What does Sup Forums think of prototype?

What does Sup Forums think of prototype?

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It made me sad because it reminded me of Ultimate Destruction sequel that will never happen

Prototype 3


Enjoyed the shit out of first game and replayed itmany times.
Sequel was trash through and through. Instead of exploring potential of the first game and fixing the issues they managed to make every single feature of the game worse. Graphics aside.

Played both 1 and 2.
Gotta say i think 1 was harder. Beat 2 on 'insane' mode or w/e it was and i didnt find it that difficult.

I found them to be super fun, honestly. Arcady/Action to me? Story line is fine and no characters pissed me off or anything.
Just free-roaming and mashing on mobs with your different moves was fun.

Great game.

Franchise literally ruined by an angry pavement ape.

Inferior to infamous

Prototype 1
Good fair play definitly good competition for infamous and good combat stealth and story

Prototype 2
Made combat better been a long time since I played I dont think they changed stealth much at all though...but the story was god awful once your a bit less half way through...it made no sense and was complete bullshit and contradicted prototype 1...trophies were easy though

a solid favorite of mine

every time i think of the sequel i get fucking mad though, incredible how they managed to fuck it up that much

I've only ever played Prototype 1 and I love it. Stealing a helicopter and just fucking up shit is fun as hell.

How is the gameplay of the second game? I read they fucked with the abilities and unlocks.

I wish there were more superhero games like this:
I loved how this game had a fucking shit-ton of abilities and upgrades to unlock, tons of great ways to commit mass murder.
The story and campaign wasn't great but the "fuck-around and kill everyone" factor was great.

I fucking love it.

Really fun and interesting movement mechanics, diverse set of powers, freedom to explore, lots of challenging sidequests to do, probably the most fun I've ever had in a video game.

Remember that 'defend the bloodtox truck from the leader hunters' mission on hard mode?

Platinum rank events were hell.

Whipfist for best power. Or Musclemass. Blade?

Chaotic spam and flash, felt like it was made by 12 year olds.

I beat the first twice because how good it was, i uninstalled the second in an hour or two.

Pure fun.

Loved it. Gonna replay it soon probably.

One of my all time favourited.

They really fucked it up with the second one though.

Here's hoping for a third that won't fuck up majorly again.

Nice game you have there, I can see the potential. Hope you don't mind if I fuck it all up.

the first game was really cool, and was a great concept game for what then-next-gen could potentially do. it had its issues, one of them being that the powers eventually culminated in the Blade being the best for all situations despite literally every other transformation being cooler. anyway, it came up with a lot of cool ideas and generally did a decent job, though like i said i did have issues with a few things. interestingly one of my favorite parts of the first game was Alex Mercer himself, voiced by Barry Pepper; his story was interesting and engaging, the Web of Conspiracy or whatever they called it was cool, and the acting was excellent.

the second was almost what a sequel should be. gameplay-wise, it was generally an upgrade. you could combine two transformations to make your guy more versatile in a given situation, there were more powers, and the world was overhauled to be much, MUCH more fun. Prototype 1 had just the expanse of copy-pasted pseudo-NYC, which was fun to fuck about in but had no really interesting areas. 2 divided the world into like the regular area, the locked-down, high-military area, and the hellhole infection-run-amok area. outside of that, though, P2 fucked up a lot; no more Barry Pepper, the idea of the protagonist from the original being the bad guy was squandered, the new MC was hilariously bad, and it was also one of those games that advertised having like a billion pieces of DLC that i have no idea if you can even get anymore.

I like the first game but the second game was absolute dog shit.

Really fun. Great OST

What was wrong with the second game? Never played it.

It's fun, but your character is grossly OP way before you reach the end.

As most Sup Forumsirgins said:
- first one had fun story and MC, good gameplay and sandbox fun.
- second one had improved gameplay and graphics, but a bland MC, shitty story and ruined the first game's MC. And is still happening in New York.

Main character's race mostly.

Story is dumb. Also, Mercer is back as the big bad guy, with a stupid dumb plan, and is killed in the end. No mention of Pariah ever.
Basically, it ruined most of the good ideas of the first one.

I don't think anyone liked heller

he was basically kratos

I want Activision to try something with this IP again. PLEASE.


There is no way in sweet fuck Mercer is actually dead.

It's like saying "Oh hey, you managed to kill the air."

That said, fuck whoever decided to turn him into Wesker 2.0 -Less sense Edition.

Fps spinoff where you play as a Blackwater?

>Inferior to infamous

He was supposed to be consumed by prototype 2's MC, which could be one of the only way to effectively kill him.

