Anybody else sick of the amount of free choice allowed in videogames today?

Anybody else sick of the amount of free choice allowed in videogames today?

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no, i'm sick of games with no structure or pacing or progression, which is what most open ended games seem to be lately

pretty sure i chose to kill you

Wait a minute that angel

That guy looks like someone I can trust

Merely a coincidence.

I agree with you, mysterious angel.

Kinda, to be honest.

No, I am sick of most of said choices to be irrelevant at the end of day.

Something should be done about this. Freedom spoils the player, and rots the soul.

I'm not so sure.

Strange Journey was my first SMT game and I fell for the Law meme.

I think you've had a bit too much to think.

>going Law
Did you actually get tricked by the flatterer of God?

Yes, I am tired of games in general. I wish games didn't exist. They, along with the rest of the world, simply remind me of the endless cycle of suffering we are stuck in. If only there was a way to break this cycle.

Yo, I got a plan, just go with me on this.

QUICK! You have 10 seconds to be as big a lawfag as you can!

I literally cannot stop sucking YHVH's cock

I suck dicks and love being wrong all the time. I can not think for myself and need to be ruled by someone that God him/itself rejected. Praise YHVH

What's your plan, some stupid shit like nuke a reactor? That'd be fucking retarded.

Just tell me what to do mr angel, i'll be happy to sing your praises and blither on like an idiot whenever you want.

> profanity

It's gonna work though, stop being such a shit.

Help me Sup Forums, i want to create the ultimate mermaid, which fiend has ice pierce and how i suppose to give it to mermaid?

This guy doesn't look very trustworthy to me

W- no you fucking asshole! It's not! That'll just kill everyone.
Man fuck you, i'm going Law.

>Year 1492 of Mikado
>still going Law
"i cant surviv in a wurl of str" - u


Wait a minute that angel

What's your plan? Half-nuke everyone?

No, God has an awesome plan. See, he's gonna take this thing called the Arc of Meggido, and he's gonna purify the world of chaos. It's totally gonna work and be great. I should know, i'm his judge! I trust him a lot. He's such a great guy.

I'm in.

>go Law because Mastema is kinda a bro and it would be fun to hang out with him some more
>the second you joins he fucks off for the rest of the game and only shows up again at the very end

I will never fall for their lies ever again.

Eh, i'm getting a little bothered by it. It usually ends up being irrelevant bullshit to put on the back of the box. If it isn't bullshit, the paths seem empty, because the devs still only put the same amount of money and effort into twice as much content, so it is empty.

To be the Godslayer is the only choice.




Hang on, I don't know this game. Is it actually this blasphemous?

Hey now pal, that guy didn't have a mustache.

Who's /Neutral/ here?

Fuck the rules of nature and the golden chains of god. I'm going to kick all asses and go home to be a family man.



>Falling for the neutral meme
>Missing the point that all endings are Law

I like being a lawfag but i hate YHVH's law. What do?

Kill God and become him.

Neutral endings are always shit but then again, still better than Law which only had 1 good ending in the entire franchise, SMT2

>want to play the Witcher 3
>too open-ended to feel like I'm actually progressing in any way
>play Drakengard, Ape Escape, Klonoa 2
>have a good time

We rose up and became something better than the simple animals of chaos, ruining ourselves with the laws of a fake god would be madness.

You know, I'm playing SMT IV A right now, however, I've never played Nocturne. I noticed that the MC looks similar to Demi-Fiend with those markings, I JUST want to know, is the Demi-Friend also a God slayer, or is that a spoiler?

The rule of law and the separation of powers are two unassailable cornerstones of today's society

who would win between this 2?

Given what Godslayer means (Literally just any human to kill other gods permenantly), maybe. It is debatable how much the Demi-fiend fits the bill for "human" anymore, given that that was the justification for why he can't make his own Reason.

Nanashi no question. Demi-Fiend beat Kagatsuchi, not YHVH, and only beat Lucifer who was holding back, not even killing him. It is worth noting that SMT4's Lucy is probably not the same as Nocturne's, and seems much, much weaker. Beelzebub doesn't even support SMT4's lucy.

