Whoa, hey there gang. It's your favorite gamer dude here, Todd. My pal Sean over here has been getting a lot of flak recently and it's made him very upset. If you want me to continue making great games for hardcore gamers, I suggest you apologize to him right fucking now.
Whoa, hey there gang. It's your favorite gamer dude here, Todd...
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I pirated No Man's Sky AND Fallout 4, what are you gonna do about it?
Are these guys even friends?
I'm sure my boy Todd hate this Sean faggot's guts
The picture is right there you idiot.
They are, but they'll lie about it
Sean and Peter Molyneux share the same tier of lies and false promises. Granted, Peter has a much longer track record, Sean's lies see were more damning IMO. Todd doesn't really out right lie. He just makes shit seem more glamorous than it is. Radiant Quests weren't a lie, hundreds of endings weren't a lie and neither was that mountain.
>mfw I actually like Todd's games
And I played them on consoles
knowing this has ruined the todd meme for me desu
fuck it, i want beth to start false advertising now
i have never enjoyed game like i enjoyed nms and i never even played it. free entertainment
The drama was the best about this game
Murray has dethroned Howard as the new king of lies.
Howard lies about a few missing features like spell classes spears and whatnot, things that could easily be trimmed away as "fat"
Murray lies about entire gameplay elements.
>See that mountain? You can climb it
No I can't tood, but at least theres a mountain
IF it were Murray in that situaiton
>See that mountain? You can climb it
But there's no mountain there... What the fuck are you even talking about
>The mountain is a very important part of our creative vision and something we plan to bring to customers in a future update.
I'd rather be told sweet little lies, than blatant bullshit
>No I can't tood, but at least theres a mountain
Dude, you go to the top in the main fucking quest.
I thought he was referring to another un-climbable mountain
Fuck Nu Mans Sky and fuck you too Todd.
I pirated Fallout 4 and NMS
12345 Intercourse Pennsylvania.
No, he actually points at the single climbable mountain in the game.
The meme is still funny though, damn it.
>...police believe the suspect, Sam Hyde, may still be at large.
2 you have to buy No Man's Sky and Fallout 4.
Name 1 (one) thing Mr. Howard lied about. You can't. You literally could climb that mountain and there were infinite quests.
Only things I can remember are the downgraded Oblivion textures, the spears in Skyrim but that's really engine limitations because even mods don't add them, and you being able to affect Skyrim's economy by burning it or something. Tho that's added in a mod.
Todd doesn't lie, he's just really good at making normal things sound epic. He's too good looking.
Todd of them has a lit stick of dynamite behind his back and Sean has a grenade behind his back in the picture. It's much like Spy vs. Spy.
He lied about Oblivions npc's being smarter than they really were in a completely scripted video which he presented as "live".
>the spears in Skyrim but that's really engine limitations because even mods don't add them
This is something I'll never understand, how hard is it to make a model of a spear and have it hit like a sword?
You say it's there but I can't see it.
not sure what other user is smoking, but there are mods that do exactly that, even though it looks like shit because it isn't animated like a spear.
Why is this a meme? Todd doesn't really lie, I mean when they cut something form the game he outright says it. The only time they promised something that didn't really happen was the AI in Oblivion but this meme was born from FO4 in which I'm sure they promised nothing that didn't make it into the game.
Yes it's animated like shit, because of said limitations. Keep in mind that Todd's dinosaur engine is over 16 years old. Sure it gets updated and can look decent in F4, but it's still a 16 year old engine.
People made DmC tier combat mods, guns, dragon's dogma tier magic, balloons, cars and what not but spears are not doable, like ladders.
TES is still the greatest game series ever made
>We know we have a responsibility to do this game right
That's one
Well desu, the game is pretty great and fun. It's just that it's no longer an RPG and shouldn't be called Fallout.
Fallout 4 being good.