The Secret World

Alright Sup Forums, I just bought The Secret World Ultimate Edition. Did I fuck up or is this worth every cent? Also Secret World Thread. Almost Halloween and none are up? geez

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Most people agree the combat is subpar but everything else is excellent.

Debating it myself. Played The Park last night and sort of want to follow up on that, but I'm not sure if I'm up for an MMO.

Yes it is very good as long as you wanted a heavily story driven game with atmosphere so thick it could choke you. The investigation missions are clearly the highlight in this regard. The halloween missions are pretty well done also since it's that time of the year. There's two tie-in games also, being "The Park" and "Hide and Shriek" which was just released. The game is more 'singleplayer trapped in an mmo' than anything. However it doesn't mean you're required to grind if you just want to experience the story, everything is doable without needing to fall into the typical mmo rut.

The missions are all pretty neat, the whole game is perfectly soloable (I mean, aside for Dungeons and the few Raids) but it has very small community for an "MMO"--it's more like a MUD. A really, really high production value MUD.

Melee weapons are more suited to soloing but ultimately you can master everything.

And Kaidan is an abrupt leap in difficulty thanks to the AEGIS mechanic and those mobs didn't get weakened as much in a rebalance sweep that they did last year which de-fanged Solomon's Island, Egypt and Transylvania.

The one thing I like about the combat is the leveling system that lets you avoid making alts for different roles, you can just make a healing build since it lets you make your own decks.

I enjoy it, but MMOs seem to be very polarizing. If you like good atmosphere and story then you will enjoy it.

bumping for interest

Is this game worth playing solo?

>Was interested in this game when all that was known was that trailer with the QT milkshake drinkan azn.
>Then it turned out to be an MMO

bumping for Halloween spookies

Captcha: Belmont Luderiplatz

Wondering the same thing, as everyone else here, I hate people, can I solo through this without any grinding?

If you're going to buy this with money, this might be a good bet.

They have The Complete Edition which is the game + DLCs 1-15. On Steam the bundle is only 1-11.

Well shit, looks like I fucked up

Fuck up more or less.

>Combat is awful
>Investigation missions are either you spending shitloads of time learning random shit like cryptography, morse or something else
>The other kind of missions are just fetch quests
>Story is whatever
>You don't get all the issues with ultimate edition that are released so far, not to mention issues to come


So, I'm thinking about buying it myself, I have few questions though.

How alive is the community?

Is the game very grindy?

Can you play it mostly solo and PvE? I doubt my poorfag friends would be willing to buy it and I don't really want to play with some randoms more often than occasionally.

What are differences between the main factions?

you fucked up, combat makes the whole game unplayable

>How alive is the community?
It's pretty small but incredibly helpful and collaborative. Check the forums on how to join the event and sanctuary channels.

>Is the game very grindy?
The entire story can be done without any grinding, especially after the enhanced player experience patch. The fact of the matter is that the best way to get ability points/SP/Pax/BB(until nightmare dungeons) is by doing the missions. The game pretty much gives you end game prepared gear by finishing the issue missions. Just sitting around killing the same mobs over and over is a waste of your time.

>Can you play it mostly solo and PvE?
It's story heavy and puzzle oriented. All missions except dungeons and raids, obviously, can be done solo.

>What are differences between the main factions?
Mostly cosmetic, but you get differing faction missions occasionally. Plus the emails you get upon mission completion are different.

Templars = Good
Illuminati = Bad
Dragon = Neutral

Starting the game now, any tips?

Thank you both very much, one more question:

Are the dlc's worth getting now that they're cheaper or should I wait with them?

What's the combat like?

Do I need the Ultimate Edition, or will the normal one do?

Do I need to mess with the Steam regions?

the dlcs are all story continuations and add-ins. I'd say it's far better to get them now since they're dirt cheap in the bundle. Otherwise you'll run across locked missions here and there.

>they're dirt cheap in the bundle
Again, check this instead of the one on Steam.

Combat is a little flawed, but it's a bit more enjoyable with a friend. The lore and quests are pretty cool, don't use guides or anything to solve quests, that ruins the fun of them.

Is the complete edition worth it? Are the added quests good?

The added quests from the mission packs are some of the best in the game.

Tyler Freeborn, The Nursery, and Kaidan questlines are all from mission packs, and are hands down the best in the game so far.

Yes, very much solo-able, except for the Dungeons which you can Que for. of course with the low pop, actually doing any of them is extremely rare.

This is the best issue.

>What are differences between the main factions?
Illuminati has better NPCs
Templar have better outfits
Dragon have... uh... Memes?


>Dragon have... uh... Memes?
They get a blowjob. But beyond that fuck all.

They get Daimon Kiyota, if you consider that a plus.

Dragon it is

Did the serves just go offline?

You can play dragon all you like but just remember who the Goddess is

>I was an ordinary Valley Girl, major in human resources, daddy in real estate who paved our driveways with his gold card and shitty cologne. Rest in peace. Until one night in the Hills, a couple of guys who were up to no good fucked with the wrong girl. Fratboy necromancers. Ugh. The worst, especially when they man up from sacrificing neighborhood pets to abducting undergrads. But they didn't check me for mace, or duct tape, and the next thing you know it's all, "You can't do that to us bitch, we're Illuminati." Now, I got to thinking: A, if you're a member from a secret society, you should keep that to yourself. Even under torture, I mean seriously, cry me a river. And B, only my friends call me bitch. Well anyway, to cut a long and aggravated assault short, I realised Illuminati clearly needed to work on their employee handbook. I had just graduated, just killed a few guys, I was looking for work placement. It was totally serendipitous.

>Server Status: Offline

It says we have to wait 2 hours? wtf

How long is that sale likely to go on for?

Yes. This is one of the most singleplayer MMOs. Except for Dungeons it is fun to solo.

Also, don't forget that there's trial

Worth most of those cents.
First area is stellar, make sure to listen to all of the dialog it's great.
50/50 shit grind missions vs awesome investigation missions.

Which home dimension do I pick?

Everything is great until Tokyo. The new combat mechanics they add is terrible.

If TSW was a singleplayer RPG would it compete with other RPGs?

It's pretty irrelevant mostly. Unless you just want an RP server. All the servers can intermingle with each other if need be via meet-ups. which is what people do for world bosses. So population isn't really a factor, since it instances you off per-server anyway so that it keeps the atmosphere tight

what's the best server, in your opinion?

I fucking hate modern MMOs. God damn it.

It would be a 9/10 rpg easily, throw an NPC party in, remove all the "kill x of y" quests and you've got yourself a goty.

most likely until the steam sale ends for the haloween stuff.

he just said servers are pointless user, it doesn't matter.


The one where your buddies play. If you know nobody - it doesn't matter.

well I play mostly on Daemon. Seems like most of the forum celebrities are home either there or cerberus if you care about that. But it 'really' doesn't matter