her womb
Yeah, you are wrong. I live here.
Dude, she's like, 9 years old.
So in vi is archaeology worth it? I don't have any great artists to make art so I have an archaeologist going around digging up all the sites he can find. Does the artifacts he finds generate as much culture points as art? I hope so it's really fun going around the world collecting artifacts and reading about them. Also I feel fancy being the only one who can so far.
And you are most likely mostly European.
Old enough for Muhammad, old enough for me
they weren't cleared m8, to the point that the catholic priests learned their language and even taught the natives catholicism and portuguese
>he plays any videogame
Does anyone have that picture of the amazonia looking women squatting. That shit was hot
yeah I mean it's not like I know my country, since I live here since I was born haha
I unironically have a native greatgrandmother
If only you could make her properly in games.
The fact that he's European doesn't make what you said up there true. There where no major diseases/repopulation. I don't know where you got your shitty history lessons, but maybe you should read a little bit more before saying "I'm pretty sure".
>Brazilians are mostly European
>but I'm native
>no you aren't, you are mostly European
>yeah, that doesn't matter!
>there was no major disease
It was called The Great Dying for a reason. It was one of the greatest human catastrophes ever, right up there with the Black Death and the Mt. Toba eruption.
>he play 4X
Civ 6 romans are currently my favourite
They just feel so Strong
Stop avatarfagging
She reminds of that rape scene in Cannibal Holocaust.
>look up Great Dying
>find this
>tfw you will never have the jaw genetics of natives
Feels bad
>he plays a colouring game, numbers edition
they look like fucking mutants
>Brazil cultural
Anyone here play Civ like they're NTR? I setup a game with only 3 civs: myself, Gilgamesh, and Cleo. I build up my capital a little bit and then setup an auto-hotkey script to click next turn endlessly. I then leave my room and sit outside it for a few hours while the game plays. If I come back into the room and the game is still going I mumble a few apologies and excuse myself again. I've thought about knocking on the door before I enter but I don't want the noise to potentially disturb them. A few times my mom has asked why I sit outside the door of my room and I tell her each time "It's my new meta" (she has no idea what that means).
>he doesn't know we are a cultural superpower
The great dying was before human beings you dumb motherfucker
I don't know how you're doing these asspulls, but I was addressing the fact that the population was not sparse, and that no major disease/repopulation happened. The fact that he's a native/european/whatever the fuck you want to say has nothing to do whatsoever to justify your wrong statement. Also, learn to read, I'm not him. I'm not even brazilian.
BR here
I dated a native indian girl and fucked another like pic related. My god, it was the best sex I ever had in my life, with both. Because of them now I have an indian fetish.
I'm only two of those. It's not avatarfagging if it's more than one person. It's image dumping.
>>he doesn't play Pedo for a cultural victory in Civ V and VI
Its like you don't even WANT to make love to cute little girls.
What is the 8 ball supposed to represent?
Yeah, there are two events to my knowledge called The Great Dying. Try adding "America" to your search.
The upper bound of natives across the Americas when Columbus landed is 100 million. Up to 90% of them died due to exposure of the much more virulent diseases of Afro-Eurasia.
Man if had cash I'd take a travel tour through SA. I'd like to visit Chile and Argentina, kind of scared of Colombia and Brazil though, heard tourist get robbed and stuff. Especially the white looking ones
see >idiot
Do you usually act like an authority despite going into an topic ignorant and doing one google search in which you only click on the first link?
I had a friend go to Machu Pichu. He didn't have anything bad to say.
See, the thing is you dumbass tourists keep going for Rio for muh beaches when that place is a fucking war zone.
That's dope. Did he get to march all up there or can you go by car?
>you dumbass
Brazilians are friendly too! Why would anyone have apprehensions about going there?!
I can vouch for colombia. I stopped going there a while ago. People are utter shit there. Hell they rob you in public. They just pull up to your car and tap the window. You give them money and they fuck off. No one bats an eye.
>butthurt sulista
kek, all the fucking time
I don't know about car. You could probably look it up. What I know is that there are two popular trails. The original trail that you have to be legit fit for to make the climb at those altitudes, and then there is the "Gringo Trail" or something like that. I don't want to say for sure but I think you can take a car at least further on "Gringo Trail" than you can on the alternative. He took the latter path.