Who knows or cares, but I guess twink MC got further since his ending was actually becoming the new God while Demi-fiend was charging into the final battle against it.

I only got a shitty Demon Ending in Nocturne, but Lucifer had a lot of interest in Demi-Fiend, so he probably was a Godslayer.

depends how much pierce damage he can build up


I wish I hadn't googled this hilarious joke.

im in bootes in strange journey and this guy seems okay.

still not decided on what route to take later on.

also, the game is really grindy and you get shit experience from enemies.

not mention literally everything has to be crafted being a major pain in the ass.

cant even find items to complete a single decent gun unless i grind negotiating and asking for shit/killing stuff or else look up a guide which im not going to do.

i feel like ill drop this along the way. at least desu didnt have much grinding.

>Being a lawfag who doesn't like YHVH



If The Green Giant, Mr. Clean, and Spock had buttsex and had a baby, this is what it would look like


Having a good gun does not really matter because the protag does shit damage compared to demons.


That's actually pretty brutal.

No I'm just sick of wandering around huge, barely interactive environments. Most games that tout freedom usually just mean you can move towards your objective from any physical direction you please, but the experience is identical no matter the direction you come from.

Compare Assassin's Creed to a game like Metal Gear Solid 3. One is expansive on the surface, but when you get into it it's revealed to be ankle deep; while the other is narrow at a glance, but deep as the Mariana Trench.

Put it this way, user. The Strange Journey protag is affectionately referred to as a power armored vending machine for a reason.

By the end of the game all your protag will do is use items on your actual damage dealers.

>tfw no way to put support skills on him

Id trust this guy to make my choices

The glass clearly half-contains water.

>he doesn't want to sing praises to the Almighty

You know what would be a great idea? Killing your friends.

everyone to the cubes

Dagda please, I'll make another of you

Where do I kill myself for the greater good

>literal godslayer against Lucifer's bottom bitch
>one of them doesn't game over when he dies in battle

hell really? That kind of really sucks.
The mc seems to have the highest stats. i have his magic at 24 while the demons are basically shitting belows 20's.

>cant make a magic nuke mc or a strength pierce one

is the game actually good enough for me to power through with my character being the piece of shit that he is? Because if i cant specc him aany more than i can now im dropping this shit.

i guess the randomly distributred stats based on an early game quiz was a telltale sign that it would end up like this.

people told me this was good.

Not if you die though.
I only regret killing Navarre and Gaston. Toki and Hallelujah a little.

Look up a guide on how to build him and get the Meteor Dragoon+moan bullet
>null all
>or pierce everything all+pleroma
Slap Smile Charge on Nanashi and it's over faster than you can smirk. Nanashi is the real wurl of str, he doesn't have any way to buff defense besides HP incense.

>hell really?
Dunno, for me he was useful until the very end. Could be because I had a shit team, but considering I didn't have much trouble finishing the game I couldn't care less.

Why is Odin so best?




>Massacre nanashi gets pierce on every attack making Null all useless
>Nanashi also has the combined power of his entire universe inside of him
nanashi ez


My fucking sides.

This is way too accurate.

what do you want out of SMT5?
i'll start
>multiple endings beyond the basic 3
>True Law - side with god, and the world becomes robotic
>Neutral Law - become a messiah having a religion based around you, even to the point of having former lawfags side with you, and humanity awaits your 2nd coming
>True Neutral - your story is untold, humanity gets by without even knowing you existed
>Neutral Chaos - fall for Lucifers lies, either you or him control a world run by demons and humanity under their thumb

More demons of recent culture

Neutral Law is basically DeSu's law ending

I kind of want something more to change up the Press Turn system. Stuff like Mitra Buddha having his stats increase when his weakness was exploited was neat, but right now Press Turn is basically just about exploiting weakness as much as you can

Maybe having multiple human characters as controllable party members.

Better Law/Chaos heroes.

Good-[Alignment] endings like DeSu's Good-[Alignment] endings.

Human enemies that fight alongside their own stock of demons because we really don't see that much.

Being on a console

>pepe demon

Social Links with demons

How can I beat Ariel?