Name a more boring map

Name a more boring map


24/7 2fort


Kek it's perfect for high-skill play.


d2 isn't boring though

it's overplayed, but the design is really good and gives you a lot of takes and retakes.

pick an overwatch map


You mean it's perfect for jerking around with the AWP because that's all you've ever learned.

this so much

faggot snipers just sniping on the roof all day and doing nothing

when are we getting a new fucking map, god-team? boring since launch boring now.



Nearly all maps are boring in that shitty game.


Everytime this and Snowbound are chosen I want to eat a grenade.

I don't use the AWP. I switch between the AUG, P90, XM1014 and the AK-47/M4A1-S.

You just sound like you don't know how to have fun. FPS games aren't for everyone.



Any Overwatch map that is recycled 3 times.

holy shit this

D2 is the most stale meta in high level CS.

I think for how often it's played, you pretty much get to experience every execute/retake/defense scenario imaginable.

When a pro team did mid to A I thought that was pretty cool

I pity the normie who is too unskilled to run around as a minimi madman.

Worst fucking map since CS 1.5 I swear to god whenever I see this map I get so angry I would leave the server.

Hard mode: name the CS map that's the LEAST boring

Dust2 is boring as fuck and played relentlessly

The appeal escapes me

I don't think it's as bad as people say. The problem is that every fucking server plays it all the time and you get tired of it. Kind of like Half Life and crossfire.


well, other hl1 maps don't have "nuke everything" button, or working gun emplacements

Also the fact that it's buggy as shit. If you have the gauss you can kill entire buildings in seconds.

I remember that one being rare.
Snowbound was a fucking chore though.

I'm pretty sure wall-gaussing is a feature.

Never realized until now that CSGO cs_assault have a panel to Riverside.

Nuke CSS and old CSGO one


I'm talking about the bug when you shoot the light tubes and it takes out the entire building. At least I assume it's a bug. Doesn't seem really fair to be able to get five kills (In a full server) with little effort and ammo.

Woooow, what? More info on that, please!

If you shoot the light tubes they kill everyone in a specific area. Only one whose location I remember is the one in the corner near the entrace of the secret room. Charge a little and shoot and everyone inside and above dies except you. If you do it wrong you get killed instead. I have seen it done very often in the servers I played but for some reason I haven't been able to find any information about it.

That's hilarious.


I can't, hate this shit


Literally the worst map in the game. It was balanced for an entirely different game and it shows.

I like dust2

worst part is now people always choose mirage which is just a shittier dust2 replacement

Dustbowl is hella chaotic and fun

>Earth has really shitty content
>Moon has literally no content
>Mars is gonna be released neber eber
>The other maps aren't even planned to release

Post a better map to MA in, I dare you.


Original dust is so weird. I don't understand what was the mapper thinking and how he got the second version so right.

Heatwave sucks.

>captcha: lavamatic revell


An MMO where you play one guy using typical MMO controls (I'd personally want more actiony stuff like in TERA but whatevs), buuut in addition to personal leveling you start out as the lord of a small village and as you acquire more loot, level up, and get better equipment, so does your kingdom, and vice versa. Grinding would be done by sending soldiers to collect monster parts, only it wouldn't be offscreen, they'd actually go and do it. Sam with stuff like farming, crafting, ect. PVE is fending off monster raids and invasions, PVP is wars with other player kingdoms on an ever-changing map. Alliances and stuff are encouraged. Plus you get to customize your kingdom as you progress, deciding on the demographic of your citizens, the uniforms of your soldiers, and other such things. There are probably more ideas I could add but I can't think of them atm.


this is the wrong thread I'm sorry I'll just leave now.

>no height variance
>forces jungle as a team role
It's true

>tfw we could have had sick dinosaurs and shit
>then the devs decided to scrap all that content prior to release and create this shitty boring wageslave simulator instead

it's like spore all over again



>sentry simulator
>chaotic and fun

>go to sneak up on them with the cloak and dagger
>one of the snipers has an aimbot

>B is the only bombsite you can ever take as a T
>Extremely CT sided
How is this not banned from pro level play?

It's weird seeing everything on the map not covered in darkness.

met a guy named chauncey who worked at a mcdonald's while on this map

smashing a nest with a coordinated assault and waltzing all over the point is satisfying as hell

>playing competitive csgo
>not just spamming deathmatchs and walk around with a knife just to piss the 2cool4u dankmeme scopes
>not just backstabing a nigger with a asimov awp
You are playing it wrong

Ah yes I love coordinating an assault with the 2 Snipers, 3 Scouts, 3 Pyros, the Engineer, and the Spy who believes that the L'Etranger is a better solution to Sentries than a Sapper.

All the cramped TF2 maps are terrible

cry some more

because side switching exists

dust 1

Then whoever is CT first has all the momentum and the higher chance at winning

That doesn't make any sense, each team plays an equal amount of rounds on each side.

Yes but the team who gets to stomp on the easy side first has the better morale and the better momentum, the enemy team has to make sure they play extra well because they have to catch up in points.

How does one not get bored of Counter Strike after 100 hours? Stockholm syndrome because thats all your old potato computer could play?

i never liked cs, but competition doesn't get old and the competitive scene is the reason for cs' longevity

every fucking map in overwatch is a straight path

That's really not a thing at any remotely high competitive level

It's actually one of the simpler maps to counter AWPlords on if you know your utilities.

Name a more overplayed map.
I hope they remaster it and it fucks the entire thing, forcing people to come and play different shit, just like what happened to nuke.

Fun fact: this map is actually pretty fun for 4v4 multi-flag CTF and other symmetrical objective games. Good thing that combination literally did not exist in any matchmaking playlist.