How is that Youtube channel doing user?

How is that Youtube channel doing user?
Are you famous yet? How many thousands of dollars are you winning now?

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Each time I upload something, somebody gets disappointed it was not what they wanted and unsubscribe.

When I don't put much effort and just make a let's play, then people subscribe.

This is all backwards, isn't it?

I make zero monies. Releasing a new video soon.

My old stuff:

>thousands of dollars
40 cents
like 2.40 in my adsense

In a bit of a rut. The next episodes just aren't really going to be that good or funny I think. I don't really like to trash games but the next few I'm doing are basically irredeemable trash.

I haven't actually played a game in awhile so I'm going to fire up Cursed Mountain today to see if it's actually decent. I gave up on John Carpenter's "The Thing" on Xbox because it was so god damn boring,

Looks like an okay channel, subed

i made a thing recently
i upload random stuff from random games so i'm not counting for THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS

its ok

My YouTube Channel is shit. Sorry.

>Put a lot of effort into art and design for this YouTube channel with our friends
>I'm extremely proud of everything but our quality of audio
Sadly that's the only thing we can't fix, at least at the moment

Here, check out this awful garbage. Critique is really appreciated, good or bad.

If lets-plays aren't your thing then I got this other video I put a little extra work into

I use my account to sub to channels but I do upload random gameplay stuffs.

does anyone else just come in these threads just to hover over the embed links and laugh and how terribly autistic all the popup thumbnails are?

I usually come in for feedback and to give feedback for other people's channels but I'm sorry to say most people's channels here are lets play dogshit.

Gonna start up a channel where I assess the historical accuracy of various factions in the Total War games

I have a bunch of scripts written which is where the bulk of the work went, research and all that, but I'm not sure exactly what to use to record gameplay footage or edit the video


I record with OBS, and edit with Vegas
One is free, and the other is easy to pirate

Go nuts

Also that's a pretty specific theme for a channel. Are you gonna try new things after you run out of factions or are you just gonna run Total War into the floor?

I'll watch looks bretty gud

Why do you even keep spamming this bullshit? Nobody here respects Youtube celebs.

>implying anyone posting here is a Youtube Celeb
Maybe excluding Weegee, not many people have gotten famous after posting here you know


I'll probably branch out into more general historical stuff later on but it's a lot of fun having something specific to focus my interests on, like pointing out inaccuracies. I finished my Masters thesis just before the summer and I really miss writing about history so even if the channel doesn't take off it'll still be a good outlet for my autism.

I don't post youtube videos I just pretend to when I'm playing video games by myself.

It's a RE4 YTP, hope you guys like it.
Got something decent going with 118 subs as of now, working on my huge two next videos which are YTPs, which will surely bring a lot of subs and views. Hopefully. Othe shit.

damn user that's pretty good actually

Was laffing all the video user.
Pretty fucking nice man.

me too, it's so much fun

I am sort of doing that on my channel. I discuss the history of factions while i play them. But I get no feedback which fucking kills the motivation. I am also a history student and it really does feel like I am just venting autism sometimes.

I made a new video but I'm sad since it's not getting too many views. I don't want to shill it here either though

That YTP was amazing, hope you do more of those, I'm subscribing.

Premiere Pro is the way to go. its like 20$ a month
so its relatively cheap. its a lot cleaner and more up to date.

i'd subscribe because the ytp was pretty dank but then i noticed all the autistic shit on your channel
baka desu

If you're going to post here just fucking post here fagit. No one cares.

Unless you're Rerez, then fuck off forever fagit.

Sorry, the Nutshack and memetale stuff was all for views but didn't got me shit anyways.
I just want more views god damn it.

>only have one video to get even close to passing 500 views
>it's a random episode in a long boring undertale letsplay I did back last september
Every other video is around 20 views at most, with a small exception of others getting 50 or so. I'd say I'm doing pretty well for a channel with 38 subscribers.

>Sorry, the Nutshack and memetale stuff was all for views but didn't got me shit anyways.
>I just want more views god damn it.

That basically confirms my beliefs that I shouldn't sub to you.

If you're doing shit for the views you're just a little faggot.

