Literally only you
Games Only You Played
Besides all my friends playing games since they were young, none of them ever played this.
But a lot played Starbreeze's next title Riddick.
>tfw you finish the good campaign and there is an even longer evil campaign afterwards
More games need to do this.
i made a basic roguelike where i play as a low stat succubus and run away from monsters i cant even hope to beat just for myself
There was one game I played that I have never seen any threads on, I don't know the name but I've tried looking and found fuck all.
From what I remember.
Aliens vs humans
Level I played was set on a bunch of tropical islands
Game seemed to be ripping off Halo
Small budget I believe because the cutscene I remember was of a drop ship coming into land however it had clearly just been piloted by one of the devs and recorded as the movement was very jerky.
That's all I got, someone help.
I did play those though.
Get a load of this special snowflake over here, with his arcane fucking knowledge.
High Seas Havoc
A good sonic clon
inb4 filters
it was alright.
Wait a minute. I'm having serious dejavu hear. I promise i've seen this thread with the same replies before.
Not really. Ascent is F2P on Steam so quite a few people have tried it out. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning may have gone under the radar but it got it's own niche audience.
ayy, that's a fun game
I fail to see how this is a "only I played" kind of game. It wasn't THAT unpopular.
Don't remember the, but it was an old old game I ran on like a windows 3 machine, you were a blonde dude on some weird alien planet, for some reason you shot out crystals as your weapon
i like games like it which dont even try to balance shit much
using the giant laser that 1 shot everything and went accross the entire map is a kind of fun most games dont allow
road trip adventure is by same devs and also fun
Let's start some serious suggestions.
nope, also the soundtrack was pretty fucking good
Nice taste! I remember playing this when younger. The two sides of some missions you got to see were great.
I played it, good fun.
T'was a good game
without question the best multiplayer game on psx
>implying anyone finished it
Fucking love Enclave, one of my favorites
Okay. You got me there.
A weird one for sure.
Duplicate reply
dat booty tho
This game is seriously great.
I fucking loved this game when I was young.
most weird, unknown in the west and pretty good at the same time that I can think of is pic related.
A mix of roguelite, rpg text adventure and RTS that somehow works.
My favorite childhood game.
Took me a while recently to find it but I did.
Baseball Kids on the GBC
>space rangers
>unknown in the west
Try harder Russia. That one is one of the best things you guys ever made, and we know it.
I just realised none of the female fairies in the game have pants
Had the shareware as a kid. Pretty good game.
Get on my level
Is this screenshot real? I remember it having silky smooth graphics. Also the animations were pretty good.
Someday I'll finish it.
>only games that you played
>posts enclave
try harder next time user
Shame really.
The concept and setting was really cool.
Would've loved to see a sequel.
this desu
it was actually pretty fucking rad
Chaos legion
Sorry user, played just this august ;)
Fucking rad, indeed
Literally no one has ever heard of this game.
Yo Nanosaur was legit when I was a kid, didn't play too much of the sequel
doubt Sup Forums is old enough for this one
>space rangers
I wish that game was more commonly known, especially with the recent Roguelite craze. For lack of a better word, it's so comfy. The wonderful music. The beautiful stars and planets.
>you could one-shot almost anything in the game by knocking five arrows and shooting them at point blank
and mages were shit
>it was actually pretty fucking rad
No it was completely forgettable.
No one but me
The way the robots would shred apart but just keep coming was rad as fuck
dude holy shit ive been looking for this game i remember playing it when I was like 5
what is it
>plz respond
I remember watching a little youtuber play that game like 5 years and subbing to him, he never got any bigger and occasionally still streams and gets like 2 viewers, sad
Awesome game.
I don't know anyone else who has played this. It's on Steam though.
I finished the game and it actually wasn't too bad.
it was fun
Fuck harvest moon for destroying one of my favorite series. Knowing Japan, if the new game doesn't do well then they'll see it's the series fault, not the fact they completely changed the game
Onslaught for Wii ware. Paid for it with Wii points I got from pepsi's rock band dlc promotion back in the day.
I was a youngin with an R4.
Loved this game when I was a kid, top tier browser game
Best taste, my man
I remember thinking this game was gonna be a huge hit
It's actually a good game. A bit uninspired, but solid. I couldn't tell you why the review scores are so low across the board.
wats this user?
That game was too deep for me.
I loved this game, scared the shit out of me when I was a kid tho
I played that game to death and then passed the disk on to friends who did the same. I wish we'd get an Aquanox 3.
How do you get anywhere in this game?
Everything either earns you peanuts or outright murders you on the start.
Played it for then hours before I realized I was getting skinner box'd and it was a single player MMO
you're not the only one. loved this one, although i never beat it. i get stressed out thinking of the countdown to this day.
I post this in every thread like this and I think only one time someone else said they played it
Nah nigga I played Tachyon
The animations were good but that's the only thing really. I suppose it would look better on an older tv though being blurrified
I remember there being a kid friendly Mech game on the original xbox, it was a first person cockpit view game, it wasnt mech assault or anything like that, i remember the mechs being clue and could strafe left and right.
Literally can't remember anything other than that.
This game was garbage in a lot of respects but I thought the huge levels were really cool
>look across the huge level at some buildings in the distance
>1 hour later
>you're fighting enemies there
>you can look back and see where you were an hour ago and the entire path you took to get to where you are
under the skin FUCK yes