Name a better moment in all of competitive gaming

Name a better moment in all of competitive gaming.

Protip: You're a faggot.Also, you can't.

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There isn't one. The atmosphere in the room when this happens is insane. It's fucking amazing.

this one's better

I love and hate Daigo Parry.

Yes, it's a great moment. The crowd is hype, JWong is mashing like an idiot (actually to throw Daigo off, to no avail), something that looks impossible happens on the screen.


I also feel like it played a huge part in giving 3S more unwarranted recognition in the recent time. "09er" emerges as a new insult, tons of fledgling fighting game players flock to 3s and get HORRIBLE habits and notions (e.g. "parries are good for the game", "fireball traps shouldn't be a thing anyway"), spreading them further. I am sure parries are a fun mechanic in casual play where you play a few times, think "that's cool" and forget about the game. Competitively? 3S was a horrible mess. A lot of the design decisions were terrible. It doesn't help at all that the aesthetics and sound of he game were undeservedly great.

And that's not even mentioning that this moment was a West exclusive, really. Things like this happened a lot more often in Japan, where 3s scene was massive compared to the West. Things like Daigo Parry were a common occasion there.

I also stand by Viscant's points against 3s. Don't bother posting the Bafael video, his "retorts" are ultimately "yeah, that's valid, so what".

That ain't Falco.

What about Momochi moments, those are alkways good?

And who could forget Afrolegends?

>competitive gaming

What moment are you talking about

09'er is a euphemism to describe an era of enthusiast that doesn't exist. It's just a joke taken to some extreme.

When boxer used the "friendly" option in SC BW to lay a bunch of spider-mines across his base and prevent his opponent from triggering them when they attacked.

Once his opponent's army got to the middle of the field, he unchecked friendly and activated the spidermines.

They changed the rules for using that option in tournaments after that.

I don't know about better, but this is always hilarious to me.

>machinima paid this guy for an animation of fighting game girls getting hit in the cunt
What the fuck

Wombo Combo

>when some retard says they won't buy the next SF game unless it has Q and Twelve in it
Max and his fans are all morons

You're literally the cancer in FGC.

Get a life or kys, you pathetic loser.

no one ever tells me to kys

I mean, Daigo himself has openly been critical of 3s.

Oh don't get me started

Yes, that's typical response to any criticism towards 3S, almost formulaic.

>ESPN 2 was forced to cover that ending
>The amount of asshurt from espn 2 watchers and the uncomfortable vibe from the talkers.

No substance or thought went into this post at all. Just reflexive hostility.

Source? I'd like to read what he had to say.

meanwhile in a marvel 50K money match

He actually stopped playing the game because of how dominant Chun Li was

Not sure what he specifically said about it though

Welcome to Sup Forums, fag.

Came to post some brood war, you guys got me covered. Good job lads

>it's a "popularity makes a game bad" episode


>tfw have to wait until next year for more EVO hype

>it's a no reading comprehension episode rerun

>30 minutes
Can I get a tl;dr

>pachirisu survives draco meteor and rockslide
What on earth?

yeah suppose I don't feel like watching a half hour of Pokemon

I can hardly stand to watch half a minute of pokemon gameplay

It's long, and the gameplay is really static so it's not very interesting without the commentators

If you can't stand autism the commentators are even worse.

How does anyone seriously think that shit's exciting?

The fight was interesting and then it has to end like that.

Start at 22 minutes in. It doesn't last for the rest of the video.

Exciting is probably a poor choice of words.

Maybe intriguing and fascinating, but exciting is to elicit a sense of anticipation and cunning.

My favorite game is still BoxeR vs JoyO back in 2003. It's what got me to actually want to learn how to play Brood War properly.


Oh look a marth and falco, it's like every melee video ever.

>two of the best three characters are being used
>help, I feel triggered by this!


People might disagree but I thought the Grand Finals of the last EVO of USF4 was a fucking wild ride of emotions. I'm not even ashamed to admit I teared up a little at the end.

This is still unarguably the best match to come out of SF4 tho:

>tfw i want to be the first person whos good at both melee and street fighter

i thought people's issue with melee was fox being rampant

Ok, you know what user?

You were right. That battle was pretty fucking interesting.

Fine. I fucking said it.

Yeah I was pretty interested too.


Any big moment from Melee.

