>yfw you attempted t9 for the first time
Yfw you attempted t9 for the first time
I really want to try T9 and/or T12 with minimum iLv just for shit and giggles.
Shit was fun to try.
cata raiding best raiding except DS with the exception of blackhorn and yorsahj
>tfw someone stones you in t7
Amazed by how boring and overly praised it is?
>tfw you stone the BLM
you can always try the savage version, faggot-sensei!
the hard part is to find people who have a faint idea of what they're doing lmao
>pic related
>mfw i stone the group and they blame the other tank
T9 was what made me start using STR accessories as a tank. RIP fun tanking.
My static never got past phase 2 because we had a brain-dead spic blm and a gamer gurl who were both terrible and couldn't keep up. I quit the game out of annoyance since I didn't feel like finding another static and having the same problems. I did pug the clear though
thats a pretty girl (male)
Gee user, 2 FFXIV threads?
why was deus darnus a chick
confirmed female(female) user
confirmed it was Nael's sister who pretended to be him after his death.
pic related
Doesn't that directly contradict T9's lore though?
It's been relegated to a localization fuckup. Like Haurchefant.
it's been a few years since i did T9 can you remind me again what the contradiction would be?
personally i always felt it was a weird mistake, though people brought up we never heard "Nael" speaking though I thought he had voice lines from 1.0 before the Calamity in his final fight...
Nael's gender was never stated in the Japanese script. The NA team went with male pronouns because why not? It's a dude in armor.
T9 revealed that Nael was a woman all along, NA team had to write this elaborate plot to make Nael a woman for T9 alone.
Lore book comes out and states Nael was a woman all along.
Urianger called it a "queer mistake" on Bahamut's part when he shifted through Nael's memory to find out how he looked like if I recall correctly. It's a useless change really. It adds nothing. Everything remains exactly the same. Probably only did it to spark up controversy and get more people to look into the book.
I always liked the reveal that Nael was female, but yeah it felt like a mistake on NA's part for me.
Ah yeah, that's what I believed to be true, as though the Nael was saw was the last memory the Whtie Raven had before death.
Christ, I do love the story in FFXIV as a whole but things like this (and the fact we saw no god damn dragoons in the final Dragonsong War fight) kinda annoy me.
>By now more people have probably done Coil unsynced than synced
>Near impossible to even get a synced group to relive the fun
>Best raid in the history of MMOs, ruined by casuals
Unsynced was a mistake. Echo was more than enough.
I totally agree. I miss doing old content the real way. Nobody wants to do it for real anymore.
>you will never have fun in an MMO ever again
>ffxiv will never be good again
Every turn except for 5, 9 and 13 has been nerfed. Even synced at min ilevel you're not getting the true experience.
casuals were a mistake
ToC sucked
this. T8 was the best content though.
I wonder if I should get off my lazy ass and find a static to do all the Turns of Bahamut for the first time. I missed that train and now nobody runs it anymore, even though everyone says it's the hypest shit in the game.
FFXIV is just as good now as it was back then. I've been playing since 1.0 and then ARR release before you try to pull some shit where you call me a Heavenswardbabby or something.
heavensward is dogshit and the sub numbers agree
i wish it wasn't like that, but it is