How do I afford to buy games and consoles that expensive when I'm a poorfag?

How do I afford to buy games and consoles that expensive when I'm a poorfag?

>inb4 lol poorfag

Please don't laugh at me, I have been feeding on fruits and water exclusively for the past few weeks to save money. meat and other shit is a luxury to me.

Other urls found in this thread:,

do you live in america?

Just move to Germany and hop on that benefits train.

Do you have a bank account? I tend to save money for Black Friday. While spending the rest of the year following Amazon and Best Buy daily, as their prices change.

Also following Slick Deals tends to help, but you have to check multiple times per day. Scalpers and flippers have absolutely ruined gaming deals.

No. I live in a third world shithole

all the good games have been made already, you don't really need that good a PC.

fuck consoles except for old ones which you can emulate..

If you can't even afford meat, why are you trying to play vidya? Go buy some ham man. Eat a sandwich.

Holy shit man you are an extreme case, maybe you shouldn't be playing videogames, honestly it's an expensive hobby

Gib mail pls I am rich fagget that helps faggets like you

you just don't buy it, easy
or go have a boss and buy things

>my life is shit bc I'm poor
>can't even escape into vidya

Most people in the third world only play games from 2 generations behind and pirate everything.
What country?


There are tons and tons of older games out there that are worth playing. You don't have shell out on xboners and ps4, wii quadcore nuclearpowered computers to have fun.

Ofcourse piracy is an option.
What consoles do you have? What games do you like? Take a trip to craigslist or whatever local secondhand internet marketplace of your choosing and search for games that you might like there.

I have been considering piracy but I imagine you need some additional hardware and I really wouldn't know where to start

You don't get it faggots
The OP fell for the "if you don't play the latest meme game, your life isn't worth shit"
That's why he needs to get a meme game, so he can see the real world and how disappointing is to play online with idiots. Then he will appreciate that he is free from such bullshit playing pirated games again.
It used to happen to me, then I tried online and now that I am sick of people and their bullshit I am back to normal.
There, you own me one, OP

>but I imagine you need some additional hardware
For consoles you mean? Some modding is neccessary for consoles, but older consoles that are already modded are out there a plenty on the secondhand market. I bought an og xbox with like 15 games 2 controllers in my same town wich was modded already(it didn't even mention this in the advertisement) for 20 yurodollars. You can probably do even cheaper than that.

But i primarily meant pc piracy, wich you do not need hardware for.

Just get a good gaming PC and pirate everything. Or join the cocaine cartel

>or join the cocaine cartel
key but I'm actually afraid of the repercussions. What happens, if say hypothetically, I get caught with my PC full of pirated games? Do I go to jail? Will I have to pay a fine?

>I have been feeding on fruits and water exclusively for the past few weeks to save money
user if there is ever a thing to spend money on it is food, dont skimp on food to save money, ever.
Skimp on vidya, or clothes, not food.

also the answer to your question is pirate them.
when I was a poorfag and I didn't have a console, I just played emulators and pirated games on my laptop.

>I get caught with my PC full of pirated games
How do you expect that to happen

Step 1: Get a job.
Step 2: See name.

feels thread

>be mexican
>have semi-decent PC
>hacked 3DS
>"hacked" Wii U
>can pirate everything I want

Games are expensive as fuck here and I'm just a university student without a job.
I even hope the Switch gets blown open soon.

Advice to poorfags: Just emulate old shit.

There's tons of worthwhile older games that are much better than most of the modern AAA stuff.

Thank (You).
I don't. I'm just curious about the consequences. One can never be too careful.

>if you don't play the latest meme game, your life isn't worth shit
this, when I was a young poorfag, what I used to do is go to my local second hand games shop and get older games.
They had a 7day repair/replace no questions asked policy and I used to get a game, complete it, take it back for another one, do it a second time and finally get a game that I actually wanted to keep.
They knew what I was doing but knew I was a poorfag so never questioned me.
I saved my pennies for GTA SA release date and they let me off 30% because I was a long term customer. Probably did it because I was a poorfag.

Does Argentinia even have laws against piratingI have never heard anything about anyone getting caught with pirated games on his computer. The most is people getting letters from lawyer agencies after having torrented a game from a public tracker in places like Germany, and the general course of action for those is ignoring them

Implying he doesn't have one already. Typical

Whatever you do, don't shell out for a gaming PC. Waste of money

Move to Mexico like this Argentine gamer girl

>Meat and other shit is a luxury

If food is a luxury to you, then video games should be out of the question. or try to emulate games on the PC you're clearly posting from inb4 it's a library PC

Sell things. I made 600 USD for a computer using ebay and amazon.

