I want to get into Monster Hunter, because (repeating missions aside) it really looks like my kind of game...

I want to get into Monster Hunter, because (repeating missions aside) it really looks like my kind of game. Is the latest one on 3DS going to convert me or should I play some other MH game? I simply want to get right into the best in the series.

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Generations is a controversial game because it switches up a lot of things that were commonplace in previous series, so right now it perhaps might not be the best view at what the series is all about, its sequel was also recently announced so if you bought it now you'd be buying something you would need to pay another 40 bucks for to update

but if you don't care about that, it's also one of the better introductions to the series for new players due to hunter arts and styles giving new people a larger range of choice in finding their playstyle, as well as having a large variety of monsters from all the previous generations of the game so you get a view on how everything progressed

Personally I'd recommend 4U because it's relatively easy and has more of a story than the others, basically it's more new player friendly.
3U is great too, but you'll be solo.

I don't know where the current fanbase is, but I assume they're either in 4U or Generations. Either of the two should work really.
If you don't like repeating missions, you should probably stop.

>its sequel was also recently announced
They've announced a MHGU? Like, MHG with G rank?

MHXX, generations with G rank yeah

Japanese version is supposedly launching in march

I wasn't even aware there was a new one after MH4U. So, the newest game has just come out? Can I play it to have the experience? What I'm afraid of is a sequel that strays a bit from what made the games great because old players can't keep playing the same shit again and again and need something fresh, even if inferior.

I basically want the Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations of the Monster Hunter franchise. Would MH4U or MHG fit that, you guys? Also, thanks a bunch.

if you have a wii u, get Monster Hunter 3U

if you only have a 3ds, get Monster Hunter 4U

if you only have a PC, emulate Monster Hunter portable 3RD HD (it emulates fuckin great and fast)

the last two are both good choices, but 3U on Wii U is the most feature complete console release

Generations (the new one) is something of a "best of" compilation title with throwbacks to all the games in the series. It has special hunter styles that let you perform anime special attacks. Somehow, I think it's a bad place to start in the series. 4U would probably be better for you.

imo, 3U is the highlight of the series for me, but MH4U (3DS) and P3RD (PC) are second bests

I would only recommend 3U on Wii U though, 3U plays pretty mediocre on a small screen, and CPP/N3DS feels like bandaids for underwater combat

4U feels more at home on the 3DS and has about the same amount of content if not more

Generations has the ability for you to play it exactly like 4U, you can choose to use one of the easier hunter styles but it is entirely up to you how hard you want to make things

in that way generations only actually strays from the previous games if you want it to

Gen is a fun but ultimately subpar spinoff and a poor introduction, either wait for Gen Ultimate or just get 3U or 4U, both are great and feature complete

get 3U if you have a Wii U, otherwise get 4U on 3DS or portable 3rd on PC

Allright, I see. Thanks!

>you'll be solo
People still play 3U, it isn't as populated as 4U but it's there

besides, multiplayer isn't that fun with pugs anyway

surely a game that's entire purpose is to introduce new players to the franchise is a better introduction than 4U

no, the game is meant to be a throwback to older games for nostalgia while remixing the weapons to make it fresher for returning players

it has no story and worse tutorials than 4U, which throws you right into a fight and moves you across locations and monsters smoothly and naturally

the 4U weapon tutorials actually tell you about basics and moves, gen just tell you to read the weapon notes in the menu

don't call me shirley

The Gaijinhunter video tutorials were a lifesaver in this regard. The game does a terrible job of explaining what moves you lose when switching styles.

4u > 3u > Tri > P3rd > FU > Dos > Mh1 > A piece of shit > Kiwami: Toukiden > MHX

sounds like someone had their feewies hurt somewhere down the line

MHX is the worst monster hunter to date
Bad frame rate
Bad UI
Bad gameplay design (Felyne Insurance, Hunter Arts, Hunter Styles, Prowler)
Forced prowler missions
All blademasters except GS and SA can just use the Silver Sol/Feathher Meme set
SA uses S Narga Set
GS uses Black S
No variety in outfits, no variety in weapons, meme set + glavenus varient weapon
farm variant monsters 30 times for full endgame set+weapon xD
What a joke of a game really, end game is dull and boring compared to 3u and 4u.

>b-b-but it sjust a high rank game
MH4 did high rank just fine.

which is exactly why 4U is better for a player just starting out, on top of being a more feature complete game

4u teaches you how to monster hunter just right

MHX assumes you already know how to play and is just a nostalgia game with remixs of old quests/hunts. 4u is the game to get, unless you like 4 different game's tutorial missions (MH1, MHFU, MHP3rd, X's unique zone Bherna)

mhx isn't that bad user, it isn't great but its a fun enough spinoff

it sounds like you just raced to end game and got disappointed instead of going it slow and making weapons and armor sets

besides, it has some of the best weapon variety in the series now that you can uphrade every single one to endgame or near endgame stats

I'd put it just below portable 3rd in my book

Play some of FU on PPSSPP and if you like it move onto 4U. It has the best offline for new players. Then when you're done with that a new monhun should be out for you to play.

I did every quest like I do every mh. Bujabuja can carry you all the way to L6+ variants solo. I used Guild GS and then Striker SA after getting L6 S Narga. You have to do all the quests to get the feather anyways so not sure how you can equate that to rushing.

I disagree with weapon variety. Endgame it's either Hellblade or Normal Tigrex GS/Hammer/CB. Hell even SnS you can just competently rock Hellblade instead of going for individual elemental weapons.