Wombo Combo:

Axe four stocks SilentWolf in less than a minute:

Shiz(Falco) vs M2K(Marth) Revival of Melee Losers Finals 4 (single-handedly revived the competitive scene):


First two are try hard bullshit that wasn't necessary in the least - it was all just "for style"

last one's good though

When he wins and walks away he looks over his shoulder to make sure he doesn't do the same.

reminder that this animation was made by some dude who gets off on groin punches

gg wp ez

>muh RNG timeout shit meta game

>try hard bullshit that wasn't necessary in the least
>playing well is now considered being a try-hard

>Competitive gaming
I'm so fucking tired of this meme
So fucking tired of these kiddies trying to push their shit


>retarded autist disregarding smash

so tired of this meme

You very obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

>FGCucks are this salty

AKA how to do relatively simple things with tons of inputs

>friend into competitive pokemon
>intrigued, but don't have the time or effort to learn the metagame through things like smogon and showdown which have fake made-up tier lists and rules and such.
>also can't be assed to churn out perfect mons by breeding
>also 3ds is hacked and I don't know how legit is legit when it comes to them checking.

whenever I think of 3s Chun Li I remember this video and I feel better

You can say the same thing for 1-2 frame links in combos in street fighter


Someone who knows fighting games on Sup Forums holy shit

No meaningful, reactive neutral game
No okizeme
No balance
>Smash player calling other's autist
You're not the one who has to bear the smell of unwashed manchildren at offline events

>Name a better moment in all of competitive gaming.
>Competitive Gaming
No user you are the cancer

>AKA how to do relatively simple things with tons of inputs

AKA competitive video games.

Maybe this hobby isn't for you FGCuck.

spotted the trashie

Bit slow, even people playing SC2 now can get 400-500 APM or more in most games.

>No okizeme
>no reactive neutral game

Why do people who hate smash come off like idiots? I bet you say that Smash doesn't have yomi or combos either, when it isn't true.

I'll stick with the relatively low APM thanks. I don't have the patience for Melee after watching all that wave dashing.

TI2 "the Play"
Genesis 1, Mango v Armada game 4
Apex 2013, Mew2king vs Salem game 5

I don't agree smash is a fighter but even I must acknowledge it has a solid okizeme game. In some ways it's even deeper than fighters with different planes/get up attacks.


Armada has gotten to 950 APM with Peach, one of the slowest characters in the game.

The way you type reeks of Asperger's.

Always worth a mention.

>wasting time calling someone autistic for having fun on a forum
>being unable to keep your snarky garbage to yourself

No user, it is you who has the Assburgers

Oh yeah? When? Julyzerg got over 900 in a televised game against a fellow pro.

>no okizeme

of all the things I've heard said about Melee this is probably the furthest from the truth. do you think that it doesn't have oki because you can't wakeup DP?

>No meaningful, reactive neutral game
>No okizeme
>No balance
The same goes for most fighters. Melee is actually pretty balanced among its top 8-9

Hungrybox hit over 901 in front of millions, you stupid faggot.

are we just isolating a single float cancel drill on shield and saying "look he did 10 inputs in one second that's 600 apm"?

Yes, but that's why APM is not always a good measure for the speed/competitiveness of a game. In regular Melee matches it can easily get to 200 on average though.

the fgc is collective cancer, get a life or kys you pathetic loser

What about the hypest moment in Speedrunning?



Didn't even know melee was that popular!

it was a joke, hbox plays at like 9 apm

>ctrl f
>no "million dollar dream coil"
BAKA Fampei

should have chose a better song

I mean this one hit pretty close to home.

In terms of butthurt, it's hard to beat ZeRo winning the invitational.

he was right, in that tweet

Meanwhile johnny who won four locals knows what he's talking about

Maybe not competitive in the regular sense, but the legendary comeback of the Sup Forums vs reddit Tribes Ascend match.

>thing like the Daigo parry is common

It's common on fightcade too faglord. The Daigo parry came at a time when 3S was unpopular and not even Japan had the meta figured out. It was mainly the reaction behind the event rather than the event itself because both Daigo and Jwong didn't enjoy 3S as much as other EVO games, hell 3S's growing popularity in Japan made him retire until SFIV. As much as you hate it that it's popular in the west, it's even MORE popular on Japan. The parry and "LET'S GO JUSTIN" is referenced in multiple manga, anime, and jap video games.

>no reactive neutral game
>no balance
holy shit
he's being serious isn't he

Someone should break his thumbs and see if it's true that he forgot everything about the game.