Can someone explain what makes Oblivion "better" than Skyrim like i've heard people say?
I really do not see how anything in Oblivion is better. The story seems like it's the same shit it does not have a more detailed story or anything like that.
So why do some people here say it's "better"?
Also should i play Morrowind i have only played Oblivion and Skyrim and i see autists claim its the "best" one?
Can someone explain what makes Oblivion "better" than Skyrim like i've heard people say?
I think its more skyrim is so bad it makes oblivion look good
Maybe you should play the game instead of being biased and comparing everything to the sequel? But given that you didnt' manage to do it with oblivion you will hate morrowind
It's older and therefore, better. What don't you get about that?
In all seriousness, I'm not sure which I prefer.
Notable parts of Oblivion are the spell crafting and the Shivering Ilse DLC (one of the best DLCs of all time in my opinion). If you can get past the horrible character modeling the quests are fun and engaging. It has fun bugs as well, had fun filling entire houses with melons and listening to my computer strain trying to load them all.
Its also less brown than Skyrim.
>still can't use a controller with the PC version of oblivion
Why would I use a controller with oblivion?
Although, you could argue flightstick for movement and mouse for camera control since it's ""FPS"" but there's too many buttons to press so keyboard is better.
Here's a simple example:
In oblivion it takes some time before you can even figure out how to get inside of the Mage guild
In skyrim you do a couple fetch quests and you've already become arch Mage
>mfw i love oblivion but hate the shivering isles
it was just dark and depressing, didn't have that comfy atmosphere like cyrodiil
Skyrim is good because of mods + graphics.
Oblivion is good because of DLC, and engaging main story, and fun locations.
Morrowind is good because of its memorable main story and the countless great moments you had in it while dealing with subtle politics and the history of the land weaved itself into the Main Story instead of being something to discover on the side.
Point is, all three games are good for different reasons. Play them all.
morrowind was cool, oblivion took morrowind, made the graphics better, but gutted part of the cool stuff in the game like levitation etc, and then threw in a fucked up level scaling system that broke the game and forced you to run an excel spreadsheet to track how many minor skillups you got so you didnt fuck yourself.
skyrim just took off from there and gutted more stuff
it's more comfy with a controller
I originally played on Xbox and would like to have that experience on PC but with better graphics and it's not possible
It has better quest variety than Skyrim, but that's it.
Oblivion has exactly 2 dungeons that are repeated over and over. Shivering Isles is ok though.
Better faction quests
>Mage - Ob; stop Mannimarco, King of Worms, Skyrim; there's a big ball and some elf fag wants it?
>thieves guild - On; build up to stealing an Elder Scroll, Skyrim - er, you set fire to some beehives I think
Check out kaceytron's DOUBLES XD
>The story seems like it's the same shit
There's your problem. Play an Elder Scrolls game for its quests, dungeons and locales, not its main story.
It's pretty sad that we've now reached a point where people look back at oblivion like it was a good game
>Piss easy
>dungeons are complete ass
>dragons arent as challenging or "epic" as they should be, rather are just a mere obstacle to you running about
>oversimplified mechanics for console normies
>made with console normies in mind first before its original fanbase
>boring snowy shit everywhere, cant even be comfy because its badly designed
On the plus side, it's much easier to mod...thats about its only major upside
>better atmosphere
>better town and world design
>better music by far
>quests arent boring shit
>DLC's are incredible
Downside is it's picky as fuck about mods, crashes, and for the console kiddies...the lack of good controller support is a major bug in some peoples asses.
The elder scrolls series suffers massively from "ITS THE FIRST ONE I PLAYED SO ITS BEST" syndrome in the fanbase, so its hard to get unbiased answers that arent all opinion
Did you just went in Dementia? Mania and the rest of the island are ultra colorfull and comfy
I'm fucking pissed about this. Other devs still drop quality-of-life patches like this for fifteen year old games but Bethesda can't be bothered to patch in already-existing controller support for an insanely popular game that's only a decade old.
much much much much better quests
even better than Morrowind 2bh, especially the Dark Brotherhood quests are goat
I don't really relate to wanting comfy easy experiences in a game like oblivion. how does that even immerse me in the world? but yea I see what you're saying I guess.
honestly, I only like oblivion with duke patrick mods, OOO and various others installed.
skyrim would be good game if they removed 2 things
>endless draugr dungeons
Those are my complaints and reasons why oblivion is better.
oblivions story and world is better than skyrim's.
It's been a long tiime since I have played either so I can't really say which one is better.
I know I had a real sense of wonder in the imperial city and in most of the ayelid ruins.
In skyrim I only got that feeling climbing the mountain to the greybeards and in labyrinthian.
