Holy Fuck, it's actually on SALE!!!!
Is it worth a buy? I hear nothing but bad things.
Holy Fuck, it's actually on SALE!!!!
Is it worth a buy? I hear nothing but bad things.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's better than people paint it to be but it's far from great.
Any comment on the quality of the PC port? Is it game breakingly broken? Reviews say to stay away.
It has no stereo support in that if you don't have 5.1 speakers you won't hear some sounds.
But there's a very simple workaround to this, set your speakers to 5.1 (even if you don't have it) in Control Panel -> Sound and then simply untick all the satelite speakers until you're shown nothing but 2 speakers.
This method will downsample 5.1 audio to stereo.
Otherwise I didn't experience any other issues.
It's one of THE worst SH games, ever.
Not maybe THE worst, but seriously: Avoid it.
It's broken as fuck. One more reason to stay away.
Just ignore the western shit-sequels, and (re-)play the original Team-Silent games. Here's the SH PC guide + DL links:
SH2 torrent:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" is a all-in-one fix, that works as a no-cd crack as well. It is included in the pack.
If you use the NEW fix mentioned in the guide, you can use the sh2proxy's EXE as the no-cd crack!
In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
SH2-4 do not support Xinput gamepads. Either use Xpadder, a DirectInput pad, or just play with KB+M.
>its shit cuz i say its shit and its broken cuz i say its broken but i wont say why its shit and whats broken btw look at my giant wall of text pasta
Please get cancer and die you obnoxious fuck and leave this thread.
here's the recommended emulator settings for SH1. Works great on all other games too.
The plugins used are:
-Pete's OpenGL 1.78; (more options & better performance than 2.x version)
-Eternal's SPU Engine.
alternatively just use a software renderer for very 1:1 PS1-like graphics, including 240p only.
...OR just buy the game from PSN Store for few bucks.
You could also try the new PGXP emulator, that adds Perspective Correction to PS1 textures. The results can be mindblowingly awesome!
I've not played Homecoming myself but the general consensus from what I've gathered is that it is indeed one of the worst SH games. What little footage of it I have seen has done little to convince me otherwise as well. I might play it and Downpour some day but I'm hardly in a rush to do so.
>I havent played it but I'll spew shit anyway
Classic Sup Forums
Seriously fuck off and stop shitting up the thread
It's been on sale for $3 for 3 years in a row.
Oh, I'm not that user. I'm just saying that his viewpoint isn't exactly uncommon.
I've played homecoming because somehow I got it for almost free on steam.
I enjoyed it for the time that I played it but there's a lot of emphasis on combat. That being said the combat is pretty intense and if you're into guro just cut up nurses with your knife and they get actual lacerations - fucking cool stuff.
he's right tho'.
Origins, HC and DP have no redeeming qualities. They all shat on the lore, logic and overall hard work TS did with their original series, dumping down the whole experience into generic as fuck haunted house experience, usually packed in broken as fuck tech.
Also, whose bright idea was to make goddamn UFO Ending one of the regular ends you can access right off the bat?? My jaw fucking dropped to the floor when that happened on my very first playthrough of HC!
the combat system is literally broken
the first weapon you get, the knife, is the best weapon in the entire game because you can stun lock enemies. In real Silent Hill games the knife is laughably bad.
Homecoming also has you do a lot of backtracking, and it's a pretty hideous looking game. It does have some pretty good music.
Yeah but he's not wrong.
Compared to the previous titles (even Origins), it's so linear. It's already uninteresting, but that only makes matters worse. That and the bland environment. The scene transitions look nice (but are only there because of the movie) and boss fights aren't COMPLETE dogshit . . . but overall, it's a really dismal survival horror game with pretty much no redeeming factors.
Also the fact that you can get the joke ending on your first run is absolutely ridiculous.
Origins has one of the better OSTs of the series.
I'll argue against that one, namely in that it apes the originals so hard that it plays passably despite being a pale imitation. The weapon system is a bit poorly conceived, the otherworld portals strip away some of the series intrigue, and the less said about the story the better. Origins definitely has its flaws, but the beat by beat gameplay is so unashamedly "classic SH" that despite those drawbacks it still plays like a classic SH for the most part. If I had to draw any comparison to another series it's probably like Resident Evil 0 - it fucks up some of the fundamentals through experimentation but is still grounded enough in the series' roots to be at least worth a playthrough. Nowhere close to the quality of the bona fide classics, though.
