Post progress.
Post whether or not you enjoy it.
Post progress.
Post whether or not you enjoy it.
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Just past Saronia having a pretty good time so far.
Is this game good in terms of an FF game?
I've heard good things about it from friends, but they're the type of people that will eat up anything with an FF title on it, so I can't really trust them.
Got to the ice field last night.
I spend far too much time looking for mirages.
This game is meant for people who eat up anything ff
So for people that want an old school FF and not what SE has been currently giving us with main line titles (13 through 15)? Worth it?
so how do i get eng voices to work on the vita version?
choose English for cutscene voices in the menu. it's off by default.
Why is the minecraft creeper in FF?
Had to return it because it doesn't work for Vita TV. Oh well. All those angry reviews on Amazon, lol.
it wont let me switch it to on.
the jp option lets me togge on and off though
Can you ever remove the MCs from your stacks? I just want a full monster team dammit
Where are the voices on the Vita version? I have the day one edition but no voices. Where do I download them? Cutscenes are unbearable without voices.
Love the monster design and love the humor.
Wish the new pokemon designs where this good.
Are there more female designs like this or is it just the odd one out?
I heard this was absurdly easy and ridiculously dumb. Is this true? I should probably have waited before ordering it.
>I heard this was absurdly easy and ridiculously dumb
true for me anyway. i havent had a single game over yet nor have i randomly died to a common mook enemy, which is something that occurred far more in other ff games. i feel like the demo was far more difficult.
help pls
Have you tried turning it off and turning it on again?
Mostly, it doesnt have the story of other mainline FF games but in terms of gameplay is the closest thing you will have for the moment
Can someone post Omega? Need it for reasons.
Just finished Sarona.
Also why are the princesses so god damn cute? Both the Goblin and Undead princess are fantastic characters. I use the NA dubbing too because the Japanese ones don't match the subs.
How do you mean? The tits or what? The designs are pretty consistent in style.
Well of course. It refuses to turn the cutscene voices for some reason. Do I have to download them somewhere?
Yes, voices are a seperate download
Well where do I have to download them?
My game is bugged or some shit.I'm currently stuck at the post-script chapter (true ending).The objective marker is located inside tea girl's room where I have to complete all the interventions.I've done them all even bought all the summons but nothing happens.Fuck this shit
the PS store?
>Post progress
I picked it up from the mailbox today and I haven't played it yet because I'm lazy and have SUCH A HUGE FUCKING BACKLOG ALREADY AND UGJHGLRHJHJKH
when you load up the game it boots up a splash screen. on the top of that screen should be a few icons, one is an orange circle with an arrow. touch that and it should update.
I formulated my question wrong all i was asking was are there more female monster designs?
I've beaten:
Final Fantasy 1 - Origins version (PS1)
Final Fantasy 4 - DS remake, on PC
Final Fantasy 6
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 10
Final Fantasy 10-2
Final Fantasy 13
Type-0 HD
Crystal Chronicles
What should I play in between World of Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy XV? I'm thinking 5. Whats the best version of 5?
Play 9.You've already beaten 13 so it can't be worse than that.
GBA. it has a better translation and a few bonus slightly broken jobs
FF9 nigga
Do it
Of the iconic monsters? Not really. Ifreeta is a special case like the other main trio summons. There is an opposite gender version of each and they are tied to the story. There are female versions of some basic monsters like the monster princesses, and they are very charming.
Undead Princess is an actual FF character btw.
She's in a Crystal Chronicles spinoff.
>slightly broken
made for beating very broken bosses
i liked the bonus content
Oh, I only played a bit of CC so I don't recognize the characters from that one.
No orange circle with an arrow. I have 4 buttons.
-the internet one
-the book one
-two blue arrows that do nothing
-the PS+ one
Nothing on the PS store. When you type "World of Final Fantasy" you only get the Day One edition and the Demo
No dlc.
Not sure why you'd want English voices anyway, they're all terrible.
Characters that should have been in WoFF:
Kefka - His wackiness fits the game, and he's easily one of the most iconic antagonists in the whole series.
More FF4 characters. Was expecting tons more to show up after Rydia's appearance.
A FF12 character. Balthier preferably.
A Type-0 character.
Noctis. I was really hoping he was in. Would be funny that the first game Noctis is in isn't even his own.
I'm guessing they'll do a lot of DLC considering Sephiroth and Sora are both DLC. I hope they aren't just summons and actually have side missions involving them.
Well I want the japanese ones at least
This is precisely why I hate sony gaming. Why in hell do I have to download VOICES. And why is there no indication whatsoever for doing it?
>gilgamesh is confirmed not to be in final fantasy 15
>both of those hacks nomura and tabata looked at Noctis's ability to wield 15 weapons at once and didn't immediately think of a one on one gilgamesh vs noctis superboss fight
Lips for tea.