Retaining spell craftig and morrowinds style leveling was good too.
Morrowind is the best but it's dated so if you have neevr played it It might be tough for you to get into it.
maybe just wait for skywind or morroblivion.
>quests arent boring shit
i agree that 4th oblivion gate blew my mind
>i only scratched the surface content: the post
because it was the first on they played. personally i find it cozier being in a forest area with alot of greenery. I think the music is a lot better too.
also, you aren't automatically handed all these powers and renown right off the bat, you have to work your way up.
Friendly reminder that Online___ is the best Elder Scrolls game.
Both are pretty fucking terrible and are average at most when modded. The lewd mods are supreme though.
But Oblivion has at least some far more interesting quests. And spellcrafting. And stats 'n shieet.
I don't think any story mission in Skyrim was quite as interesting and unsettling as the one in Oblivion where you go to Mankar Camoran's paradise.
I wish I could get into it, because I'm a huge fan of RvR.
But that weapon-switching must be the worst fucking mechanic ever invented.
Because it's not the newest entry in the series.
I'm here to remind you that Sup Forums hated New Vegas before 4 came out, it's the same with every single game.
>I'm here to remind you that Sup Forums hated New Vegas before 4 came out, it's the same with every single game.
people played it when they were younger, and thus the rose-colored glasses were thicker.
Skyrim is objectively better.
Not true, only recently I was in a Hitman thread and whatever anyone thinks of the latest one, nobody likes number 5.
What do you mean? Sup Forums has always liked new vegas.
I've never even played new vegas and I rarely see negative posts for it.
In fact, most of the early posts about new vegas were basically shitting on fallout 3 (which deserves to be shit on, I actually don't think I could play new vegas due to my experience with fallout 3).
the only part about oblivion that is better than skyrim is oblivion has a higher quantity of the kind of bad that is so bad that it's entertaining
the npcs randomly switching tones of voice, the corpses having seizures with loud banging sound effects, the horrible potato faces scrunching up within themselves in the terrible dialog wheel
it has an amount of entertainment that can be extracted from the badness
skyrim is a less bad game, but when it's bad, it's genuine bad instead of comedy bad
This, New Vegas was hated because it felt like an expansion pack for 3, it was fun to see a 180 last year.
Anyone remember that one Dark Brotherhood mission where you had to kill everybody in a house without the others finding out?
I must have played it about a dozen times doing it different ways. Skyrim has nothing like that.
Not him, but i like it. It's mostly just switching between ranged and melee or heal and damage weapons.
because it's an actual role playing game
I can actually explain this perfectly, in my opinion.
>THE FUCKING... leader of some rebels that you don't know about yet?
>FUCKING DRAGON... that poses no real threat right now.
>You run through Helgen, there's a cave, bear at the end, you exit, all is well. Follow the road.
>Run through the sewers, get through the gate, all is... wait... what's that?
>Ruin right outside the gate
>Go explore it
>Just some random bandits, no big... wait... there's a note here
>Read it
>Bandits have been hearing strange things, and one of them has went missing.
>Explore deeper
>Reach dead end, looks like the end of the delve.
>YOU start hearing something
>Find switch that's really, really well hidden
>You wouldn't have even looked for it if it wasn't for that fucking note
>Walls open up
>Kill him, get loot, find the missing bandit's dead body while doing so.
>Exit after finding an unsent letter written by the now-dead necromancer explaining everything.
In Skyrim, you're basiclly on rails until you fight the first dragon/reach High Wrothgar. Actually, I'd argue you need to complete the main story up until getting the last word of Unrelenting Force to then not have to worry about the main quest.
In Oblivion, you're presented with something way more. You're directly introduced to the TES "Mentality."
Meaning: "Oh, cool, a ruin. What's inside? Bandits? Eh... no big deal... oh a note!" *Follows breadcrumbs*
You're given that right out of the tutorial.
Oblivion also had:
>Way more item variety
>More magic variety
>More enemy variety
>More summon variety
>More varied weapon effects.
However, Skyrim has:
>Better combat
>Better mod support
>More voice actor variety
>More meaningful characters
>More balanced gameplay
In all honesty, Oblivion and Skyrim both had repetitive as fuck quests. The only thing that made Oblivion better was the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves' Guild quest lines. Those were great. Other than that they're pretty much equal.
However, Skyrim has:
>Better combat
Not really no. It had dual wielding and shield bash but Oblivion had acrobatics, spell casting with 2h weapons, attacking while in the air/water(Skyrim removed this), and less animation lock
>Better mod support
Mod support is basically the same, Oblivion overall has better mods.
>More voice actor variety
This is only true for special NPCs, the banter for more generic NPCs is better in Oblivion.