I can't say shit about DP or HC, though.
can we get ONE comparison picture that doesn't use horrendously blurry youtube footage of downpour
we all know it looks like shit but if you have to cherrypick to prove your point, you're proving it very, very poorly
These images are misleading.
SH3 & 4 dumped all their graphics budget into the character models. They look great but the environments are bland, highly repetitive, and, frankly, look pretty shitty.
SH4's character models were pretty on-point, but hoo boy. Parts of the apartment looked so blotchy. You would think they'd put more effort in the only area in which you're in a first-person viewpoint.
By that logic, the western SH games' environments only looked worse.
Downpour was the biggest culprit of re-using furnishings and environment more than every single game before it.
Lol, buying a broken beyond repair game.
The only games from after the room I consider worth any money are Downpour and Book of Memories. But then again I prefer 3 to 2 which apparently means I have shit taste inherently, pay me no mind.
No, they were far more detailed. Half the environments in SH3&4 are empty rooms and corridors. Just utterly empty. Most of the rooms that do have any details in them are tiny and devoid of enemies.
It'd say it's one of the bigger examples of "fuck you I liked it" for me.
Monsters were all interesting, combat was really good (inb4 hurrdurr combat), and game world was nice. It did borrow a few things from the first film though, most noticeably the inclusion of Pyramid Head who appears for a 5-second cameo.
This post alone tells me you didn't play the games.
>those spoilers
Man, I've owned a Vita since 2012 and I haven't even touched BoM's demo. It seems like it could be a decent enough Diablo clone but for fuck's sake, why slap the Silent Hill name on it?
Downcoming and Homepour are both really bad SH games. This is agreed more or less universally.
I wouldn't buy them for any amount greater than two dollars.
REmake did the same goddamn thing. Except Capcom reused those models up to RE5.
We all know what REmake's masterful character designer/modeler is up to now adays too.
And you're just some Team Silent fanboy.
As someone who has never thought any Silent Hill game was much more than mediocre and not having any vested interest in praising glorious Nippon I can see the failings of the non-western games.
>paying more than $20 for a digital title
Only time I ever broke that rule of mine was Fatal Frame 5 because I'm both American and a huge fan of the series. Fucking NoA.
I mean, I thought the references to SH were kinda cool. Didn't sell the game for me, but I thought it was neat. I agree though, should have avoided the brand because there are people who may well have liked it but refused to play it as some sort of boycott.
Not the same thing.
REmake used prerendered backgrounds. They could afford to dump all the processing power into the character models because the environments required practically nothing to display and still looked great.
A good art crew does wonders.
Also, DoF helped with Silent Hill. A lot.
>y-you're just a f-fanboy!
You sound mad someone proved you wrong, autist
I mean for 7 bucks how badly could it really disappoint you?
The biggest gripe people have with the game is that it's too actiony. The powerlessness of the previous entries is overtaken by a person who can Doomguy it, more or less.
Personally, it's my favorite Silent Hill game, but I know that tons of people dislike it and for good reason -- they fell in love with the series for reasons other than the combat.
the story and enemies in this game were lame as fuck, the boss fights were actually pretty hard. Still haven't made up my mind yet if it's a better or worse game than Silent Hill 4
>This is agreed more or less universally.
>see someone streaming Downpour one day
>jump into chat "HA HA HA OH MAN THIS GAME I HAVENT SEEN IT IN FOREVER SO BAD RIGHT?" expecting the guy to be playing it ironically
>dude is like what are you talking about I love this game it's great
>ask if he played the originals
>gets legit offended, says of course he did and the only good one was 2 because cult stuff is done and Homecoming/Downpour are just as good as 2
I didn't think it was possible.
You have that image on your hard drive and think you aren't a fanboy? Really?
>cult stuff is done
Dumb even.
I think Downpour is actually a really good game. It did some pretty cool stuff with mechanics in the game. The endings were actually pretty interesting. I'd play it again.