Rio is fucking great, I had one hell of time there
>brazilian civilization
I still find that quite funny.
It's crazy that they have gotten to be a civ in two consecutive civ games. I guess Firaxis got sick of using the Inca every single game.
>Pedro II became a member of the Royal Society, the Russian Academy of Sciences, The Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium and the American Geographical Society.[113] In 1875, he was elected to the French Academy of Sciences, an honor previously granted to only two other heads of state: Peter the Great and Napoleon Bonaparte.[114][115] He exchanged letters with scientists, philosophers, musicians and other intellectuals. Many of his correspondents became his friends, including Richard Wagner, Louis Pasteur, Louis Agassiz, John Greenleaf Whittier, Michel Eugène Chevreul, Alexander Graham Bell, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Arthur de Gobineau, Frédéric Mistral, Alessandro Manzoni, Alexandre Herculano, Camilo Castelo Branco and James Cooley Fletcher.[116] His erudition amazed Friedrich Nietzsche when both met.[117] Victor Hugo told the Emperor: "Sire, you are a great citizen, you are the grandson of Marcus Aurelius," and Alexandre Herculano called him a "Prince whom the general opinion holds as the foremost of his era because of his gifted mind, and due to the constant application of that gift to the sciences and culture."
his country will never have a king like him
BR natives have hime cuts!
O Sul is Germanic and First World
Whats the best civ for a science victory?
>Video games has better music than Hollywood movies nowadays
Thread needs more Chel
Oh, cool he was well liked by people who thought he was smart. What theories or inventions are attributed to him?
Celebrating other country's cultures is fun.
t. an American with a room full of Swedish flags because I'm like 40% Swedish
>those curves
>that fluid animation
why the fuck would you ever take pride in being swedish?
looks like the pornstar rose monroe
Pedro is mad at me for eternity in every civ 6 game I play. It's not my fault he's so shit at getting great people.
You're just as bad as Argentinians claiming they are white
well he is the reason Brazil is still Brazil and not 18231983 countries, he popularized carnaval, created our national identity and
>His reign saw the creation of the Brazilian Historic and Geographic Institute to promote research and preservation in the historical, geographical, cultural and social sciences.[104] The Imperial Academy of Music and National Opera[105] and the Pedro II School were also founded, the latter serving as a model for schools throughout Brazil.[106] The Imperial Academy of the Fine Arts, established by his father, received further strengthening and support.[107] Using his civil list income, Pedro II provided scholarships for Brazilian students to study at universities, art schools and conservatories of music in Europe.[108][109] He also financed the creation of the Institute Pasteur, helped underwrite the construction of Wagner's Bayreuth Festspielhaus, as well as subscribing to similar projects.[110] His efforts were recognized both at home and abroad. Charles Darwin said of him: "The Emperor does so much for science, that every scientific man is bound to show him the utmost respect".[111][112]
>have infantry
>Egypt declares surprise war on me with spearmen and chariots
Did they remove the thing that made civs afraid
he is muslim.
that swimmer's booty
hoo mama
Underrated e.c.t...
nice! do you know any more indigenous looking porn girls? Kind of want to expand my wank horizon.
social sciences such as aids epidemics, transvestites and shaking your fake ass bundas
He invented BUNDA.
Do you like BUNDA, you flying faggot?
foda-se, fudido
>well he is the reason Brazil is still Brazil and not 18231983 countries
Yeah, that worked out just great.
hahahaha, pol memes are funny :D
Because Sweden is a great place. The entire meme hate of the country is because they are ruining a good thing by letting in bad people.
But honestly all the Swedish flags are mostly because my family stops by the local authentic Swedish restaurant about once a year, picks up some knick knacks, and gifts them to other family members on Christmas.
Tell me legoman took a shot at her
Every other source of 34 of her is trash
Oh my.
>That scene where she's giving a blowjob to Tulio
They knew what they were doing
>Yeah, that worked out just great.
Seconding this.
American here
They have the best metal and the best hockey players
sweden isn't a great place. they were a poor shit hole up until the 90s and now they are taxed so far up the ass that all their rich people are moving away. sweden is heading for another economic collapse and will go back into hundreds of years of irrelevancy and poverty