ITT we name off the biggest blunders in 2016.
I'll start.
ITT we name off the biggest blunders in 2016.
I'll start.
You didnt name anything
The obvious one
Tryong too hard OP
Pokemon was never good. It's literally just a worse SMT. Prove me wrong
nothing wrong with pokemon
shit like this
Pokemon is still better than nu-Weeaboo Emo Megaten
Fanboying too hard user
Only partially true. It was good up until Gen 3.'
Now it's Gen 7 where GF basically became the Japanese Gearbox. And SuMo is their Battleborn.
>nothing wrong with pokemon
But everything wrong with SuMo.
(X) Doubt
So now you cant even wait that someone else makes a thread about these games, you have to make your own?
Come on, atleast go full force and post that picture where you try to clump Sun and Moon with this year's blunders.
When those refunds start piling up after everyone realizes that SuMo is a steaming shitfeast, remember that we told you so.
Not subtle enough, reddit
It's not even out yet. Wait until at least December if you want to make these bait threads for lots of (You)s
>hallway level design
>no depth 1v1 rpg gameplay
>same game every time
how is Pokemon anything but garbage?
Are these shitposters just upset because we don't talk about garbage like Witcher, Watch Dogs 2, and Skyrim?
All of those games are objectively superior to pokemon
I hate GF and pokemon so much now. Stupid shitty rehashed game after rehashed game to cash in from manchildren and actual children that don't know any better.
What makes you so sure about your prediction user?
The game isn't even out yet
>still waiting for OP to start
You cant really fuck up a formula like Pokemon.
It will no doubt still get positive reviews and sell like hot cakes.
>I hate GF and pokemon so much now.
So do the lot of us, my friend.
OP already started, fanboy
>You cant really fuck up a formula like Pokemon.
No gyms, no HMs, no postgame, only one rival with their starter weak to yours, Pokemon designs further focus less on personality, practicality, charm, and style, and more on "DGPUIGBAPOIGNBGPUOIRBGLA LOOOOOOK AT DA BADASS DRAGON WITH TEH 450159601 SCALES AND SPIKES AND HORNS AND FIRES AND SOOOOOOO EPIK VUDBSAOUIGVBSVOPINBPUIBV :seizure:"
do you legitimately have autism or is it ironic shitposting
Ok, Lord Autismo.
The only autism here is the sea of childish shrieks in this thread, mercilessly white-knighting their precious SuMo from the truth.
nice samefag autismo
why is only nintendo allowed to get away with rehashes
Why did you stop th "Nu pokemon" shitpost poke barneyfag?
What shrieks?
Tell me why the fuck do you care about what others think
look at this edgy, overdesigned dragon. i can't believe gamefreak is running out of ideas so badly, this is even worse than the ice cream cone and the garbage bag
>thinking sun and moon are gonna flop
The formula is catching Pokemon, exploring a region, and battling trainers.
No HMs is a good thing as it allows the player to have more move diversity on a team if they don't want to resort to an HM slave.
your post
OP finding Sup Forums
>The formula is catching Pokemon, exploring a region, and battling trainers.
So it's an SMT knockoff?
Pokebarneyfag isn't in this thread. It's all in your head, baby. Don't cry, child. Shhhhh....
Read the thread.
>that trash is good because memes
Nice try, dear.
I care about redpilling you all about the horrors of SuMo, as so many others have before me.
These daily threads are getting pathetic pokebarneyfag
>Gen 3
The fuck out of here nigger.
Why does Pokebarneyfag feel the need to make a thread about this shit literally every day?
Does he not understand that by constantly harassing people who like Pokemon he's making them look like victims?
How the fuck is he fanboying?
There is literally nothing so far to prove that Sun and Moon will be bad games. Pokemon, while it may not be as big as it was, in terms of media coverage, is still fucking huge. Almost 300M copies sold over the franchise, that's absolutely massive. They could never risk a failure on a core series game, especially considering its the 20th anniversary, and there will be a large amount of people coming from Pokemon Go who haven't played any pokemon games in years. There is too much riding on this game for it to be bad.
Plus, core pokemon game has ever been bad. They're all great games. Sure they might not be your cup of tea, but they aren't bad games, and this game definitely won't be a blunder. Fuck a lot of the spin offs are great games, the mystery dungeon series is top-tier (outside of gates to infinity, which is trash).
Pokemon isn't bad, and this game won't be a failure. There are very few games that sell well that are actually "bad'. The games are enjoyable to many, and so what if the games get "rehashed" all the time? So do countless other series. Just because one has managed to maintain relevancy for longer doesn't make it bad.
>inb4 t. fanboy
>inb4 "yuor opnion"
>inb4 cuck
This entire thread is bait.
> threads get no traction on /vp/
> runs to Sup Forums to cry about it
> threads get no traction on Sup Forums
Time to kill yourself I guess.
>I care about redpilling you all about the horrors of SuMo, as so many others have before me.
You fucking seriously think this is something important?
Some sort of self righteous crusade you have like Barneyfag and Cody been trying to pull off?
Nigga you're talking about a fucking video game on a Vietnamese paper folding website.
Why should we care about you?
We don't see you as important, you're not authority, you ramble on and treat others as if they're garbling children when in reality they are the most well behaved in this thread.
It's almost the holiday season dipshit, your relatives are worried about you.
>deoxys vs mega fug
The store I work at in a small town has over 100 pre-orders alone OP you're a fucking retard
You keep saying its shit but don't say why, explain.
is this the pokebarneyfag i've been hearing about?
I wonder how long it'll be until pokebarneyfag starts bringing up YW even though its dying down in Japan.
>They're all great games
Pokemon has literally never been anything but mediocre. There's no such thing as a good Pokemon game
yep, he does this shit every single day
he does it in every thread, and if he can't find a thread he'll make one
i don't even think he uses an RSS feed like the original, i think he does it all by hand
Yeah, just look at
>I care about redpilling you all about the horrors of SuMo, as so many others have before me.
Who the fuck actually talks like that? Not a normal human being.
wtf is wrong with you turbogays
gen VII is looking to be the best gen since II
Yes siree
He denies being him yet doesn't bother masking his behavior because he has a superiority complex where he wants to feel like "the big wise grown up in a room full of children and shit".
Even Cody was better at masking his behavior and that guy's 16.
Trying way too hard there, buddy.
>even though its dying down in Japan.
Still bigger then Pokemon.