Ignore the memers, homecoming isn't that bad. Aside from story maybe, everything else Silent hil is there, the atmosphere,the monsters and spookness
I consider it better than 4 that was made by original team silent
>The powerlessness of the previous entries
Can we stop pretending you were powerless in the previous games?
They gave you more weapons and health items than you could ever need. Killing enemies was not a challenge, it was just a chore because the gameplay is so awful and it's far easier to just run past them.
Silent Hill's combat was just plain shit.
>I've heard nothing but bad things
>But I'm going to ask if I should buy it anyways
nigga what
did you play on casual easy babby mode
One of my favorite games on the dreamcast was called Slave Zero. My mom got it for me in some bargain bin at a blockbuster or something, IGN gave a 3 out of 10. Sometimes you just gotta play it yourself.
Silent Hill combat isn't hard, half the melee weapons have the ability to stunlock enemies until you beat them to death with normal swings, and they move and attack so slowly (except those faggots in Silent hill 3 that crawl on the ground) that you can dodge them easily. the boss battles in every single game are a total joke with the exception of the Heather/Alessa fight in Silent Hill 3. The games aren't any kind of difficult combat-wise on any difficulty. Puzzles on hard though....
Sure did, except the Silent Hill games refer to it as "hard".
Face it, Silent Hill has shit gameplay and is also piss easy. The only time the game gives you a challenge is when you turn up the difficulty for the puzzles and occasionally get a ridiculously esoteric "guess what the dev was thinking" puzzles.
There is nothing about this game that demands you play it. It's actually a welcome part of a heap of games that are completely unremarkable and often times bad.
You'll buy it regardless of whatever actual warning you'll be told. SH fans are like that.
Im blown away by how they think they can sell it for that price considering how old it is now. Doesn't matter if its a bad game or not.
God on Hard isn't easy, but that's more a case of tedium than good design.
Nintendo games retain their value forever, a principle that Nintendo has adhered to for so long that they think it adheres to digital games. We're talking about a company that thinks 20% off a digital game is a great discount.
>I think Downpour is actually a really good game
Yeesh, bud. Find it hard to agree with you on that one. Even on its own merit and not as a Silent Hill game it's pretty poorly written all around, they should have never made it so that the multiple endings retcon shit that happened in the story, that's just awful. Also it goes beyond being cryptic and just flat out doesn't tell you anything or directly contradicts itself constantly. On top of that the world design in general is trash, requiring key items to access areas but making those key items destructible weapons is really shit, all of the puzzles are the most baby mode nothing in the entire series except for Shattered Memories which is a glorified tech demo, Murphy just randomly deciding how fast he wants to move randomly (sometimes to hide loading which goes back to the shit world design HEY GUYS WE DONT HAVE LOADING SCREENS please ignore this empty room with a fixed camera angle that Murphy cannot get through faster than it takes to load the next area), the monster design is so bad and most of them do the same fucking thing, the game is a mess.
Once you start getting into SH problems and how it's just trying to be SH2 AGAIN after Homecoming was trying to be SH2 and Origins was trying to be SH2 on top of ignoring the canon or how Silent Hill even works in the first place, as a fan of the series it's hard to accept the game being anything other than terrible.
>that fucking cherrypicking
The first thing you do in Homecoming is a qte
That alone is enough to not buy it
>watching a stream
You're just as braindead as he is.
Not to completely disprove your point, but this completely disproves your point: nintendo.com
33% off for 3DS games, 66% off for Wii U games. Permanent. My Nintendo rewards apply ulterior discounts.
Also he was talking about SH5 ("considering how old it is now").
Christ. I mean, I'm currently going through Resident Evil 6 right now and its opening act wasn't exactly exciting for the same reason.
>I wrote a ton of text therefore my opinion is fact
Are those supposed to be lips?
Oh man look at how contrarian you are. Way to prove your superior intellect by not engaging in popular activities and societal norms, you totally got me bro.
The PC port has an areawhere it'll just shit out and you can't play anymore.
Luckily you'll get there within 30 minutes so get that refund button ready.
