You lied Sup Forums this game was nowhere near as bad as you made it out to be

You lied Sup Forums this game was nowhere near as bad as you made it out to be

It's nowhere near as good as you think it is either.

You'll realize how dogshit it is when you start seeing them labelling re-used levels as new missions
Not sure how you can excuse the Gyrowing either

>"Stop enjoying video games!"

bottom line is, it's vastly inferior to a game that came out almost 20 years ago

Is not what I said.

It what happens when star fox 64 has a baby with starfox 2 and a gyroscope goes up someone's ass at some point

7/10, could have been much worse.

It would've sold millions and millions if the game let you remove Fox's clothes.

Drinking your own piss isn't as bad as it sounds either. That doesn't make it any more appealing.

You implied it.


What part did you believe when people said it was bad? Because if you say "the motion controls" it's unanimously agreed that people were blowing that out of proportion.

But everything else is so unbelievably mediocre that the game's poor sales are entirely justified. This was not the Star Fox fans have been waiting for.

Not at all. That was the assumption you made and were eager to slap a smug face on.
He's free to enjoy it, but both the pros and cons are exaggerated. It's all-around a mediocre title.

What is so hard about the concept of creating Star Fox 64 with different levels, updated features, and better visuals to Nintendo? Why do they keep trying to do this gimmick garbage?


I never thought it was bad.

Just aggressively mediocre and a massive waste of potential.

pretty much this, you can really tell the motion controls were kinda ...tacked on too. It's not a horrible title but its very "forced" if that makes sense.

The sad thing is, this probably didn't sell well because most people are tired of gimmicks. So because Miyamoto had to shove his gimmick dick into the franchise it's probably going to stay dead because somehow because their devs are creatively dead, this means we have on interest in a proper new title that does new things.

I don't know user, I gotta agree with him on that and I never even played the other Star Fox games beyond the first level. I do plan to eventually though.

I just can't get myself to enjoy the two screen thing. If they remade this game for the Switch to not need a second screen at all, I would eat that shit up almost immediately.

At this rate, I'd be on board if the next Star Fox game was something other than the goddamn Lylat Wars again.

Hell, you could even do a prequel starring James, Peppy, Wolf, and Pigma.

Sup Forums likes to shit on games they'll never ever be able to play.

>you realize how bad the game is when it starts to do what it's been doing since the first game

This niggas make me laugh.

>literally anyone can pirate Wii U games now

I thought that bird boss was a pile of fuck.

I didn't like how the secrets were laid out (in 64 its sort of a "pick your path" thing but here you have to manually replay and secret hunt).

Controls worked surprisingly well.

4/5 pretty good

>people are still pretending this game isn't garbage
Jesus, give it a rest.

buyers remorse is one hell of a drug

>tfw this could have been a prequel/midquel to 64

>We could have flown in as Fox from another dimension pretending to be James Mccloud to lead yourself out of the Andross base

Never listen to Sup Forums. Especially about Nintendo.
As of late it's been a Sony circlejerk

It's not "remorse" if I liked it, fags
Just say I have shit taste like a normal person would.