Why cant we have a Gale of Darkness thread?

Why cant we have a Gale of Darkness thread?

the same reason "we" couldn't have one for the past 8 years.


kindly fuck off

Get killed


Because of these faggots.

>there will never be another pokemon game with doubles as the default format
>there will never be another pokemon game that requires at least a little bit of strategic thinking and team building outside of the deliberately bullshit postgame


It's a pretty funny meme, you gotta admit. It's always funny even after I've seen it hundreds of times. Sup Forums has some pretty funny and original posters.

Nobody who creates a gale of darkness thread had ever any intention of actually discussing the game, except if they are a newfag maybe.

>Except if they are a newfag
To bad your wrong.

And why am I wrong?
If you aren't a newfag then you should have seen atleast once what happens when someone makes a gale of darkness thread.

I dont live here all day. I come and go throught the years as i please.

Nice meme you fucking fag. Kindly go kill yourself.

>another pokemon game
>strategic thinking



Kill yourself cunt

>there will never be another bonus disc with the purchase of the game
jirachi disc in US, celebi disc in JP

man that was a fucking amazing bonus disc

No the same guy, but the double battles makes it a lot less braindead than usual and the NPC actually make use of the format like using protect+earthquake or even skill swap slaking.
It isn't rocket science, but it takes a little bit more than just switching into whatever is supereffective against whatever the opponent throws out.

Plus enemy trainers didn't have the usual obligatory teams that makes them easy to predict

Rather than trainer classes that almost always use bug, rock, water, etc. types or an evil team that uses mostly poison or dark types, every trainer's team is varied and impossible to guess at a glance, so you needed a team that was ready for anything

>They send out a shedinja when you don't have any fire, ghost, dark, rock, or flying moves in your party