Smallest of all DLC areas in all of souls games

>smallest of all DLC areas in all of souls games
>only 15 new weapons
>only 2 bosses
>the 2 bosses are both just Bloodborne bosses reskined

what a fucking joke

That's not even what makes it bad.

The shitty part is that 90% of the content is "massive amounts of wolves/followers/bugs"

There's almost no creativity to the actual enemy placement and level design.

It's about as big as Hunter's Nightmare and Research Hall, without the shitty """"co-op"""" padding with shitty literal recolored bosses the DS2 DLCs had
I'll fucking take Scythegirl and champion over Elana and Sihn, for example.

im going to buy the game and the dlc again when i get a ps4

>2 bosses
>Bootleg maria and cleric beast
>The other is a artorias and sif wannabe
>Both are humanoid piles of shit
Who thought that it would be a good idea?

The main background looks incredibly similar to that of the main game, big snowy mountains in all directions. Friede goes invisible like Priscilla but Priscilla's foot prints made that a fairer fight for the player.

>It's about as big as Hunter's Nightmare and Research Hall,
But without any of its intricacies so who cares.


Level design is actually pretty good. It doesn't suffer from AotA syndrome.

Who cares. The Friede boss fight was worth the price of admission, arguably the best dark souls 3 boss and I'm struggling to think of better ones in the series, gives pikachu and snorlax a run for their money.

>AotA syndrome

A straight line to the bosses with few branches.

I almost forgot about this dlc. Played it for 1 day, beat it in 3 hours. Meanwhile I played every Dark Souls 2 dlc for weeks.

What a disappointment.

too bad dark souls 2 was shit

Still haven't bought the dlc, and people seem displeased with it. which level should of be when you start it?

55-60 with 6+ weapons. Some of the mobs are tougher than endgame ones. Millwood soldiers are nearly as formidable as giant manserpents.

>this meme again

Humanoids have, and will continue to be the best bosses in action games.

only thing that's bad about dark souls 2 compared to other games was the level design. every else was superior to the ds3

Return from whence thou cam'st.

For that is thy place of belonging.

humanoids are good in moderation. When both bosses are humans it makes it less enjoyable. Also human bosses are only good when its 1v1, if it becomes 2v1 it loses its peer to peer battle vibe. Old King Doran would be shit if he had to red eye knights with him. Gehrman wouldn't have the same impact if you fought a bunch of ayys while fighting him.

Why does every Soulsfag sounds like an armchair game designer? I'd fucking hate having lunch with some of these cunts. It's like that person who breaks up with their partner and can't shut the fuck up about them, or that hardcore alt-righter that fucking rants about nigger nigger nigger if you give him an inch.

Funny because I spent more time in it, especially co-op and PvP.