Aww, it's retarded

aww, it's retarded

How about we wait until the console exists until we tart all the Tan shit

cute as a button

>Normies will use the dog as the representation of the switch instead of some loli or THICC women
>all those efforts on Sup Forums wasted thanks to the efforts of redditors

>loli or thicc
I missed this, how do people see that in the switch?

>how do people see that in the switch?

They don't. it's just Sup Forums

i love sunbunnies so much

Everything has to be a loli or thicc because console-tan threads are complete garbage.

It's all western artstyle shit tier anyway.

post artwork

Honestly better than Sup Forums shitty "object is little girl XD" meme

I don't understand how any effort is wasted. Normies don't use any of the other tans either.

>all these drawfags trying to force their overcomplicated designs
>meanwhile the wii u tan was just a milf with an U on her clothes and a detachable head

doggo should be the tan tbqh

But the dog is THICC

Fucking Ledditors with your little arts and crafts bullshit.

Go make a videogame cake for epic Leddit gold.

thicc sassy dog

A dog is not a tan. so it's not even eligible.

Most people don't even know it has a name. It's Switchie, by the way.

Yeah, I wouldn't want to call it that, either.

the female space marines of console tans

I like all the porn of it

Furfags are the worst



it will always end with the design that is the easiest to draw while still looking appealing and distinctive

Has anything besides this cartoon dog caused such butthurt on Sup Forums before?

Reminder E is still the best

can we just call it what it is now? /ctt/ cancer tan threads


This isn't a tan thread though


I unironically love that dog

I like the dog too, the cute retard dog version the plush thing is based on. I just hate what thicc and furfags have done to it.

what is that pic a reference to?

two reasons

1)made by a random nippon and not Sup Forums

2)not a waifu just a mascot

honestly i prefer the dog

is this the new ctt thread?



This shit it's literally reskinned Maromi