Is it a decent entry point to the series? The only other Silent Hill I played was a demo of a Vita game, which was basically Diablo
>defending the act of watching a stranger play a game online
>im scared of standing out and must attack those who do
Well yeah, the greatest hits label they have going on is an exception. That said, I forgot about the initial post being about Homecoming and thought he was referring to FF5, so that was my bad. On that front, I agree for sure.
>Homecoming is unironically my favorite one
Homecoming is fine. It's a "modern" game so expect a lot of conveniences and some QTE's and shit, but it's good.
>39.99 for an 8 year old game
You're mistaking good with not terrible. Homecoming is pretty bad.
>It's a "modern" game so expect a lot of conveniences and some QTE's and shit
How did we reach a point where this became the norm?
>giving konami money
just download it from torrents. or even better, don't waste your time on this and forget about it.
>standing out
Wow, what a solid argument. Drink bleach.
argument against what?
The fuck are you talking about? I beat that game on pc when it was released without a problem.
Might have to get this, I haven't played a Silent Hill for a long time
Condense your thoughts instead of writing a fucking novel on "SH Homecoming is bad because..."
>the greatest hits label they have going on is an exception
It's a pretty big fucking exception, and as far as digital games are concerned it's basically a rule. What else do they need to do exactly to win the "officially discounts games after a while" award?
Yes, how dare I converse with others about video games online. Such an act is totally reproachable and all should be shunned who do so. They should shut down this board for allowing these philistines
Long posts and short posts both have their benefits. I didn't even write (or READ) that post.
30fps lock, terrible graphics and its a bad silent hill game to begin with. Do NOT buy it.
In a stream. There's a big difference.
>write a short post
>write a long post
I love the internet.
i think i may wanna buy grim fandango remastered and VTB Masquerade
are those good choices?
VTMB is on sale for the same price on GOG right now and is updated to include a patch that you would need to use anyway. Would suggest that version instead.
One of the most infurating games ever because of terrible design choices, its a shame because their is a great game in there, The boss fights were quite memorable and atmospheric and the story is one of the most solid stories the SH universe. But some of the characters were aweful and the combat system may have single handedly ruined the game.
>the story is one of the most solid stories the SH universe
ya, it's a low bar I know.
I personally liked the angle of the parents having to kill their children in different ways, and the children coming back in some weird symbolic way to try and kill them. The part about him "not remembering" any of it was stupid though
>one of the most solid stories the SH universe.
Seriously man?
Konami is fucking retarded for not just dumping the old games on steam they would sell loads of copies
It's great in a "so bad it's good" way.
Especially if you play it with friends.
It's a shame, it had 3 pretty good stories, but crammed them into the most Americanized background possible. Generic male and his love interest. Black Cop sidekick. Movie cliches everywhere.
It's 3 great ideas:
>Take a war vet that has SEEN SOME SHIT and drop them into Silent Hill
Great idea. Should have been a full game. Was instead squandered.
>A revenge story where the spirits of murdered children come back to take revenge on the parents that killed them
This was actually pretty well done up until the Josh reveal
>Reimagine Pyramid Head as The Boogeyman. The children that grew up in Silent Hill's religious sect was given the cautionary nursery rhyme growing up to behave or else the Boogeyman will get them. They also saw the old photos of the executioners and based the image of the Boogeyman on these executioners. Years later when they've gone and murdered their kids, they start to lose their sanity and believe the Boogeyman is coming for them.
This was actually a really nice story that got misrepresented so hard. I loved that The Boogeyman wasn't interested in Alex. He was hear for the parents, but he was stopped everytime by you.I also liked that he only went after the parents that went nuts and thought they deserved to be punished, but he didn't ever attempt to go after the evil bitch that was utterly remorseless that she suffocated her child.
Sadly all three of these elements could have been their own game without the cookie-cutter framing. As it stands they all either go nowhere or are underutilized.
buy silent hill and you support konami for cancelling silent hill
they probably have 10 quadrillion licensing issues to sort out with the pc version before it can be released and don't think it's worth it
kinda like the hd collection but now they have another company involved
I don't know why
team silent did 3 and 4 pc port
only 2 was outsourced and that's why it's so shitty