>More balanced gameplay
Pointless statement since mods exist.
I actually found the lack of voice actor variety in Oblivion to be quite endearing in the end. It was funny to hear two NPCs with the same voice actor have a chat.
Everything about Skyrim's NPCs was terrible including facial animations. Oblivion was better in every way except that they looked like potatoes. Well animated potatoes though.
That's actually a pretty good explanation. It's hard to use the first dungeon that everyone did as an example of how 'not on rails' Oblivion is but I like this explanation.
Bethesda are weird with support
I remember that Obsidian wanted to release more patches for New Vegas but Bethesda said no as they wanted to focus on Skyrim
That's my point really, that there were just nowhere near as many memorable moments in Skyrim. I liked the trek through the Dwarven ruins to get to Blackreach (plus Blackreach itself) which was very cool and atmospheric but that's it really. Even Sovngarde was boring.
>spell casting with 2h weapons
Fuck, I forgot about that. Yeah, I really missed that.
>Oblivion overall has better mods
I would argue the existence of SkyUI and the MCM means that Skyrim wins the mod fight.
>This is only true for special NPCs, the banter for more generic NPCs is better in Oblivion.
Now that I think about it, you're right.
>Pointless statement since mods exist.
Yeah, to a point, but mods can't fully fix Oblivion's leveling system and the lack of any real motivation to level. Also, the fact that Oblivion basiclly makes you pick what skills you're going to use right from the start kinda sucks.
>Doesnt have hot urkanians lusting after his cock this very instant in his area
I played it in my youth I.E. it is better than okdern things that I don't necessarily understand.
it has quest design
Anyone got a list of recommended oblivion mods?
>Fuck, I forgot about that. Yeah, I really missed that.
Oblivion also had more animations, you gained new power attacks with higher attributes which was very cool.
>I would argue the existence of SkyUI and the MCM means that Skyrim wins the mod fight.
Oblivion has DarnUI and its mods, there's more customization found here than SkyUI. And MCM offers nothing more than in-game ini support, something dozens of Oblivion mods already offered because there was a better framework available for modders to use when it came to UI/HUD modding -- ergo you didn't need MCM to give your users a menu. There's also HUD Status Bars.
>but mods can't fully fix Oblivion's leveling system and the lack of any real motivation to level
Yes they can.
>Also, the fact that Oblivion basiclly makes you pick what skills you're going to use right from the start kinda sucks.
Mods even fix that.
Played oblivion first and it felt meh story was decent but never ended up finishing it because combat was ass.
Skyrim is comfy as fuck and improved on every thing Oblivion did
>Great quests (murder mystery house, paintor in painting, manhunt island, entire Shivering Isles
>Comfy towns
>Green forests instead of white mountains and grey tundras
>the one area covered in snow actually feel special
>Shivering Isles is goat dlc
>more subsystems going on (attributes, item condition, dialogue wheel)
>tighter builds due to major skills
>epic fantasy OST, more in line with previous title's OST
>bright visuals
>somewhat inane skills (athletics, acrobatics)
>floaty combat and arrow spam
>less subsystems (-attributes, -item condition, -dialogue wheel +smithing, enchanting streamlined)
>leveling any skill gets you progress to the next level (go thief build, craft 100 iron daggers and level up anyway)
>nordic fantasy OST (combat), much heavier on drums overall, ambient music less notable than previous iterations, overall out of line with high/epic fantasy sound
>color filter (they returned to bright, popping visuals in FO4, too bad it's out of touch with what Fallout is meant to be)
>skills are streamlined (perks might be inane, right half of speech tree is kind of useless)
>floaty combat with executions and arrow spam that staggers everything to shit
Skyrim is a logical progression for a market that's getting mainstream.
Things get streamlined, some making sense, but ultimately taking away the granularity experienced players like.
The same thing happened with Fallout 4, but what really irks me is that Bethesda is ditching a lot of the artistic integrity in both their series.
Fallout 1/2/Tactics/3 are dark and gritty, NV is gritty and added some cowboy/western motifs that really worked out and were topical to the setting.
Fallout 4 is bright and everyone says everything sucks, but they all look like they're doing okay. The radio selection has a number of self-aware
tracks about nuclear bombs and they got way too involved with a retro-futuristic motif that's only minorly visible in the first games and somewhat
expanded upon in 3.
While you might say a Nordic motif is self-evident with Skyrim and shouldn't be challenged, it's ripped from real life and not at all unique.
It's far more obvious and forced than the Imperials being the equivalent of Romans.
This is almost the least correct thing I've seen posted on this websight.
Vaermina's Shrine where you go into the nightmares of a wizard who stole her orb.
