Is he broken?

Is he broken?

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is ur head brocken?

His hook sure is

Is he a big guy?


Not really. He does his purpose. Picking off key targets with hook.

Only thing busted is the actual hook itself with its bullshit hitbox. Even blizz talked about it and are planning to tone it down.

For you

he'll be instapick along with reinhardt once zarya gets her nerf


>mfw reaper can 2 shot roadhog, kill everything in sight, can escape, teleport anywhere. Not broken

idk it depends on how big the nerf is.

If it's just what they have on PTR, she'll still be a near mandatory pick. All they've done is reduce how much charge she gets from her shields, but a good Zarya will still be doing far too much damage to pass up along with one of the best ults in the game.

t. Roadhog mains

he's not entirely broken, but his hook is the most broken skill in this fucking game

at everything points at blizzard leaving it as is for the foreseeable future


his ult is probably the shittiest in the whole game.

I really don't want them to tone it down, it's too fun to hook people round corners and shit

i was so close to buying this game. then i remembered that i dont have friends and the thought of working with strangers makes my skin crawl

>I didn't know I was supposed to play more than one character !

Just pick Reaper, Ana or Reinhardt when you struggle against a Roadhog, dude

>implying any of the retards who cry about muh broken heroes know about counterpicking



The funniest part is when you see someone take a hero you 100% counter and the guy starts whinning in chat

Just learn to play more than one hero, dumbass

>not just playing junkrat forever

Yes, Blizzard's decision to resolve lag based on the attacker's client may seem all fun and smooth, but then you get this delayed-action hook doing all kinds of stupid. It isn't a matter of if the hook itself is OP, it is a matter of not getting pulled through walls because that's ridiculous. I'd rather he just instantly pull you if it got rid of the nonsense.

He's only picked at top level play because he can counter nano-boost by hooking it to buy time (sacrificing himself in most cases and saving the team) and his ultimate can push away a nanoboosted Reinhardt.

He was rarely used because he's an ult battery. His hitbox is so huge and makes it easy for Mei, Tracer, etc to charge their ults.

Besides, only low level shitters get hooked frequently.

t. Master


he's in a really unfortunate state. His ability to oneshot people at all but sniper ranges with a relatively low skill requirement is clearly unfair, especially as a tank. However, if you examine the rest of his kit, he's pretty terrible.

He's earned the nickname fat mcree for a reason, and mcree is easily one of the most unhealthy character designs from a gameplay perspective.

I'd like to see the power of his scrap gun come down, and some combination of the range/width/cooldown of his hook to be nerfed as well. Ideally I want to live in a world where roadhog relies more on his team to punish the people he hooks. If that were the case, I think it would feel a lot less terrible to get hooked, because it would open the possibility of the victim making a play to save themselves. It feels shitty that you have to rely on buggy hook mechanics or the roadhog fucking up for your survival, and it feels shitty for the Roadhog that he knows that.

I think his ult could probably stand to be buffed a bit, and I was thinking that perhaps 'take a breather' could overheal him. If he's going to be forced to soak unmitigated damage, I don't think it would be terrible to make him better at that than other tanks.

Some of these ideas probably don't mesh, but I'm just spitballing.

>I never ever played Roadhog, but like to complain about him and his hooks

Yes, sometimes it seems like your hook works through the walls, it's due to the shitty servers putting you "out of Roadhog's sight" when from his point of view, you were right in front of him

That one is 100% legit though. There's full line of sight at the last frame before being pulled.

>moaning about Roadhog
>Not Reinhardt

I'm always playing him if he's not already on my team. Literally the most useful character in the game.

Don't mind me, just checking if I'm b&

is this game autistic garbage?

I genuinely don't see a problem


>I dont have friends

You made the right call. I bought the game yesterday, and it's fun as shit with friends. On your own it's awful though.

And not in the "all games are fun with friends!" way. Working together as a team and shit is really fun. This game was made for partying up.

