Why people have to cheat in mp games?
They feel more pro because of that or what?
Like this guy
Look at achievements
Why people have to cheat in mp games?
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf is wrong with his hand
Is Crossfire still alive?
he can see it through the gun, like he can see people through walls.
Generally insecure kids who've been coddled by their parents their whole lives and avoid any situations where they might possibly fail. They only have fun playing video games when they win, so they ensure that they win. When someone calls them out on it they usually just go "lol it's just a game who cares I'm having fun".
Source: knowing several kids like this in high school.
K2 > K1A
Is crossfire still worth playing?
It's a very common hack, you give player textures the properties of HUD textures
to piss you off so you spend all your time making threads crying about it.
>Playing dead by daylight
I love run across faggots as killer who instantly beeline to your position and its the only game in their library. Not fooling anyone.
>play bioshock infinite clash in the clouds
>some russian fucks have hacked the leaderboards fof 999999999999 points
I have a friend who only plays fighting games, but he will choose any character that he thinks has an advantage (he is retarded) which usually means the evil "boss" characters.
I used to always see that shit on consoles back when i played on them. If there were leaderboards the top people always had some whacky ass hacked score or time in racing games.
The point of hacking is to piss off the other players. It works best if the admins are not around and they have to keep you vote kicking every time you rejoin to ruin the game. Man, all the assmad it creates...
>The point of hacking is to piss off the other players.
Keep telling that to yourself.
It seems to be working already faggot
Its like if someone would hit you with poop and every your reaction called 'crying"
Maybe it's just the games that I play or something, but I never really see people get angry at hackers. At best it's a temporary inconvenience until enough people are convinced that they vote to kick the player. I guess it's probably different if you're playing ranked competitive games.
it never was
it's funny and makes people like upset
I never hacked/cheated in a MP game, but its clear why people do it:
To piss of people like you.
Leaderboard hacks I'll never understand. But for general MP ones of shitty F2P Korean games? I can get hat.
Why do you think that I am pissed?
>it's funny
you must have one hell of a sense of humor, user
>hack in CS:GO
>use very legit-looking aim assist and ESP
>pull plays that are just a little too good
>occasionally let myself get ambushed so I'm not obvious
>have been surveyed by Overwatch many times and never banned
>have survived three Global Elite purges
>enraged people for at least two years now
>someone is breaking your fun
>be suprised that someone is pissed because of that
Are you 10?
If someone would kick you on the street you would be ok with that? Because you know it is just to piss you off
>user is hacking
>k, I guess we'll kick him
I feel like this thread is actually a pretty good simulation of people hacking in games.
Because it's fun, I've been writing cheats for games for about 15 years now. Some people have fun just playing the game, and this is true for SP games for me (I've never cheated in an SP game in my life), but in MP I can't have fun unless I am making the other players visibly upset. Killing them fairly doesn't achieve the same effect, when you obviously cheat you get dorks like this angry
>takes video games too seriously to screw with them
You too!
When I'm playing some fps and I see a hacker aimbotting everyone and getting like kills every second I just laugh it off. Everyone else gets mad, but it really isn't as bad as some people. They have those players who are "smart" about it and try to hid it. Blatant hackers are just funny. If I get annoyed I'll just switch servers.
It's not funny when you are the joke
You seem to be mad enough to still be upset about it.
>user is hacking
>k, I guess we'll kick him
What actually happens
you aren't screwing with video games, you are screwing with other people in a particularly shitty and an unfunny way, wasting their time and what not
i honestly want you and people like yourself to get cancer and die
>you lived to see Sup Forums become populated with sensitive faggots like this
I have been hacked against before, it does not upset me. It's just a game.
I used to hack on terraria and used a simple ip switcher and would constantly rejoin the server if I got banned.
It would drive people insane. Although hacking in terraria is pretty funny because of the cool shit you can do.
Actually I used to be an admin of a server in terraria and would hack all the time, but didn't really matter cuz it we had tshock and it was years and years ago.
you mean being that kid? don't project.
i used to cheat when i was bored.
and its hilarious seeing people angry over trivial shit.
nothing more to it. it's not complicated
And here we see the first person in the thread who actually seems upset. So I guess the edgy teenagers who do it FOR TEH LULZ are now vindicated.
>you lived to see Sup Forums become populated with insecure 12-year-olds who need to hack in vidya to keep their self-esteem up
wow mate i can greentext too!111
Salutations Reddit
>Not denying it
This level of projection really is just sad.
I do it to ruin it for everyone. I don't want anyone to have a good time. Your a faggot for playing overwatch and I'm a NEET with plenty of autisim bux.
I've been banned 3 times already and that is nothing. I still have 4 other overwatch accounts that are active.
have fun losers. You'll be seeing me soon
There are many reasons that people cheat, user. You're just as guilty of projection if you think everyone has the same reasons you do. The kids I knew in high school legitimately did it out of some bizarre aversion to failure, and admitted as much.
>you are sad
Because they can.
That's why I prefer smaller communities, the big cheaters get found out and banned much quicker than on games with huge fluid populations
i'm not guilty of projection because i'm not making a fucking thread about it.
there was a question in the op, i answered it.
nice buzzwords here, lads
just meme it off, it's so damn easy
>The kids I knew in high school legitimately did it out of some bizarre aversion to failure
You'll never get any help from therapy if you keep lying.
When you insult someone in a very specific way like that you are either trying desparately hard (ie, reddit) or you are projecting. Both posts are valid responses.
cheating is acceptable in valve games because they are shit anyways
If someone refuses to play a multiplayer game without cheating, I think that's not a big stretch.