This is why I like Oblivion more than Skyrim, Quests like that, and the troll painting quest, and even how wildly different the oblivion gates were. Skyrim is all just stone buildings covered in snow ad infinitum
As someone who played Skyrim, then Morrowind, then Oblivion, here's the right answer:
Morrowind > Oblivion > Skyrim
There are some more memorable quests than Skyrim which was 99% "Go into this dungeon and kill Draugr". It had better guild stories than Skyrim, like when you join the Mages guild.
I kinda wanna play oblivion again as a spellsword and replay thew SI expansion I haven't done that in years. But honestly there's not fucking point. There's no point in exploring unless you are high level because they gimped the loot. You don't want to do side quests until later because the items are leveled to and the leveling system is retarded.
>inb4 mods
OOO is shit because the XP just doesn't fit
>one mod is shit, they're all worthless!
Why aren't you playing as a brown loli elf using superior overhauls?
The faction questlines and individual random quests are so much better than Skyrim that you'll quickly forget the setting isn't as good.
The more time goes by the further Morrowind sinks lower to me since when rebooting the game I always end up disliking the quests. The world and setting is amazing and so is the lore, but the individual quests are boring as fuck.
I love oblivion I really do but it just amazes me how they made it run like absolute shit. Even today it stutters and hitches on modern hardware
I guess it's a matter of taste. They are both pretty bad but:
Oblivion has some of the best quests in the whole franchise and much better factions than Skyrim
Combat is painful because everything (including you) takes centuries to die
Skyrim has garbage quests and guilds but fixes the broken scaling (albeit by removing stats) and better combat (even though it's still very basic and shallow).
Both have a shit main quest.
It all comes down to what aspects of the game you value more
once every so often me and my friends get really drunk and play that quest
always a laugh.
>play oblivion for an hour
>end up in hell
>get ass beat
where did I go wrong
It had classes for a fucking start.
Also Skyrim spoiled you with rewards for doing nothing e.g mages guild
Nothing felt like a struggle
dont play the main quest
>where did I go wrong
You leveled up
Oblivion was a piece of shit when it was released and it's a stale piece of shit now. Morrowind is not worth your time if you never played it. Only people with nostalgia goggles enjoy it.
To quote some random guy
>The grand finale of the Thieves’ Guild questline in Oblivion is a legendary heist. The grand finale of the Skyrim Thieves’ Guild is a dungeon crawl ending in a boss battle.
>The special plot-provided dungeons of Oblivion are expeditions to a hostile dimension -...- that require adapting to new sources of magicka, health, resources, and even physical progress through the level–like the world is forced to adapt to the invasion of the -...- Daedra. The plot-related dungeons of Skyrim introduce a new puzzle mechanic for getting through gates and are otherwise very similar to the rest of the dungeons in the game.
>The Bard’s College is dedicated to culture, storytelling, and the immortalization of history. NPC bards in the gameworld sing songs and tell tales. When you join them, the first thing they ask you to do is crawl through a dungeon and retrieve an artifact.
c o n t r a r i a n
Don't forget the Dark Brotherhood. In Oblivion the fun never stopped. Causing accidental murders, faking murders, that Clue mission in the house, sneaking into prisons, etc. Completely neutered in Skyrim with boring and uninspired quests.
I agree with this If you're a brain damaged retard.
Step 1: Oscuro, maskar or both
Step 2: Realistic leveling or Oblivion XP
There, a better game than modded Skyrim could ever hope to be.
i heard bleach tastes great around this time of year
>tfw too stupid to install OOO
I keep getting missing meshes
oh fuck I haven't seen this one
360 nostalgia combined with a lot of people judging Skyrim on how it was on release. Oblivion has more depth in ways that people here care about as opposed to Skyrim which was casualized. They're both good in their own way.
But that has been my opinion since 2006.
>copy paste buildings
>enemies level with you
>the repetitive gates that need to be closed
>the dumb obligatory introduction mission that takes you 30 minutes to complete
>one of the first games that introduced a fucking quest marker for everything
>copy paste dungeons
>entire game's graphical style is horrible: everything shines
And your next reply will be "but there's mods for that". Don't forget to add a meme frog image.
>best gameplay
>best graphics
I think you might be the brain damaged retard, user.
>And your next reply will be "but there's mods for that".
Just because you called it doesn't make it any less of a refutation for your ancient issues.
See, Oblivion is in that conmfortable spot where its flaws can be modded out. Skyrim was not so fortunate because its flaws run too deep.
That picture has something you will never, ever see in Skyrim.
A smiling person.
That's called Daggerfall you troglodyte. ESO doesn't even have naked titties.
A game for lifeless husks of men and underage that simply doesn't know better, that is ESO.