>2 Shot Roadhog
If he somehow manages to land two perfect headshots, sure.
In reality, it takes him 4-6 shots if the Roadhog just moves around a little.

Doesn't even look like the opposing player snags him, right before the chain snaps to the model's center point it looked like it had gone wide right. I don't play overwatch though and have no clue what the actual complaint might be.

>character who's entire purpose is to kill 200hp characters easily kills 200hp characters easily

Any decent reaper or zarya completely shuts down roadhog and forces him to switch.

Roadhog needs to be broken in order to actually deal with alot of the bullshit that gets tossed around in this game.

Grabbing Tracer's out of Blinks where more or less everything else would only do damage which would get rewound and not a kill, shutting down Genji Sword Ults as they are happening instead of the entire team dying everytime.

He needs that ability and while it might be bullshit and awful for the person to get pulled round a wall or end up on the other side of his ass in the middle of a team etc etc its better that way than letting all the fucking irritating little shits have free reign over the rest of the game. Like Cocky little cunt Lucios that think they are invincible. Give em the fucking hook, sit the fuck down.

You clearly see the hook miss to the right of the viewer, yet it hits anyway

>moaning about Reinhardt

There is nothing wrong with Reinhardt. His only problem is that he's the only hero who fills a very important niche.

>point blank right click
you were going to die anyway

roadhog is really fat though

This. People complain about "broken" shit all the time without understanding it's necessary prevent even worse shit from becoming the meta.

On defense, he's damn near required.
On offense, he's extremely useful.
On KotH, he's somewhat useful.
In all cases, he's best boy.

I just realized all of my "mains", in games I play that feature them, are tall, white, German-speaking dudes with beards.

Yes but it's annoying that if nobody on my team picks him I HAVE to play as him. He's such a fucking massive boost to a team composition and there's no alternative to him.

Maybe I said it wrong when I said "moaning" more like, realising that there is something wrong with his character in that he's so important.

There's nothing to moan about when it comes to Reinhardt except his massive 12-incher

You can make friends in-game

So now that the dust has settled, how to we fix the only obviously broken hero left?

SLower damage charging, getting 100% after a couple seconds is the worst

Things that are bullshit about Roadhog:

>His fucking hook that traverses time, space and several dimensions to hook people
>His uninterrupted self-heal

I actually have no problem with him other than the fact that his self-heal isn't interruptible. You should be able to stop his self heal with damage of some kind, otherwise he can tank just about anything. It's stupid, not even a swinging Reinhardt can kill him once he self-heals

Blizzard has already acknowledged that they need to create another "main" tank that the rest of the team can build around. Rumors are that the next hero coming out (Doomfist) is going to fill that category.

It is entirely interruptible. Stuns, ana's grenade, shit like that.

As someone who's played a fair bit of Reaper and a tiny bit of Roadhog, I agree.
Those few times I played Roadhog, I landed 3 hooks in a row on Reaper and each time he survived and got two escape for free with Wraith Form, essentially rendering my attack pointless aside from the ult gain.
As Reaper, your DPS is maxed out against Roadhog. You can tear through his 600 HP in about 3 seconds if you hit your mark each time.

If his heal was interruptible you might as well just scrap that ability for another one, making it interruptible would make it 100% garbage and useless.

Next patch is going to include that, we just have to wait a little longer and Russya will finally stop being broken as fuck


I play him so much and I want to play other characters. Thank god he's fun to play at least.

Cant happen fast enough, she is a fucking blight in ranked

on the contrary, i excel when i don't team up with friends because they are shitters. I don't know anyone that can no life games as hard as me so I end up investing far too much compared to my friends and they approach the games at a more amateur mindset.

i still dick around with them after i peaked at diamond but i would never group up to climb ranked

Why can't the hook be a projectile?

Shes in every single last game on top of that. I really would not mind Zarya being a center part of the game if her entire thing was not shutting down everyone elses abilities and fun.

Shes no fun allowed to fucking everyone. The fact that shes almost like the Genji of tanks in that the better you get with her the more irritating shes becomes for fucking everyone.

