>enemies no longer bullet sponge
>no longer able to be one-shot
>rare bosses now spawn in the light zone
>difficulty tiers that allow a smoother progression
>feel elite strong on even the hardest difficulty with the right gear
>can actually lone wolf without fear of losing out on upgrades
>dark zone still the kos gank fest that kiddies love
>lowly mobs out in the world can drop best in gear items
>no more forced to do underground on raids for top tier gear
>storymode missions actually worth doing
>game no longer feels like a whore
is it saved? anyone here started playing again?
Enemies no longer bullet sponge
I havent played since my ps4 fell out of the back of my car but if what you are saying is true then I really need to buy a new one
>is it saved?
who cares
>enemies no longer bullet sponge
This is true, though they can still be fairly tanky.
>no longer able to be one-shot
In PVP or PVE? I don't think they did much to PVP in this patch
>rare bosses now spawn in the light zone
The named elites, like Bullet King, respawn every 4 hours
>difficulty tiers that allow a smoother progression
Yeah. World drops are higher now, and depending on world tier, you'll get different item level loot. Just going to 4 or 5 easy to reach named elites every time you log in will get you at least 8 high ends, with a good probability of at least once set piece, at least in world tier 4.
>feel elite strong on even the hardest difficulty with the right gear
Dunno. I'm not at that point yet
>can actually lone wolf without fear of losing out on upgrades
Solo play has gotten a lot better, yeah. You can get everything from pretty much everywhere, even if you just wanna do HVTs or challenge missions.
>dark zone still the kos gank fest that kiddies love
Dunno. I don't like the DZ
>lowly mobs out in the world can drop best in gear items
Yeah, though you'll get lower item level stuff in world tiers 1-3, but wt 4 drops 229 which is the new highest.
>no more forced to do underground on raids for top tier gear
>storymode missions actually worth doing
Yeah challenge dailies give a decent amount of loot now, hard may have good drops as well. Though just doing HVT dailies/weeklies would probably give better loot for the time you spend on them.
>game no longer feels like a whore
I have no idea what that means
Overall, it's a big step up in my book. I just wish the game ran better on my computer. For some reason with an i5-6500 and GTX 1060, I get tons of massive frame drops to, like, 1 fps even on medium settings. Pisses me off.
meant to say chore. and yeah, I was geared as fuck before 1.4 hit. none of the shit is an actual upgrade over what i'm currently wearing, but it's nice to see shit dropping for my friends.
also, I might actually try out some of the other builds. I've been running alpha for so long, it might be worth it to try out a tact build.
Oh, nah I don't think it's a chore since you get a lot of drops now, and the TTK has been reduced significantly. A lot of the sets were changed around, so that might be worth checking out. I was doing alpha bridge with a caddy in 1.3, but caddy's main talent got axed, so I had to switch builds. But yeah it's definitely gonna be easier to mess around with builds in 1.4. I haven't played it too much since it dropped because of classes, but I've already gotten a good amount of 229 set pieces. Worth a reinstall and a look if you're interested, but they didn't really ADD any content with 1.4, just sorta fixed a number of the glaring issues with what was there.
You can't go higher than 229, right?
>Playing pseudo-MMO loot shooters when you can be playing actually good games
right. this means gold items that have special bonuses are even better than before.
Correct. Gear set max item level was changed to be on par with high end item level, which is 229. So high ends are now more worth using instead of just all 6 slots being set pieces.
>have shitloads of crafting resources
>can't use any because blueprints cost shitloads of phoenix coins
too fucking late for all of that
>playing beta
>head into the darkzone and go rogue
>camp at the top of building where the only way up is by ladder
i dont know what else i expected from an ubishit game
PC aren't hard to get though.
>complete 10 Search and Destroy missions to get enough intel
>to unlock these you need to clean up an entire area of side stuff
>get a 50 intel HVT mission
>90 minutes of work for 50 phoenix coins
>Underground missions even on challenging barely give 40
Is it easier to hunt down rogues? Or is there still a giant fucking gap between the gear others have? Almost all rogues I encounter have been playing this game since release and have gear that either has high def or primary atk. I just want that platinum trophy, that's all.
it's easier to gear so it should be easy to hunt down rogues.
Too little too late, no one gives a shit anymore.
It's $13 for ps4 on amazon right now
I'm on PC but the PS4 community is best, by far. worth the $13.
>proceeds to post an image of an average game.
is it worth getting now? It's $15 but everyone said it was shit. If I get 20hrs of gameplay I'll be happy. Also can you do normal tdm and stuff?
>enemies no longer bullet sponge
yeah they do, do you even play this game?
>no longer able to be one shot
i repeat my question, have you even played this game?
>game no longer feels like a whore
I got about 40 of the main game.
This isn't a regular MP game, is more like Destiny or GTA Online.
>thinks this shitty ass pseudo-tactical shooter csgo clone is better
mcfuckingkill yourself
yeah something is fucked for you, I have a shitty laptop 765m that runs the game at 50+ fps with no drops ever at medium-high settings.
Better than literal shit is still better m8.
in that case you shouldve posted csgo
There was supposed to be a big patch to change these things, or are you saying it didn't change anything?
let me just ask: is underground included in the season pass?
if so I might give it another go
all major expansions should be included plus some throwaway shit I think i only have the base game so not sure matey
What's average about it? There's nothing really like it and after admittedly a lot of patching, they have executed the concept brilliantly.
Yeah, and I have no idea what. I should be able to max (or very nearly max) this game. It's probably some stupid driver issue that I have no idea how to resolve.
