It is time for a screenshot thread muthafuckas. Post whatever you want!

It is time for a screenshot thread muthafuckas. Post whatever you want!




something something big nigger dik small white dik social agenda

i am the birthday boy

haven't played a hitman game in ages, and the last one was absolution (t'was fun, meh).

why should i play blood money?
are there actually multpile ways to kill a dude and not just
>lol killed with knife
>lol killed with bottle
>lol killed with gun




I have never been the type of guy who replay the levels over and over again to learn every detail but i would must certainly say that there are multiple ways of doing the deed. Laying in traps or lying in wait will be recurring themes though


Well, you can kill your targets with any old weapon or tool. You can also cause accidents, like getting a guy to shoot the target in one mission or dousing a BBQ grill with lighter fluid so the user stays warm for the rest of her life. Absolution had that too, if I remember correctly.

What more do you want?

Took this recently. All I can think of while playing this game is "..why?"

why did they have to make the combat so shit for this game?






holy fuck. I remember playing this game years ago






Up until a few years ago, I always thought A&D was an Xbox exclusive.

that pic really captures something about hitman

a serious clown in a pool with a floating trophy wife about to be discovered by FBI agents








That bullet hole in the guys neck is so satisfying.



Why does Harley's face look like CG and Joker's look in game? That is so weird.




Happy to hear that my art degree wasn't for nothing! What is he thinking about?










>two GP's offices with that few clinics

>Ward that enormous and nearly empty

>That restroom








in the bathhouse where that on guy is shafting the other guy.
I swear that place was just a faggot den



Any KSP fans?


I want to be a fan but I'm too fucking dumb

Goddamn that game looks so much better than the fucking PS2 version I'm used to




Just play it, it's a hard game to dislike.


I always shot that faggot clown and stuffed him into his van



I loved seeing this for the first time, I had a hearty chuckle.

This game is gorgeous.
One of the best games I played ever. Didn't played the GC version, but the HD version blew my mind.

Once you get an understanding of simple orbital mechanics you start to improve easily. The first time I got to orbit and landed on the mun in this game was one of the most rewarding experiences I've had in a game.

I'm not sure what you're struggling with though.








Is legends as fun to play and as easy to get into as origin? Normally not into platformers but origin was fun.

not him
"assassinating" people...
not my thing


I took this a while back whilst playing around with post-processing features on Dolphin. AO does wonders, but I thought I had a little too much applied. Opinions?

Getting OOB is really easy on The UAC.

>trust nobody, not even yourself




Legends is better than Origins.
It's the better plataformer that I played in years.
And comes with various stages of Origins too.

>mfw they ruined the new Hitman with always online bullshit and separate saves for online and offline mode
>isn't even on a real sale



Another screenshot.