Anyway, I admit that if there ever is a Prototype 3, I'd like Mercer back as MC, so I won't argue too much with your opinion.

played 1 and 2 on xbox around 2012. the games are both edgy dumb fun. i like the idea of using peoples forms as a disguise. it reminds me of holobobing from destroy all humans. i liked to disguise as a human and see how much damage i could do without any other powers, just guns and vehicles. i didnt care for the story in either, but even i felt like 2 was not as good in that regard. the boss battles werent too memerable and i felt really let down by beating mercer at the end of 2 with little difficulty on the hardest diffiulty. i got all the achievements in 2, so thats somethng.

ive had ahankering for superhero games lately, so i might revisit it. maybe i'll get the infamous sequels once i get a ps4.

>No mention of Pariah ever.



Don't curse us, man.


I wish.


Reminder what we could've gotten

Would you believe me if I told you the reason for no Pariah?
Apparently, it was because of resemblance to a series featuring mysterious hooded men watching from a distance.

holy shit what the fuck

Mystery of the druid?

i dont understand whats different besides the look of the characters and enemies

Druids don't stab m8 they fuck

I really liked Prototype 1, how likely is it that I will enjoy inFamous? The concepts seem similar but is the execution similar too?

And what does Pariah got to do with templars and dick wielding assassins?

Infamous is slower, gameplay wise, you're more like a normal guy with powers than a superhuman all powerful mutant that you are in Prototype.

Apparently Radical thought it was too AC like, since apparently the entire Redlight Virus was made on orders by Templars, Templars ordered Uncle Sam to order a bunch of eggheads to make Redlight into a race killer
I say bullshit nigga, just because AC has Templars doesn't mean your game can't have them.

But then again, one has to wonder how you're gonna show a kid being killed by a nigga/ a white kid who's actually a virus.

First one was great. Shame about the second though.

>you'll never get Mercer vs Pariah

What if the kid is mostly black tentacles and drooling fangs?

better graphics, animation, pedestrians are more lifelike, theres a karma system that shifts how pedestrians act towards you, grinding on rails and power lines is a pretty sweet way to get around,

Are you me?


That final boss was horseshit especially since even with maxed out abilities the fucker only takes chip damage and the timer is short and frustrating.

Probably acceptable, so long as the kid revelation is hidden behind something like the Web of Intrigue from the first game.
Scientists know an "armaggedon" will happen once the Blacklight and Pariah will meet. And somehow scientists want to know which apocalypse scenario will happen, even though it's a fucking apocalypse scenario. So most likely they're going after Heller. He has, after all, sensitive knowledge of Blackwatch, and he has Mercer, plus his nigga genes apparently can make another Elizabeth Greene. Blackwatch will want that.

If Radical were to rise from the grave, I doubt they'll think of Ass Creed, and probably focus on Pariah, and/or the Runner from the comics.

You mean, a hivemind of the vast majority of Sup Forums that played prototype 1 and 2? Probably.

Armor Mode. I actually can't find a decent pic of his armor mode in the fucking base game.

There's literally an arsenal on the ship to throw at him user. Plus you get the button mashing animation which takes a decent chunk out of him. You right on short time though.
Muscles for days. Every attack action amplified to holy fuck? Yes please.

i liked the huge rock fist

Btw it's on sale right now till the 1st

Infamous is more like third person shooter in terms of combat, doesn't really have a lot of hand to hand combat. Movement system is kinda more restrictive and slower but much more polished. Story is better.

I love both of them desu

Even then the chip damage can fuck you over, I just spammed the special attacks and consumed soldiers over and over again. The Helicopters would range from useful to dead weight that wasted my time.

Reminder to stay the fuck away from the botched PS4/X1 ports. Pirate PC.

>Radical Entertainment is kill and prototype 3 will never get made
With all the sandbox games coming out you would think someone would make a superhero sandbox like hulk: ultimate destruction and prototype. Infamous is fine but it's also pretty different, and there was a lot of stuff in prototype that wasn't explored fully. The web of intrigue is also a pretty cool idea in general, you piece things together slowly as you get further and further up the food chain.


I just threw carts and missiles at him. Getting hit by his tendrils is what really ruins your time because of how long the animations last. The pain critical mass does fuck him up if you can avoid damage and eat enough people though.

>Ultimate Destruction sequel that will never happen

I knew this, but to see it written out like this...

Even if there's not a lot of story, and it is very cliche, I like how refreshing the first Prototype is compared to most video games. You do not often play a dickish anti-hero, casually murdering in game tens or hundreds of people.
And the twist about Mercer's identity near the end is pretty neat.

>Man, Prototype 2 sucks because the story and angry nigger!

I don't get it, why the fuck would you play a game like this and focus on the story?

Prototype 2 had better free-roaming, more polish and overall better mechanics. They removed the stupid wannabe RPG mechanics and combos that never found use outside of X, X, Y.

I miss the cannonball though, that was fun stuff.

I have a feeling most people are actually miffed because of the armor mode being completely removed.