>Finally made it to Plat yesterday after an absurd amount of blood, sweat, and tears
>Go on a 4 game losing streak right afterwards
I don't care. I fucking did it.
Major props to the Zarya and, to a lesser extent, Mei I played with during the game that got me to Plat. Those Ult combos gave me no less than Quadruple kills. Good shit, guys.

on ptr her charge rate on energy is getting butchered, so her overall dps is also getting butchered and her niche will mostly be on her life saving utility in bubbles and game swinging ult rather than her well rounded-ness

*than 3 quadruple kills


>casual garbage
OVer WaTcH
Do you even know what the fuck anagram means?

Don't respond to shitpost, user

You're just making him stronger

He's probably going to claim that it's "just a joke, you autist".
The joke would've worked just as well if it said synonym.

Nobodies saying it's not casual lol. It's pretty much as casual as TF2, which is extremely casual.

>Teammates picking this stupid fuck on Attack

It's only really infuriating because it's a shitty combo that you can't really escape from if you're under 200 HP.

Like mccree's epic flashbang or mei in general.

At least roadhog goes down in seconds against reaper though

>see roadhog in your line of sight
>woah here comes the totally not obvious hook
>wraith form into him and gain 30% free ult

eat shit roadhog mains

As in, why can't the hook have a travel time to it? The hook is basically hitscan. If you throw the hook and your crosshairs are on an enemy, it will hook. That's why you get such odd teleporting effects and get hooked behind walls. The animation is also buggy as fuck and will teleport. It's mostly for show. If the hook were an actual projectile that could be dodged, it would take more skill to use and it wouldn't be nearly as buggy.

Do you think it's hitscan?

huge fucking problem at lower skill ranks
like literally shits on a whole team alone
people can't focus him proper, try to 1v1 him all the time

once you're at the level where your teammates can discord and kill his ass he's balanced

>His only problem is that he's the only hero who fills a very important niche
>this hero is the only one that has a game deciding play style but that isn't a problem though
what the fuck? the fact that he can create a massive chokepoint with a non ult ability that needs to be broken by coordinated teamwork makes him utter bull shit, and the fact that rest of his kit is all super solid and useful only makes him more bullshit and a staple in the meta.

Just because his play style isn't as oppressive or cancer as hooks or huge dps lasers doesn't mean he's not an issue.

what actually happens is
>you turn all spooky
>once you're not spooky anymore his team kills your ass
unless you have a lucio with you
lucio is reaper's best friend

No. He has a very nice trick (Hook, kill, heal, rinse, repeat) but otherwise he is a very underwhelming character. A number of characters can escape the hook combo, and whether he hooks or fails, afterwards he is useless for the next ten seconds. His ult is trash on a level where there isn't a ledge to push people off, or unless everyone on the other team is a fucking retard who bioblobs together.

He is actually one of the better balanced characters. He has one, extremely well defined role, and otherwise doesn't accomplish much more than a pair of hands.

The only thing that annoys me about Roadhog is how few teams punish him.

One of your players just got hooked out in the open? Why aren't 3 other people shooting at him so he'll die even if your teammate isn't going to survive the shot to the face?

Instead everyone likes to split up and spread thin and not pay attention so one guy gets hooked and killed and Roadhog freely runs back behind a wall to heal, reload and get his hook off cooldown so he can do it again.

Roadhog absolutely crumbles on his own, just like most of the tanks, except he can't even stall for time like Reinhardt or can. All he can hope to do is maybe take one person with him if he's fast enough.

>Playing Reinhardt
>Jump forward
>Hold down RMB
>Let go of RMB once you land and instantly jump forward again
>Hold down RMB
How to double your movement speed without sacrificing Shielding.

He's perfectly fine on Attack.

I rarely have success as Reinhardt but I also play with stupid stupid dum dums.

