You lied Sup Forums this game was nowhere near as bad as you made it out to be

You lied Sup Forums this game was nowhere near as bad as you made it out to be

It's nowhere near as good as you think it is either.

You'll realize how dogshit it is when you start seeing them labelling re-used levels as new missions
Not sure how you can excuse the Gyrowing either

>"Stop enjoying video games!"

bottom line is, it's vastly inferior to a game that came out almost 20 years ago

Is not what I said.

It what happens when star fox 64 has a baby with starfox 2 and a gyroscope goes up someone's ass at some point

7/10, could have been much worse.

It would've sold millions and millions if the game let you remove Fox's clothes.

Drinking your own piss isn't as bad as it sounds either. That doesn't make it any more appealing.

You implied it.