Yes it is.
well all right then, I'll give it a second chance I guess
havent played in months
Me neither man. I completed the game twice (once alone and once with my best friend), then just put it down and haven't touched it again. Maybe I should, but I don't really want to buy the season pass only for it to be mediocre
me and my buddy bought the season pass along with the game on release so I have a bit more of a vested interest in it
I'm saying the patch didn't do shit to those things, it was only trying to make higher level players realize that they've wasted their time on the game.
boy never heard that before
better celebrate this here historic occurrence by buying the season pass
Yeah I get ya. I bought a physical copy, so I got a good quality shirt with the SHD phonix on it and a really good quality skullcap that the agent wore in the old E3 demo It's getting cold these days and I'm using that comfy motherfucker, in fact, so I didn't feel that much remorse over buying the game and only completing the vanilla story twice (I mean, it was supposed to be so amazing you'd want to play it for months on end, right)
Not everything, but a good portion of it.
>try and go into DZ
>find 3 people who are friendly
>join up
>start looting
>some faggot level 14 comes up and one shots all 4 of us without taking any damage
>proceeds to follow us for over a hour just killing us
>tells us to quit
>tells us we suck
>has over 1200 hours played
I liked the game up to this point.
Yeah the DZ was a goddamn disaster since release. They tried to fix it with brackets, but it just doesn't fucking work.
I just don't see what this faggot got out of this.
There is no sport in it, you are instant gibbing new players. How is that thrilling or fun? Like how fucking miserable does your life have to be that you suck at high level shit so you gib the lows.
We'll never know, because we aren't socially dysfunctional. Being on Sup Forums is bad enough, but that is some lower level shit.
>purchsing/playing ubishit games
Same. The DZ was a titanic fucking disaster.
Since there was almost no actual end game content at all, high level players spent their time patrolling the shit out of people trying to better themselves killing npcs to get what better loot they could hope to find.
Why waste my time getting angry over a horrible progression system like that, when I could literally play anything else?
Ask someone who's been playing since launch. This is my goty desu
Reminds me of PVP servers on any mmo. High tier players camping out in Low level starting areas spending hours just being general pieces of shit.
I fucking hated shit like that. Sure world PvP is fun, but that shit is just pathetic.
What fun is there when you know for a fact you can not lose.
It just fucking sucks, because I want to play with other people. Spend a few minutes in DZ and there are people I can play with, spend nearly 20 hours in matchmaking and found 1.
>What fun is there when you know for a fact you can not lose.
Uhh, that's how fun works? Losing sucks and isn't fun. Therefore, the larger the chance of losing, the more something sucks. This means I should always do things where I have no chance at losing, if possible.
user, your character looks a lot like mine.
Though, it's not like Division's character customization was incredibly diverse...
>This means I should always do things where I have no chance at losing, if possible.
Reminds me of that twilight zone episode where the guy thought he was in heaven, but after realizing they would shove anything down his throat that he wanted, he became so bored that he realized he was actually living in hell.
I don't know, I picked a face, and some hair and gave them color.
Any advice? I plan on soloing everything offline, if possible.
maybe i'll give it a shot later. I have a 11 hour work shift later and all I got to play is nep vs sega hard girls on my vita... I guess I can reinstall The Division.
The joy comes from all your asspain, which you are still freely spreading after how long now??
Clearly he got exactly what he wanted, and it's hilarious. Maybe go back to your WoW hugbox, bud.
>I plan on soloing everything offline
kek, this is a online game. You have to log into Ubisoft's servers to even play. There's no offline.
Don't care about tech, tech is only really useful in multiplayer because of how Op it is against players.
Medical wing is Best for single players
Use pulse and Heal circle (forgot name)
Upgrade medic wing for great upgrades
Holy shit really? I still have the game but deleted it off my PS4. Might play again.
This pic reminded me that I had a shitton of cosmetics unlocked when I stopped. I could play dress-up for days
This says a lot about what kind of person you are.
It's worse than Destiny still.
Thanks for the advice.
Also get a marksman rifle/ sniper they're great against Ai enemies especially with headshots
>outfit DLCs
>if you dont own them then you are missing 30 pieces of clothing out of the 500 clothing items that comes with the base game
shitposters gonna shitpost
did YOU play the game?
you are the stupid nigger here
I enjoy the dress up feature. There is a good selection of items and I like that the clothes are what you pick and gear is what looks different.
Makes me look forward to wildlands. Hopefully its PvP isn't fubar.
I bought the game for 15 bucks off Amazon for the pre-order edition. And I'm enjoying the single player and co-op part so I'll probably snag the season pass which is 23 bucks off G2A.
>Check Amazon
>game is now 25 bucks
Play my cards right and I'll have the game with all DLC for less then the actual game costs for a digital version.
Only tried it during the beta, is it worth picking up now with this change? Not too expensive now
>my ps4 fell out of the back of my car
If all these changes are true then yes
Well, perhaps i should then. Do you know if Uplay is the cheapest place to get it atm?
I honestly don't know. I already bought it day one but dropped it because of well basically everything before the new update.
>enemies no longer bullet sponge
Lie and slander, this is and always will be a problem with this shit garbage game.
I'm playing right now, Unless I go into Hardmode with 4 players they are not sponges.
And most of the sponge part is because the guys I'm with are under geared.
This. With decent gear, the only things that are spongy are things designed for groups (Incursions and heroic mode story missions).
Dead thread is dead.