Fruit is way more expensive than real food, what the fuck?

Buy a bag of rice and beans for $10 and eat for two weeks+.

OP could be posting in a celeron III that can't handle shit, just sayin
I had an athlon xp up until 2007 myself

Not if OP has frutal trees around him where he can grab the fruit for free though

user I;m in the U.K and I have nearly 200gb of music that I have pirated, steam and download pirate movies and have pirated countless games.
I have never worried about getting caught, if anything it is only gonna be your ISP that can tell the law about using sites like TBP.
They need to catch you with the data, so just don't stock up on games. play them and delete them.

Fruit is cheap as dirt here bc its grown by local famers. The government has put a tax on meat so I can only eat it once a month.

I have and athalon X4 and I can run BF4 and ultra with a stable 30+fps. (got a gtx 660)
the pentium III could still run zsnes

This is seriously not the place to admit that, user.

Maybe he finished all that is good for SNES or emulators, then he is fucked? Dunno, OP is not giving much info.

I'm also poorfag from third-world OP. Nowadays I just pirate indie games. I have mostly given up on vidya, especially since hardware prices aren't getting any lower.

But fruit most of the time costs a lot and give little no calories.
And if you live in a poorfag country where fruit costs nothing I'm sure you can afford a piece of meat too from time to time.

if I was worried about something like that I wouldn't be on here.
some of that music I have had for 10 years

if you live in a third world country and dont even have enough money to play video games, then you should be working your ass off to improve your life first, and then worry about buying games later

work hard, save all your money, then move to a country that isnt a shithole

Sail the seven seas

OP I suggest you just stick to indie games and old games or find a different hobby. Vidya goyms are after all a first world luxury

OP isn't poor he is just fishing for attention
I offered help and he didn't even reply, if he was really in need he would contact me so I gib free shit

I doubt you're actually rich. And even if you are, why would you help a stranger in a vietnamese rice selling forum?

I do help random fags because I used to be poor and couldn't afford shit. Then the fire nation attacked my Father died and I inherited everything. Went from rags to riches.
So now I want to help random faggets if I can.

I'm not one of those entitled poorfags who think rich people owe me anything. I'll just follow the advice the other anons gave me.

i am from a very worse country and i live my life on old games and i don't know if i am blind for new games but the only threads i see here are about old games, and everyone shits on new games and praise old games so i don't really feel bad, and the best advice i can give you is to emulate there are some amazing games on snes, nes sega, Dreamcast gcn and Wii and try finding communities of old games like, it's really populated and has quite a library of old fighters like sf3s and for smash, and try to have fun with whatever you have dont go to internet to watch new game videos and news too much. if you won't know about new games you won't have urge to play them, keep up with indie scene a lot of indie games don't have that much requirements.
well that's it, have fun OP

Ok then, you are missing out.

tfw from third world slav country and dreaming of overwatch

paladins isnt fun :(

Honestly, it's not worth it, unless you're 12, you're gonna get bored after 5 hours. Those 5 hours will be trully amazing, but still.

There's no way he has a full time job and can't afford food

If you can't afford the game much less a decent connection to play it

Eastern European internet connections aren't as gimped as you think.

Paying 7€/month for this and have a lower mid range pc(i3 4170/R9 380)

Open the boipuss

Live within your means you fucking retard.

Honestly we Canadians are the same way...

how much weight have you lost?

also find a used games store

I fast every other day so I can afford games

Video games are the only thing that takes away the pain from this stupid piece of shit we call life

You could try getting a job?

>Get a job in shitty country
>Spend more than you earn most of the time in transport and shit like clothes to work, more food because you work hard and almost make nothing in the end

Yep OG modded Xboxs are good for emulation/easy to mod and the Xbox has the best performing multiplats. Follow this guide if you can get ahold of an Xbox

Welcome to the real world. You don't need that much extra food unless you do a physically demanding job.

That's why I want to kill self as fast as parents die, user.
Vidya is just a placebo until they are gone for good, then I'll off myself.

You don't. You buy when you can.

I have had my U for almost two years and own less than 8 games for it. No, it's not because it has "no games". It's just because they're so darn expensive. As a teen I had to buy DS games and last gen games instead of new console games because they were a lot cheaper. So I missed out on pretty much every Wii and PS4 game, instead I played Pokemon a lot. Nowadays I can still only afford maybe two Wii U games a year. Nintendo is adverse to lowering their prices after all. I mainly get games during the holiday season and during my birthday. Now I have a job so I can buy more but it's still hard. I mainly buy eShop and VC games.

So, only buy what you can. It's not the end of the world if you don't get a game asap. I have a list of games I want but can't buy for months or even years.