Every normalfag kid games on a PC now. Where's the prestige?
Perhaps the final game is learning linux and not playing games (except for emulating those psx classics you always loved)
Every normalfag kid games on a PC now. Where's the prestige?
Perhaps the final game is learning linux and not playing games (except for emulating those psx classics you always loved)
lol. The ps classics are a 7/10 compared to the n64's 10+/10
>Perhaps the final game is learning linux and not playing games (except for emulating those psx classics you always loved)
well, except for me it'd be gamecube. I don't have nostalgia for my PS1
There never was any prestige in playing console scraps
>learning linux
It's not a language, and there's not much to learn. The only thing off the top of my head is there's no C:\, no system32 and filenames are case sensitive, but otherwise they're pretty similar on the surfac
Yeah, I thought so.
ok now there's no way this is anything but a script how the fuck
Are you actually autistic
It has always been to play great games normies never could get into. Dorf fort for example.
There's a whole universe of linux to learn my friend
nice gif
Nope, not a script.
Depends on how you see things.
I seriously wish I could find out where the barneyfag lives to kill him with my own bear hands
Linux isn't as comfy as Win 10.
>Hey Barneyfag, thanks for taking me to work ;-)
>W- why you looking at me like that...
you're right
it's comfier
Fucking hang yourself you fucking degenerate, HOW HARD IS IT TO NOT SHILL YOUR SHITTY FUCKING SHOW
I wish i got paid to shit post all day from my bed
Just tell me where you live barneyfag, so I can go and then I can end your misery.
I bet 20 years in dead row for killing you are easier than standing your shit here for 20 years.
>gaming on a certain platform
If I did, that'd ruin the mystery.