Why is it okay for Mercy to show off her cleavage and thighs, but not okay for Tracer to show off her butt?
They're both adult women, and they're both not Widowmaker.
Why is it okay for Mercy to show off her cleavage and thighs, but not okay for Tracer to show off her butt?
They're both adult women, and they're both not Widowmaker.
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Because theres no more attention to grab complaining about overwatch, all the loudmouths have moved on to more recent topics to claim oppression.
Because that is how life works ok?
Friendly reminder that this is Tracer's replacement pose. Literally a pin up, not unlike Mercy's pose in your pic.
Yeah, but she's not showing off her ass in this one.
There are still some people who think Blizzard changed it because a SJW complained about it.
SJWs complain about nearly everything in games, it just happened that one complained about something that Blizzard was already changing so everyone thought Blizzard was caving to SJWs.
Tracer's old pose is terrible from a character stand point and a general pose standpoint. If you can't see that then stop thinking with your penis for a second and think with your brain please bb (unless you genuinely think it's an actual good pose and aren't only looking at it because of the butt then whatever think what you want).
How is it terrible from a character standpoint?
No one complained about it for being a bad or bland pose, they complained it was too sexy
because that's a fucking retarded pose
the ass crack looks like it begins in the middle of her back
Because Tracer has no ass at all.
because tracer does it for free, while Mercy brings money back to her pimps
that's not what ppl complained about
Think about how tracer is as a character. She is fast and lighthearted. This pose honestly doesn't portray those things in any way. The pin up one doesn't portray it too much either but it's a good start and a fine pose in it's own right.
I know. Never said no one complained about that. It definitely wasn't only removed for that reason imo. In general it looks lazily thrown together as if to just be there as a place holder.
Mercy gives off a sexual aura. Tracer is just a character for children to love.
>Think about how tracer is as a character.
Tracer is a cheeky girl who likes taunting her opponents, and showing off butt can be used as a taunt. E.g. R.Mika's butt slap
Because the people who complain about these things don't actually play the games to any length. They just watched a trailer and a screenshot or two and so they probably just saw Tracer with her being the postergirl and all and completely ignored Mercy, because they don't even know that she exists.
>Mercy gives off a sexual aura.
Never wore anything sexual or had any sexual poses before the witch costume.
no one complained about tracers butt it was literally manufactured shock by blizzard to get you idiots whining about overwatch and sjws
congrats on taking the bait though
It's a bit debatable I suppose, I can see your argument. Then it still comes into play of how it's not a very good pose in general. Misses one of the key things needed in a good pose.
>Tracer is just a character for children to love.
This game is teens and up.
Cause anything below 29 is considered sexualized
what ass?
flaunting her ass in a cheeky way is pretty lighthearted
Looks like shes still showing off her ass here, whats everyone complaining about?
Lots of people complained in that thread and in the media, though. I still see people saying it was inappropriate.
The pose is pretty bland, yeah.
That's probably why Blizzard decided to change it – but not the reason why most people complained about it though.
Oh I know that.
She's doing the exact opposite of sticking out her ass, so it almost looks concave. How is that showing off her ass?
I doubt this.
Blizzard have literally no backbone for Overwatch because they aren't passionate about it. It was released feeling empty and could have passed for a f2p game, then the Summer Games Event pretty much exposed their intentions (to squeeze money out of blizzdrones using the **FREE** content that they've promised players all along), and now the Sombra ARG which they strung along in the worst way possible and when that finally blew up in their face they didn't even comment on the enormous "Fuck you" they gave to their fans. The Halloween content came with a patch making even loot boxes harder to earn, and charging more money for them. What content have they released that isn't unavailable for 49 out of 52 weeks in the year? A skill-demanding healing sniper and a payload map that nobody really likes save aesthetically.
Because tracer is too pure according to all the land whales rampaging through the internet.
Can landwhales be waifufags?
because mercy is an old hag honestly i don't understand why western devs just make all women 25-70 it will allow them to be immune to any amount of criticism
B-but, user... Tracer is 26
Then 26 is proven not to work, 27-70 should
Because they countertrolled the original complaints against Tracer, they're now completely immune to any sexist claims.
Because the game's been out several months, it's old news, if it isn't in the limelight then no one's going to care.
Much better to cry about how sexist BF1 is for not having female playermodels in multiplayer, a game that takes place almost a century before countries started allowing females on the front lines.