If you don't reply to this post your pet will die in an hour

If you don't reply to this post your pet will die in an hour.

she literally proposed to kill off that leaker guy, and it was officially transcribed
everyone brushed it off as a "joke" even though she was 100% serious
how the fuck does anyone still think there's no media bias is beyond me

>posting KKK nazi white supremacy frog


so many of our ideas are based heavily on comparison, if the biased media is all they know, then it is possible they simply are not capable of knowing what an unbiased media is.

>everyone brushed it off as a "joke" even though she was 100% serious
Welcome to the 2016 election, aka "Operation watch america give up"
In any other election year people would have dragged these two clowns out into the street and hung them from lamp posts for the shit they've said, now nobody gives a fuck and everything is a haha so fanny joke.
Why do they even bother with debates, trump should just cum in hillary's mouth and have her snowball it with him and the winner is whoever doesn't swallow.

KEEP Sup Forums IN Sup Forums

Trouble is hillary still has a chance to win due to women voting for her only because she has a vagina. Giving women the vote is one of the biggest mistakes society has ever made.

Remember to report this thread as Sup Forums shit outside of Sup Forums is against the rules.

where's the video games?

>lol guys no Sup Forums here Sup Forums a good boy dindu nuffin he stay in his board trying to get money fo

Fucking neck yourself on your way back to your board, faggot.


CTR shills are getting really nervous

a more appropriate challenge would that they furiously snowball the cum, fighting to keep it in their mouths, and whoever swallows first after the given signal is the victor.
kind of like a western duel but gay

All I know is I'm voting for Hillary because fuck Sup Forums
I don't know what kind of platform either of them is running on (probably none) so it's going to come down to me ruining the next 4 years for Sup Forums

You don't have to go to Sup Forums to care about the election dipshit.

>literally no one mentions Sup Forums
>hurrrr muh Sup Forums boogeyman
Kill yourselves you triggered little shits

Don't be a moron. Hillary wants to take away your video games. This is more important than your chinese mario anime jerkoff bullshit.

Enjoy fighting Russia.

>Sup Forumsshit thread
Check that 5, friends.

if your plan is to ruin Sup Forums, you are so fucking late that i can't even find the words to describe how futile your effort would be


Do reproductive rights and paid leave not count as reasons?


Yeah but trump will just draft me in some sort of suicide war against china, atleast this way I get to keep Sup Forums.

>furshit thread gets deleted immediately
>this is still up
better mods when

>the american election is video games

>Go to a a video game board
>Post about politics

Is that hair dye leeching into your brain?

But it was a joke. No one would be insane enough to drone a man in an embassy in London.

at least a suicide war against china would give us the chance to see combat before we are killed

Joke's on you I don't have a pet


What does this have to do with video games?

Get back to your containment board. We're busy deciding who has the best vidya butts.

You're dumb.

>Voting for someone to spite people on an anonymous imageboard

Wew my life is pretty shit right now but thanks for reassuring me it could always be worse.

Yes, and that's why everyone in the room laughed at first, but she kept talking about it as if it she actually wanted that to happen.

Well obviously that's impossible because Sup Forums is already ruined beyond belief.
But the problem is if trump wins they'll be happy.
If hillary wins they'll be assmad, not for a day, not for a week, but for the full 4 year term.
That's the best christmas present I could ever ask for.
What? Do I look like trump to you?
My hair is full natural, long and luscious like a greek god.

What video game is this?

fuck off

I love my animals you fucker. More than your mother who will die if you don't reply to this.

>Sup Forums
>not video games

I don't support this thread, but why do people only complain about offtopic threads when they're politics related?

Civ VI


Trump will win

Post source, please.


wow I didn't know Anthony Burch posted here.

Not everyone is american

Fight fire with fire as they say.
Sup Forums is doing it because the SJWs and women ruined something for them, I'm doing it because Sup Forums is trying to ruin Sup Forums with shit like this and GG.

>Only two weeks until this reality TV show of an election is over

americon electian is my favorite video game!

He won't.

I wish I had it.

>My hair is full natural, long and luscious like a greek god.
Only a homosexual would describe hair like that. Hopefully Trump wins so your kind gets gassed.

Trump is a faggot.

You know how that would count as declaration of war against that country if it did happen? Even better, when she made her "joke" if something like that does indeed happen, then everyone knows instantly who's responsible.


>implying homosexuals ever have long hair
Please, the gayer you get the shorter your hair, why do you think butch lesbians exist?


If 2 Hillary will win and nuke Russia.

keep this shit on Sup Forums I'm trying to find the friday night motherfucker thread and you are clogging the catalog

but also I'm bumping for visibilty because this needs to be seen anyway

how many more times you going to make this thread

No, I'm going to vote for whatever doesn't give Shillary or Failump my vote.

Both of them can eat a bag of dicks.

Not vidya
Fuck off

Hillary might be a senile neo-conservative but even she isn't crazy enough to launch a drone in london at an embassy.


>someone posts average dumpy fat bitch


>Sup Forums


Sup Forums IS SHIT




Remember Sup Forums
Every time you don't vote for hillary, you're letting these shitposting Sup Forumstards win.


not sure why any sane person would vote hillary


For you

shillary will lose


every time

>all these triggered Hillary cucks


I'm not sure why any sane person would vote period.
Clearly the only sane option at this point is to assassinate both of them, then we can have a real election.


these are the same people that actually use the term 'shillary'



I'm voting Trump, don't worry. Not everyone on Sup Forums is a retarded normalfag who trusts the media. This isn't video game related though.

she thicc

fuck yourself

Check my 7 faggots

hillary will win

>letting ~70 year old people run for president
We shold have learned our lesson with Reagan. Trump and Clinton both seem senile and they're only going to get worse.

She actually has a chance of dying in office.

No please.

Hillary is a con, Trump is insane, Johnson is a moron, and the Green gal knows nothing.

No matter who wins, we get fucked for it.


Sounds about right

Fuk u

I know America's going to get cucked either way but please don't nuke any countries
t. worried eastern european

>he does it for free