>Sean Murray is found dead of vomit aspiration tomorrow
>The Autopsy report will find a lethal cocktail of painkillers and hard liquor
How do you respond?
>Sean Murray is found dead of vomit aspiration tomorrow
>The Autopsy report will find a lethal cocktail of painkillers and hard liquor
How do you respond?
with a good healthy shrugging of my shoulders
I'll have what he's having.
I don't
I can relate
i thought it was called asphyxiation.
Masturbate to his barefoot pics.
RIP in peace you sexy beast.
Questioning what was going through his mind on those videos where he talks about the features he is promising for a game nobody likes
Why do white people love not wearing shoes?
I still won't care fuck off already, how bad a game has to be that Sup Forums can fucking let go of it?
Aspiration is when you cough up stuff from your stomach into your lungs, particularly vomit in the case of ODing
ah okay
Why do black people love stealing and killing?
I guess it's just in their nature, user
It's how Jimi Hendrix died. You drown in your own vomit.
yeah i have seen breaking bad.
>not being found dead with his "mind blown"
Oh, looks like he had enough cash to afford the good stuff.
I hope it was painful.
I would love to have seen his face when he realized it was a team member who made the posts on their social media. It's tumbling down,tumbling down,tumbling doooooooown
>tfw alcoholic and broke
fucking dirty hipster put some fucking shoes on.
He was a good man.
Its funny how you retards think he feels bad cause his game is shit.
He doesnt give a fuck, it was all a scam from the start. He accomplished his goal
I bet you didn't expect him lying this way
We all know this nigger. That's why everyone is giving him so much shit. You must be a kike to put money on such a high pedestal.
its hes seen the error in his ways
Retard meme spouter
>no further reply from user
>"wow, Sup Forums was right for once"
It won't happen
who's sean murray?
>sean murray makes a lethal cocktail of painkillers and hard liquor
>painkillers and hard liquor can't find each other
>sean murray ends up surviving
i love this meme that sean is for some reason unhappy
guess what, he made millions of dollars. literally millions. why the fuck would he be unhappy?
>Woke up this morning and stubbed my toe
>Stepped in Dog shit
>Puked because it stank so bad
>Shit my pants because I vomited so hard
>Jump right in the shower to wash myself
>No hot water because roommate just took a shower
>Get shampoo in my eyes
At least I'm not Sean Murray!
i wouldnt give a fuck.. i didn't preorder his shit game, i'm not like all those fucking retards who ate up the hype an did *sigh* so his death would be meaningless like every fucking dead man woman an child refugee floating dead in the seas not worth a second thought.
>why the fuck would he be unhappy?
Because he is despised by half the internet?
I`d take that deal, just shut of your screen and walk away.
Who the fuck cares for the opinion of some anonymous retards online, especialy if you have the money to do what ever the fuck you want.
really? who cares bro?
im sure when hes getting a blowjob from some 10/10 french model hes like "oh man people on reddit are really mad at me"
some of you need to go outside and realize that the fucking internet means nothing lol
You guys are used to living in a state of fantasy persecution, half this board even takes pride in it.
Normal people aren't smugly arrogant about social ostracization. It hurts their feelings.
>no guys, believe me, he's really upset about teens and fat guys whining on the internet as he vacations on the french riviera with models and does whatever he wants after buying a million dollar home
his feelings are super hurt i'm sure
Do it right next time.
>Sean Murray
But how? There are 18 quintillion places he could be hidden! That has blown my mind.
Ask Notch if all his money made him happy.
Everything is relative, user. That's why you feel perfectly justified bitching about video games that fail to adequately entertain you like it's some sort of terrible sin even though you live in a world where millions of people aren't concerned about whether or not video games are fun enough, they are worried about whether or not they are going to eat today.
>because this guy isn't happy, that means this other guy with a totally different personality is unhappy!
i assure you he's fine. he hasn't bothered tweeting because he is too busy laughing at kids like you.
This changes literally noting to my life.
I wish he'd wear some shoes for fuck's sake
Honestly, which do you think is more likely, that this was all some sort of elaborate scam that just happened to be successful and now he's laughing his way to the bank or that he genuinely wanted to make a good game that people liked and, after spending years of his life working on it, he's a little depressed about the incredibly poor reception?
good riddance. I hope he goes to procedurally generated, boring Heaven
Considering that he isn't trying to make the game better or updating it with basic features that he promised, I'd say the former is more likely. All game devs are greedy scammers until proven otherwise. You don't get the benefit of the doubt.
Who cares? I got my Chris Chan show to watch.
Sad, he's cute
It's ok the hack is over they're back to work now
I wouldn't be surprised. He probably gets called a cunt every day when he goes walking down the street.
Shit I just realized I got the same feet.
Git gud
Bleach masterrace
No Man's Sky was a Mistake - Sean Murray
Sean Murray is spending millions of pounds and drinking the tears of the fools who bought his game based on pure hype alone.
Let me smell them.
i dont understand the hype
is sean murray gay?
He deliberately misled customers, it's not like he poured his heart and soul into NMS and is really upset about it not being as good as he hoped and letting everyone down. He's a conman. Why would he feel bad that his victims don't like him?
smell your own
And nothing of value was lost.
What did they mean by this?
>vomit aspiration
>aspire to be vomit
>make no man's sky
this is artistic expression in it's purest form
What a waste of feet :(