I'll take tedious relic end game farming any day over X's "one size fits all" mentality

I disagree om count of FU being really dated with many of the movesets being severely limited. Gunlance has only 3 moves for example

>tfw no mhxx on vita

3dsfags are more upset that it's on 3ds

>ever using gunlance

there's only little variety if you're playing the game as a minmaxer, senpai

every weapon can get to at least near endgame stats which is more than good enough

this desu i miss wii u and ps3

>not using the most american weapon of them all

If it wasn't Capcuck couldn't be lazy. There's a reason I stopped supporting these games after 3U, it was more than obvious Capcom was never going to do anything REASONABLE with the IP aside minor upgrades.

I'm already finished with Freedom Unite but that's the first and only Monster Hunter game I played so far. Which makes me relatively new compared to the vets. I have to ask what's the next game I should move on from? I have a PS4, PC and PSP if that helps.

just get 4U, it'll turn you into a big guy

>every weapon can get to at least near endgame stats which is more than good enough
wow so every monster hunter has great weapon variety according to your logic

in gen literally every weapon appearance can get endgame stats

in 4u, if you want to use chainsaw dual blades with decent damage you're shit outta luck, its zinogre

gore weapons always turn gold, etc

If you buy Generations youre getting the incomplete version of the next game, as they tend to release versions with and without G rank difficulty, which is most of the game.

4U is an excellent introduction to monster hunting and youll get to experience most of the old favorites. G rank will last you until the next games release for sure.


>Bad frame rate

wait what. even worse than 4u on the regular 3ds?

>MH4 did high rank just fine.
It was worse, there was next to no content in it.

If it had the village counter part like 4U it would have been alright.

Gen is 30 fps while 4U was 60

4u on reg 3ds has 45-60fps which rarely suffers from frame skips unless online
4u on new 3ds xl has 60 fps which rarely suffers from frame skips unless online
gen on new 3ds xl has 30 fps which suffers from frame skips because muh explosions

Just go in order, going back to a previous game with worse mechanics is hard. 3u, then 4u.

only if you want to spend 60+ hours getting one weapon

>4U on regular 3ds
you mean in solo play right? and even then those numbers are way higher that i remember. It felt like 30-50 fps at best to me.

Can't wait until mh5 i seriously hope it doesn't come out for the 3ds

>the best
4 Ultimate
Freedom Unite
3 Ultimate
>still good
Freedom 1
>acquired taste
Freedom 2
>utter shit
Portable 3rd

anything not mentioned doesn't matter

youre fault for using the shitty original 3ds with a pussy cpu

I don't get the hate for mhgen endgame when 3u and 4u (ESPECIALLY 4u) was repetitive as fuck too


it's not like the shitty new 3ds is much better. It's only really a game changer in dual hunts with other players because it goes from 15fps to 30ish

I'm the guy who only played Freedom Unite but why is Freedom 2 on acquired taste? Reading information on several sites indicate that Unite is Freedom 2's expansion pack. So I got to ask why is it on acquired taste if it's just Unite with less features?

The game is buggy(to the point where shot damage is glitched when you emulate it, shot range doesn't function), downgrades alot of assets from Freedom 1, shoddily ports Dos assets while making them worse, incredibly low amount of content and quest variety the village questline is the worst next to Gen and P3rd

If time spent what you're worried about then these games might not be for you

I see thanks for the info. Just collecting info for the games since I'm going to invest in it. Might buy a 3DS if it comes to it.

>As good as Gen/3U/4U

There's literally no point of replaying Unite. It was good when it was out but it's outclassed by every other game.

gen end game is get hellblade lv10 weapon and silver sol feather meme set which is done in 30-45 hours

mh4u end game is farm charms to plug into ass and then go for the best clownsuit available until the next best charm drops
also farm multiple GQs for a good weapon
which is done 300+ hours

>he's a mix/max fag
Farming the best gear in monster hunter is the most un-fun you can have with the game.

4u end game is rajang, rajang, and more rajang

If you played in groups or were a god at the game to take out 2 GQ140 Rajangs solo sure

I personally farmed GQ140 Teostra

>taking about endgame
>get called min-maxer

It's funny, XX could have been 4U/3U tier of good but instead of fixing the Gen style it decided to simply add more of them.

I also have this funny feeling the only new monsters getting added are
Barufaruku, Demon Diablos, some final boss Elder Dragon, and a Rare Species (More than likely Zinogre)

the only good addition in the trailer was addressing Prowlers not having enough variety so now they can equip styles

Start -> Bujabuja -> L6 Silverwind if Lance/SA/SnS or L6 Hellblade if DS or L6 Dreadwing if GS/Hammer -> Silver Sol/Memefeather set > L10 Hellblade weapon


Start > Velociprey/Jaggi > Gore/Cen > Velociprey/Jaggi S > Double Gore > Regios Set > Clownsuit 1 > better Clownsuit > a mildly better clownsuit > The best clownsuit > Relic > Relic > Relic

The 'best' weapons aren't even that much better than the ones below them. You don't even need hellblade shit to beat monsters in a decent time.

You don't need relics either, I was moreso talking about how EASY it is to get end game weapon in MHX compared to 4u.

GQ140 + Apex was much more challenging and the weapons were RNG dependant where in MHX you just kill the same monster 10 times who gets 1 new attack at LV7 and an additional new attack at LV9

With how easy it is to get L10 deviant weapons why wouldn't you? Yeah the Tigrex line is better for GS/CB/Hammer and Akantor is the best for HH but due to how easy it is to get why would you just get them?

I don't like Gen because it ruined Charge Blade. Bow is god tier sure. I made a meme set with
>Load Up
>Normal/Rapid Up
>Ammo Saver
>TrueShot Up

After that I stopped playing.

>I don't like Gen because it ruined Charge Blade
poor 4ubabby can't trivialize content anymore boohoo

>can't trivialize content
>in gen
Anyways they took something fun and made it unfun.