Why not jump on the Leafy vs. Keemstar bandwagon? I hear that's pretty hot right now.

> How many thousands of dollars are you winning now?
> making money out of YT
> this day and age

I just upload my stuff without any kind of ADS
or atleast I try, because

I need to talk louder but other then that how did I do? thinking about doing a second one

I want views for those shit videos so people can actually watch my other good videos. It's not hard to understand.

>youtube says my vid has 3 comments
>the video info says my vid has 3 comments
>check it out
>it has 2 comments
way to meme me

hey this is good

>watch my other good videos. It's not hard to understand

It isn't hard to understand but it's cancerous behavior that shouldn't be tolerated.


thats great user, keep up the good work

It's not about talking louder, you need to turn the gain up on your mic.

I don't give a shit about smash at all because it was ruined by autists who take it way too seriously so I didn't watch, sorry.

actually it's doing better but I sticked to just one game and now all my subscribers and viewers comes for it.

I hate to play that game though, because it takes so long to do a video and is pain the ass to learn.

That game is YGOPRO yu-gi-oh! game.

Just making 1 video a week is a pain because I play other games as well so I don't think Ill keep up once I start working in a real job.

After my last video, if it does dcently good I might as well never go that deep doing that kind of shit.
Might as well even delete them once the channel gets a boost, if that ever happens.

>that saddler part
All that video is comedy gold.

Just uploaded a new video today.
Or some japanese game let's play with translations if that's your thing:

Thankyou anyway for the advice.

I am one of the autists to a certain extent.

Some of your jokes are pretty funny but you really got to work on your sentence mixing mate.
That sounded nothing like "mexico". You had Leon say "where to go" right before the remember part, so you could have used the "go" to have him say "co" at the end of Mexico, but instead it sounds like he's saying "mexicot"

If I get an HDMI switch for my HDCP card, would people watch the 4K video on YouTube, or is it just a meme at this point?

I see a lot of 4K gaming videos go unnoticed and even skipped.

Thanks man, I will admit my sentence mixing was weak after the 3:30 minute mark, some parts seem kind of rushed.
It's my first YTP, hopefully my next one will have more perfected sentence mixing.

1080P is fine. 4K would be good, but I don't have a 4K monitor, and a shitload of other people don't as well.

Is this the return of Deepercutt?

I feel as if there is a place for an analysis and misc discussion channel for vidya.

Kind of like Matt but uploading more than 2 times a year. Like Bunnyhop but with a little more energy.

It sounds autistic but the whole concept of making youtube videos about vidya for money is fucking autistic.

Should I do it? I have the right recording hardware and editing experience from years of editing my friends podcasts in vegas.

Analysis of what?
>super bunnyhop

There are literally dozens of guys doing this besides those manchildren.

Matthewmatosis' videos aren't even good. They're just long winded. Long != in depth.

you gotta isolate the sounds of various words in the source to use, and then use them to make words based on how it should sound, not necessarily how it would be spelled. For "mexico" for example, you would try and find a "m", "e", "k","s","i","k", and an "oh" sound and put them together. It works better of course if some are already together but that doesn't always happen. You might also want to add some pause between sounds to make them flow better as a word.

My personal rule is that if I can't understand the sentence mixing without on screen prompts, then I should fix it, or I shouldn't use it.

If you want to do it for the money, don't, it won't work and you'll fail
If you want to do it for fun/sudo portfolio go ahead

>Of what.
Doesn't necessarily have to be the deep details of a game as a whole I'm thinking more discussing particular themes in a game, a message its trying to tell and demonstrating that among other shit, like neat ideas or concepts a game is demonstrating.

I know theres dozens of other people doing it but I just used them as the example because they're typically the two most well known. I don't even watch Matthew anymore because he always sounds like he's about to fall asleep when he records.

I tried to mix the words with syllabels, but aparently some parts fell down with that. Might be a good idea to use individual letter sounds and to space out some words, (keep in mind that findinf functioning individual letters for a word is much harder or may just not happen sometimes depending on the source), but the thing is that my video tries to be as fast paced as possible because I think that's part of what makes a good poop, so they do indeed sometimes talk really fast, that mixed with a bellow average sentence mixing doesn't make a good result.