>Go Reinhardt
>Push forward with my shield
>Everyone splits up to flank or do fucking nothing
>Left alone at the chokepoint where my shield is instantly wrecked by the entire team
>Teammates wait until my shield is destroyed then push in where I was or flank and die instantly
>Can't even deal any damage myself because no enemy is stupid enough to get within hammer range and I'll be dead before I connect with a wall if I try to charge

True suffering. I don't even bother anymore, I let other people play Reinhardt and try to follow them, and if I'm forced to Tank I just go

Roadhog on attack should be all about getting any pick on someone then pushing in 6v5.

>it's a "your dps is scared shitless to even shoot at the nearest vulnerable target" episode
and these motherfuckers are hell bent on trying to be the hero and carry, you can't reason with them, all they pick is DPS while screaming "my team is keeping me down, I don't belong here" like their life depended on it

And what about when roadhog can shoot reaper once, then hook and shoot for the practically instant kill? Reaper only counters roadhog when the hog is bad.

I don't think Roadhog is broken, no. He's only effective in close-quarters and short-mid range. He's easily destroyed at a distance, so most likely you'll get fucked up if you bump into him in a tight corridor.

So just have map awareness and be mindful of where he may show up.

except everyone behind you gets shot to shit under your shield you dumbass

the hook is just hella retarded for an fps mechanic, displacement based hard CC only works in mobas because the space is a lot less contextual and walls/enviroment barely exists in those games. When you put hooks like that in a game genre highly focused on using the environment as cover and utilizing environment to the advantage, you get some retarded ass interactions that is both unsatisfying to play as and against.

A lot of the game suffers from this issue, like how reinhardt can ult people hiding behind certain terrains and 2 units high in the air, how mei's let has a huge vertical hitbox and applies the CC based on LOS with snowball, how zarya's suck range is completely unpredictable

Is he broken? No
Is his hook broken? Yes
Not broken in the way of it's to strong but actually buggy broken. You can always see some weird ass hook happen almost once a match every time someone picks him.

>Playing Reinhardt on Attack at King's Row
>Ennemy Rein is blocking the path to the point and backed up by half his team
>The other half is spread out behind him
>My shield breaks before his
>Can't push without getting instantly shredded by five guys - burgers and fries optional
>"wtf rein grow a **** and walk forward"

I'm so fucking tired of getting knocked down by Rein's ultimate when I'm standing on top of the floating payload.

Lads, who do you think needs a nerf the most?
and why is it Mei?

Don't do it when there's a fucking brawl going, obviously.

alright, let's do this

>broken tier
Zarya, McRee, Lucio

>have the potential to solo carry
Tracer, Genji, Roadhog

the rest is fine and balanced
Mei should be removed she's the embodiment of every bad design decision ever

It lasts way too long, too. If you walk onto the AOE after the fact, you'll still get stunned.

>What is attacker's spawn advantage
>what is positioning

Your team is right, you are a pussy. Get the fuck in the fight, stop dicking around the choke.

Every fucking time.

This is why I don't bother playing Rein anymore. I get more flack on him than any other character I play because everyone expects me to push in alone and hammer everyone to death like a hero for some fucking reason. So fuck it.

Mei can't get meaningfully nerfed without becoming completely useless. The solution to Mei is to buff everyone else, or just remove her (which won't happen).

The hook could be less buggy, but the concept of the hook - reeling in an enemy for a "free" 200-250 damage - is not broken.

Calling it broken is the kind of thing said by players who expect to be able to take him on 1v1 and do just fine (which by the way is something that can be done by a number of classes). It's a team game, you have to work with your team.

I'll usually bait him into whiffing his chain or just wait for him to use it on someone else before I go in and lay some damage down.

Blizzard pretending like they still know what the kids want outside of mindless rip offs

Her ult should be changed. Make it work in a long, straight line, like Hanzo's, and have it freeze instantly.
Make it more like Earthshatter instead of a fucking "NO ENTRY" on the point.

>tfw I'm playing Mercy & am the only one ever actually shooting from behind Rein's shield