Cheating gets boring after a while, only someone incredibly insecure would have to cheat constantly.
nigga if you're playing a game that doesn't ban by steam id or at the very least IP, you're asking for it
>projecting this hard
Sorry user, I guess I'm not remembering that correctly. Thanks.
Don't respond to these over sensitive retards. They have a confirmation bias because they were exposed to
There will be nothing to help them from their cognitive dissonance
Changing your IP is also just as easy as switching your name, it takes between 5-30 seconds to restart your router. I also have several different ranges, you'd need to ban my entire ISP to stop me from playing, and then I'd just fire up a VPN. IP bans really are useless, how do you think bans on Sup Forums are so easily evaded?
>just meme it off
What's with people like you coming into threads and making baseless judgements about anonymous people? Do you actually believe you're right and can't be challenged or wrong about shit because of your anonymity or does arrogant ignorance just feel that good?
you got me, buddy, i actually am a 12-years-old who is secretly hacking to feel better about himself, you damn got me
Its the one number profitable game of the year so you tell me
>being mad at video games
>someone being mean in a video game is the same as physical violence done to you
Are YOU 10?
Its going to get to the point where they ban based on unique CPU identifiers, and you're going to need to spoof your hardware to ban evade.
Just wait 5-6 years
There's a level of satisfaction in beating someone, but children are lazy and don't want to spend time to become proficient enough to actually win.
They then will play it off as "LOL I TROLE U SEE I WIN CUZ U GOT MAD NOW" because the feeling of winning from minimal effort only takes them so far. They have to change the win condition for themselves to still feel like they're winning. It's Tumblr tier mental gymnastics.
Eventually they get bored of that too and move on to a new game.
Or I could just not play, go outside, and not be this useless of a human being.
Congratulations for indirectly helping me be a better person, user.
Shame it comes at the cost of your pathetic life.
it's fun, it's basically in-game funposting
This user understands. But I bet by the time I post this there's already a reply saying he's mad or upset, which only proves his point.
K1A for pure spam fun.
God I spent too much money on this game back in the day. I knew it was hot trash, but my friends played the shit out of it. I was able to get the Kriss, AK47-scope, and AK47-knife.
It wasn't worth it.
thinking of terraria as years and years ago makes me sad
>so bad at videogames he has to cheat in a game that has aimbots, instant kills, and wall hacks as features.
>I've been banned 3 times
Good to know blizzards anti cheat actually works
He spends his money just to annoy other people.
That's just really really sad.
I think the reason many people cheat is because its the only human interaction they're capable of getting, the kind they force on other people.
He did call it autismbux for a reason
> Spacewar
Common indication of hacking. No idea how Valve hasn't done shit about it yet
don't wallhack anymore but wall hacking in CS is a very good learning experience
Hey Scott Adams
Overwatch is doing something like that or some sort of hardware profile. Read about people getting banned and rebuying the game but not hacking only to get banned again.
Not sure what they are basing it on but i imagine its not difficult to circumvent.
Damn, I remember guys beating the fucking shit out of cs 1.6 cheater in a local lancafe back in the days
>i do it to make people mad
All i get from this sentence is that you're bad at video games. Anyone knows making people mad/getting kicked/banned is way more fun when you are so good at the game people think you're cheating.
They do it to make you mad, and it clearly worked.
I think for a lot of people its some kind of mental disorder, as for others they just enjoy being dickhead, i dont really understand how it is fun, same as baiting and shitposting in Sup Forums
I'm honestly not too learned when it comes to computers, but I can't imagine successfully spoofing unique hardware ID's would be easy to do.
Plus, that in combination with IP and username bans would make it very difficult to circumvent them
You've never made someone angry just for fun?
Hacking is literally admitting you're bad at video games, so ????
Idk I don't even try to hide it. The one account I cheat occasionally on is p high ranked and still yet to be banned.
I want to see people blatantly use hacks and claim they are from a game's rival company and they're doing it so that people will stop playing the current game and go play the rival company's game.
>I can't imagine successfully spoofing unique hardware ID's would be easy to do.
you can change a MAC address in 5 seconds
Yeah, I remember doing that when I was a teenager. Then I grew out of it and realized there's no point. It would be interesting to see the ages of everyone posting in this thread.
I'm living the dream faggot. Enjoy the crappy outdoors. Try not to get sun burnt or bitten with malaria I'll be inside with my A/C and Chinese food
Pretty sure Call of Duty lets scripts fly on their games so people are more likely to buy the next one.
You know, despite the general cess pit of this place, most people don't find that fun. Most normal people would rather be happy.
He IS upset, though. See how he defaults to immediate namecalling ("children are lazy"), the assumption that anyone who cheats must be an immature individual.
Cheating is a sign of immaturity.
Its mostly stupid not funny and irl it has consequences, if i made people mad everytime i came up with some witty retarded shit in my head i would have even less friends than i do now
But i guess i understand what you mean, didnt see how its related to cheating at first
With the amount of shitposting and falseflagging that goes on here, i'd say you're wrong. Making people miserable is one of the oldest forms of entertainment, if it wasn't for movies, tv shows and video games we'd likely still be killing each other in gladiatorial games.
hmm, lemme correct myself. Cheating is a sign of immaturity but immaturity does not mean you will cheat. Causation =/= Correlation.
How are either of those in any way indications of an emotional state? This desperation to go LOL U MAD is exactly what he's talking about.
Naw, that's just something non-cheaters tell themselves to feel better after they get killed by a cheater.
>oh yeah well I bet you're just a stupid kid
See? You have no idea.