>30fps is bad
ITT: memes you want Sup Forums to stop using
Other urls found in this thread:
>there were good games in 2016
>900p is bad
>consoles are worth gaming on
>japan makes better games
>Sean Murray lied u guys!!1!1!11!
Let me guess you top played games on steam are dota 2 and skyrim
You're just as bad
There's no point in anything greater than 24FPS, and resources spent to reach 30/60/140 or whatever arbitrary ceiling small-dicked neckbeards aim for to justify the money spent on their their ludicrously expensive port machines could be better spent on shit that normal player will actually notice and appreciate, like higher-quality textures, more sidequests, or a longer campaign. PCfats are dragging the industry down with their masturbatory nitpicking over framerates and FOV sliders.
>Pepe image OP
>pc master race
>minor spelling error in an obscure text box
fumb dogposter
When has Sup Forums complained about this
>Witcher 3 is good
>If it isn't my taste its immediately bad
>tumblr filenames
>Sup Forums
>framerate bait threads
>this thread
>smash 4 is bad
>if it is my taste, then it can't be bad
Some dumb fucking kid probably had fun with E.T. on the Atari, but everybody is comfortable calling that game shit, aren't they?
name one good game
God I cant wait till he's looked back on like "SO I HERD U LIEK MUDKIPS?" and "IM FIRAN MUH LAYZAR"
You just need enough terror floops in your system, and BLAST PROCESSING. Your games will run great then.
>download pepe off google
>wahh you must change the filename cause it has a name of a site i don't like
All memes are cancer
Whats your point?
he is trying to convince himself overwatch is good. wasted his good boy points.
30fps is OK
Gamepad plastic nipples are precise enough for shooters
>using jewgle
Except it is kid
Your gay little example of ET fell flat as that is universally hated while Overwatch is universally loved
I have different taste so I can't you probably hate my goty to bits
Not all games are gonna be 10/10s not saying E.T. is good though.
There were a lot of good game in 2016 just because you don't like the dev/graphics/genre doesn't mean they're bad
And yours is Hello Kitty Island Adventure?
Japan makes alright games but not unanimously the best games overall.
I'm not that guy but here my most played.
>Your gay little example of ET fell flat
lol i didnt post that. why are you so mad?
>ArmA 2
this is now a shit taste general
Do not reply to me again UNLESS you are the original poster in the discussion
Stop capitalizing Sup Forums, first off
i am nigger. you're just projecting so hard you dont know what the fuck you are doing.
Calling everything you don't like w meme
Misusing "literally" and "objectively" as a synonym for "pls don't disagree, that would hurt my feelings"
>30fps is good
Then you're retarded and a hipster
>amiibos are not dlc
granted this died down a bit
>using asterisk to denote an action
>going to Google to look for memes
>being so thoroughly part of the problem that you don't even know what the problem is
Stop posting anime, first off
a meme is simply a popular idea
the idea that 30fps=shit is a popular
therefore by definition, a meme
>Then you're retarded and a hipster
>says the overwatch player
baka desu senpai
The most popular idea is that fps doesn't matter, and it's just pure bullshit.
How is it hipster to like Overwatch?
>Dark Souls 2 is bad
>Getting mad about anime on a anime site
That's pretty great though
I agree, my point is that it doesn't mean that it is not a meme
neogaf shill defending your ps4 pro?
Fucking MH
>x is the best RPG
>not DnD
Yeah, 30fps is fine.
Inconsistent fps is the real issue.
Another meme I hate
>consolewar baiting autisticly named tripfag misses the point of the thread
these are all respectable amounts of times in the listed games
Depends on the genre. Classic RPGs, Puzzle Games, interactive movies, basically anything that doesn't require reflexes and quick movements to get through the game is perfectly acceptable and bitching about it, for consoles at the very least, is just stupid.
Fighting Games, FPS, Rhythm games, etc? If it isn't at 60fps then it better be because it's running at a higher speed.
>pc is worth the entry cost
>not listing Most Played
baka desu senpai
This is nic thread
that's here
I'm gonna fuck anime
keep subtly shilling sony shit
these threads only confirm sony is on fucking life support right now
>nobody bought bloodborne
>DS3 sales barely broke even (only because of PC)
>DS3 expansion is a flop
do you see the downward trend here?
>sony just released xbox1 knockoff controller
>interest in ps4 pro is totally slumped
>interest in nintendo NX rising
durrrrr 60fps is just a meme, r-right guys!!??!!
>Sup Forums
old Sup Forums would have tore your ass apart for that.
He did, alot.
fuck yourself
put your trip back on
No, people misinterpreted what he said
>ludicrously expensive
You mean 600 spent four years ago on a machine I haven't had to upgrade since that runs all 2016 games at max settings 240 fps 8k resolution? stay jealous faggot.
I'm really tired of goldface/angry wojak/console war threads. They're never in good humor, it's nothing but bitter shitposting. I'd think that that kind of brand loyalty shit would have died down but it feels like it's as strong now as it ever was.
Get baited, loser. Suck my dick.
try and stop me bitch.
The "any opinion I disagree with is a meme" meme.
>the mysterious hacking group known as Sup Forums
Don't ever post this .gif again.
> pcs have a high entry cost
dumb frogposter
There were plenty of good games this year
lol stay mad nigger
I'm not fucking mad.
yeah you are trash baby lmao
You don't know who you're messing with, kid. Walk away.