Literally just wanted to post, "Go ahead and reboot it, I don't give a fuck, just give me a new game."
So there it is, I guess. Nice.

It is always better when the little of story there is doesn't completely suck, and can even possibly surprise you in a good way.
Prototype 1 did that. 2 hugely disappointed in that regard.

>you're more like a normal guy with powers than a superhuman all powerful mutant that you are in Prototype
Very nice, I've been throbbing for some superhero style games where you aren't all that powerful.

Yeah I'm not saying Prototype's story is bad, it's just that Infamous has actually great plot and second games is even better with characters and writing.

I completed Infamous two or three times for endings but I still spent much more hours on Prototype's free roam mode

>armor mode being completely removed.
That did suck, and I didn't find any of the new powers particularly enjoyable but overall I found it to be pretty fun.

Closest thing we will get is new Spiderman game. Man I love this genre, I wish more games were made. Years ago at least we got some budget licensed games

The strongest technique in [PROTOYPE] was the Bulletdive Drop. The damage of this move would increase based on height.

With Musclemass equipped and fully upgraded, flying a helicopter to the top of the map, jumping out and using Bulletdive Drop could destroy a military base in a single blow.

It was kinda fun in its own way. I pirated it, found a 100% save, finished it with a Mercer skin on and fucked around a bit.

Honestly, it seems like most of the Prototype powers were just put into Saints Row 4.

Also, Mercer's leather jacket was cool as fuck

>Radical Entertainment is kill

Man fuck Activision

But body surfing was the most stylish

Really good, i also quite enjoyed prototype 2 and it made sense Mercer becoming a villain. Hoping for a third game. The aspect of morphing to whomever else is quite interesting.

>Honestly, it seems like most of the Prototype powers were just put into Saints Row 4.
Yeah, but no sick ass blades, claws, armor, or any of that.

>Also, Mercer's leather jacket was cool as fuck


So is there anyway to play prototype 2 on PC? Last time i tried it didn't work out at all.

Man, fuck that. Prototype 2 was streamlined horseshit. It lacked details that made smashing shit up in 1 fun.

Good lord that price, and shipping.
Fuck me.
The dress shirt, sweat ahort, and vest made it

Damn, that jacket would be pretty cool to have but expensive as fuck

>made sense Mercer becoming a villain.
It really didn't.

>So is there anyway to play prototype 2 on PC?
Uh, yes? Why wouldn't there be? There's an official PC version. Works on my machine.

Say what you will about Heller but his jacket was pretty nice too.

The price has actually come down almost 200 dollars over the years. I was watching it when it was nearly 500. I'm just afraid that by the time I can afford it they'll discontinue it.

The Virus had killed everyone he knowed, everyone he loved, and he was the reason behind it all, and that on top of the virus corrupting him -Well, you are bound to be pretty pissed.

Yes but on AMD gpus it has issues

This guy knows whats up

Well, they did say they took powers from Prototype and Infamous.
And the brit voice wonders if he's ever gonna get bone claws.

I liked Heller honestly.
He was just as edgy as Mercer, dude was just black.
>tfw the foreign female voice is french and not spanish or British
Volition fucked up

Like what?
It has better physics over 1.
And there was more little world detail.

In 1 peds would always just be walking forever and the only TECHNOLOGY I ever found was zombies slowly approaching a corpse and dragging the body away into a little corner so it can chew on it by itself.
2 added a bunch of weird little details. Like peds taking smoke breaks, becoming tired, old people peds dying of strokes if you change in front of them, committing suicide, etc.

After the fucking ending in 1, it really didn't. Also, that fucking tie-in comic for 2 to explain his descent into a megalomaniacal douche was horrifically written.

>Volition fucked up
True, but at least it'll make a few guys cream their pants.

Is Muscle Mass the giant fist ability or is it the one that gives you bigger fore arms and hands? I thought the second one there only gave you better throwing abilities, wasn't sure if it actually beefed your attacks up at all.

Also I pirated the game forever ago and enjoyed the fuck out of it. Felt guilty and ended up buying the first one again and found it a bit easier and not really as fun as my first time through it. I got up to the part that gives you the sword arm and armor and lost a lot of motivation to play, was just thinking about the game though.

Also I love the premise of a biological super soldier type deal. The whole cyborg thing has been done to death and Mercer's powers are pretty goddamn interesting. Not to mention his armored mode looks fucking fantastic.

Still haven't played 2, might snag it in a sale though.

I preordered Prototype.
Got a little Alex Mercer figure and a poster.
Dog chewed up the figure, which upset me.

Pretty good game though.

I meant more for the player character. There was more detail in his animations when Mercer was running across buildings (not to mention you can't even wall crawl anymore), and you had a lot more options to fuck with people, like Patsy. Can't do that shit anymore.