He wields once weapon at once with access to 15. He doesn't have 6-8 fucking arms like Gilgamesh.
It's going to be DLC and you're going to buy it.
>This is likely true
Fucking modern SE.
You download them from the ps store.
Where on the PS store? There is nothing on the PS store. How do I access the download?
If you have the day 1 edition it should have a slip with a code for the bonuses including jp audio.
As for the english audio. You should try looking for it in the web browser version of the store on your PC. Once you find it, log in, buy it for free, then go to your vita store and download it from the download list.
Please play ff9 user
I have the day one edition. The only thing I have is a "product registration card" for the SE website or something.
You sure it doesn't have a code for the preorder bonuses inside the case? Mine did.
>you're going to buy it.
well, sure, but ill hate myself afterwards
thanks user, but there is nothing in it. I'll just use the amazon support.
Does it actually say day 1 edition on the cover of the box? Maybe they shipped you a standard version.
Is it playable on vita? Or should I get it on ps4?
>Should I play it on a big TV or on a shitty handheld
Gee, I wonder.
PS4 pros: looks better, runs better, has online
Vita pros: you can take it outside if you want.
If you feel like playing the game not glued to your tv but nearby in your house you can play it on the vita via remoteplay
My job requires me to travel a lot. So I get to play on ps4 maybe 3-6 days a month...
sounds like the answer is obvious
I guess your choice is already made up given the circumstances.
unless the vita version is a unoptimized buggy piece of shit, then I'd rather not play the vastly inferior version
Play the demo so you can see how it looks and runs.
this may sound stupid, but i prefer the way the game looks on the vita. I think the models fit lower resolution better. on the ps4, the game looks really strange at time due to the mixing of cartoon characters with realistic graphics at really high resolution.
Where can I get an elixir for that one mirage in the forest before the ice region?
I think you can find one in the secret area of the first dungeon, need smash and flutter to reach it
or the treasure boat in the port dungeon
I kind hope they do more silly games like this in the future. If they did something like remaking some of the older games but took the Lego approach and just made everything silly, I'd be really into that.
Or just remake 13 only and have it not be shit by making it make fun of itself the whole time.
Only just started playing. Going through the first dungeon. Pretty fun so far, I like the music as well. Translation seems a bit iffy though.
Are mirages with no other evolutions worth it? They seem to have beefy trees but that's still less than what one with 3 stages could get.
>he's not going to platinum woff
some advice
always have the maximum number of mirages allowed in the party, you can imprism and then immediately send them to your collection after the fight
after you complete an intervention, you can replay the super version of them.
goblin princess is near the beginning of the game and grants like 45k exp when you imprism her, which is super easy to do.
get smash early on, don't know which mirage has it
I need a game for tomorrow but it's sold out on Amazon. I normally use works prime account for stuff like this. Tesco didn't have it and I don't have a local Game. Is there anywhere I can buy it next day? I've bought no games this year, and finally have a day to myself tomorrow. Not that there's anything else to buy.
Just download it m8.
I want to fuck Reynn
You downloaded both, right?
Apparently both the english and japanese voiceacting are included in the code for the vita version.
Gotta agree, it was a stupid decision for them to lock them off via the 1 edition download code.
Still can't believe they actually did that.
Agreed on the translation. I hate how they make Tama say the all the time. It's not cute. But atleast easily ignorable with Japanese voicetrack.
whatever could you the-mean, it's not the-annoying
I don't the-know what there is about the-it. I the-guess it just must be personal the-taste!
Any easy to get mirages that have smash?
Oh for god's sake I'm so glad this shit is clearly meant for an audience that would buy "chibi" artwork FF. Fuck.
This could not be more irritating.
Thank you for this thread, OP. It proves I'm not missing out on anything.
I came here to post this too.
I want to fondle Reynn's mid sized boobs.
mythril knight from evolving a copper golem
This game is so fucking cute holy shit.
copper golem's in the first dungeon (I forget the name, you fight shiva, ramuh, and ifrit there) can transmogf- EVOVLE into a mon that can learn it
No elixir in Nebula. You can get one from Icicle Ridge after the forest.
Get the fuck out
Damn, it must be hard to resist trying to kill kittens and small woodland creatures whenever you come across them.
Yeah I actually found it just a few minutes ago.
How is a game with a character who calls herself God, joking about dying/death rated E for everyone? I mean I have no problem with it but usually simple stuff like that gets censored for no reason.
They missed a lot of the more mature puns from the mirage descriptions and conversations. There is one for a small adamantoise called minimantoise but the description says they should have called it mini-boi-toise, as in a shota joke.