Two years ago I cheated on Sam

>Two years ago I cheated on Sam.

She has released a statement.

Other urls found in this thread:



also, video games


People often write out long ass "inspirational" journal entries like that just to seek attention.

She's still a whore and that speed runner dude is just a cuck.

Tbh I would...just saying.

fuck off with your e-celeb garbage

hey reddit

>On another note, I am happy to announce that I will be making my own return to Twitch!

>letting your bitch drive

Emasculating, no wonder he got cucked.

Who cares about 3D normalfags problems

Literally goes from
>bringing up this mess again after 2 years
>high school diary & tumblr post
>Twitch channel shilling
>thx guys for respecting me


This, literally this

What? Was she not feeling popular enough? Needed to post a big slut sympathy post?

What a senseless whore, sad really.


Why the fuck should I care about a bunch of teenagers? Jesus christ this place is becoming worse than Leddit.


>that long ass excuse

ayy lol
Just say that you wanted a piece of dick

>I love Sam with all my heart.
and she loves stiv with all her pussy.
hopefully we can have some fun with her comments section like that time stiv was running banjo, and then he broke down and quit

all women are whores

lol this whole thing is just a publicity stunt to drum up interest for her twitch.

"I'm sorry I did this bad the way check out my stream"

>Two years ago I cheated on Sam.

>It was a horrible whirlwind of mistakes and bad choices. I blame myself for a lot of it

way to take responsiblity

>gets a lot of dick

I like my women strong and independent. Not co-dependent.

>yea so i'm a slut and shit but it's okay i'm sorry for reals BUUUUT check out my new twitch wink wink maybe il show some skin ;^)

>a lot of it
>not all of it
least she tried

Autistic speedrunning chick who got drunk at GDQ and had a threeway with two other autistic speedrunners when her autistic speedrunner husband left her alone for five minutes.

Everyone concerned in this story is a completely awful person, basically.

Is everyone in the speedrunning community either completely screwed up in the head or just an outright scumbag as a person?

>Stiv subs to her live on stream

I wonder how many people will get permabanned on her first stream.

most but not all

wait is that sam guy still with her?

please tell me he dumped her

please tell me he didn't stay with the whore who cucked him

They are still married.

Someone quickly explain this or link to dramatica or something please?

baka user of course he is

>autistically playing a game over and over and over and over till you know every small detail about it
>restarting runs over and over and over and over when you make a tiny mistake
Enough to drive any sane person mad.

>Fuck Stiv
>Took two year break to "find" herself
>Go to school for science
>Fuck chads there
>Back to streaming
Sounds about the same thing with all Twitch whores.

is there a video at least

already has donations set up and hasnt even streamed yet

how can a man call himself a man after his woman cucks him?

They were a popular streamer couple that went to SGDQ, a speedrunning event, there she had an affair that turned public.

back to /r/the_donald

>that pic

is this extreme cuckery?

Of either of them talking about it? No, it's all based on their online presence disappearing shortly after, as well as accounts from people who were actually there.

So why is this public Knowledge?

Why she telling people this?

How can a man call himself a man if he likes 3D?

3D is poison, stay away from it

I guess stiv also taught her how to make fake apologies over twitter.


>entire thing is basically one big fucking "it wasn't my fault" essay

stupid fucking sluts

Yeah, it was recorded live on the stream. Basically the whole couch just starts tearing her clothes off and shoving their dicks inside her, then random dudes from the audience start running up to take their turns. The whole time she's screaming about how she loves being a cheating whore, when there isn't a dick in her mouth which isn't very often.

The best part is that the runner just keeps doing his commentary the whole time, looking really uncomfortable.

good goy

How many guys did she fuck during Autism Done Quick and during her 2 year break for "school"?

Give names.

of the gangbang, silly
is it in her twitch highlights, cos i dont see it


So you're saying they did a speedrun on her?

of course she wouldn't have it in her highlights. The video gets taken down any time someone puts it up, good luck finding it

that's just an ad for her new channel

She's a woman so she loves attention and drama.
Also I'm pretty sure this is also a publicity stunt to promote her twitch channel.


video games

So basically she let her sex drive to control her

This women was never ready for marriage, dude had it coming

Did he dump that bitch to curb?

2nding this, legit curious how many guys was it, I know it was multiple

Here's a good one.

>That awkward pause

They are mormons who married in high school.

>not making his gf his personal chauffeur
you sound like a beta cuck

He fucking stayed with her?

What the fuck.

They're both spergy weirdos to begin with who come from ultra-religious backgrounds in the Bible Belt; neither of them were functional human beings in any capacity.

religion is a funny thing indeed

They married when they were both around 16, of course they weren't ready for marriage.

Probably eating her creampie from Tyrone

They were a famous streaming/Twitch couple. They went to AGDQ. She went off and cheated on him with his best friend and maybe had a nerd train run on her at the hotel. After the incident they broke up and went radio silent even though the fans ate up the drama

It's public knowledge because the best friend wrote a public apology.

It also happened before "cuck" entered the lexicon

>woman is a whore
>ugh just emotions alright but I still totally love him please believe me

He's a mormon who wants to just settle and have a family, so she can fuck around all she wants and it isn't a problem at all.

>bitch cheated on boyfriend
>long winded speech about how she was emotional and not herself

Every woman who has cheated has gone through this reasoning. She is just a slut who isnt right for that guy. Its only gonna get worse from here.

This is coming from someone who has been in their shoes.

I thought it was just an advert for her twitch


the alt right doesn't exist, it only exists in the minds of delusional liberals who need to put everything in neat little boxes so they can point their finger at it

Neo-fucking-Sup Forums

>I'm a cheating whore but you have to remember that I was in a bad place and really, in the end I was actually the victim here. Also my new stream is coming soon so remember to donate! :)

Artificial womb when? Women need to be gassed

I would be enrage that whore had made me waste my time on relationship if she wasn't going to take it serious.

Wow, didn't know that holy fucking shit

I really REALLY hope she has her priorities straight, same goes for him, because this is bound to happen again

>she advertised her twitch

Could you imagine the intense amount of shitposting constantly that will go on in that chat? There's been 2 years of bottled up meme'ing people have wanted to do with these people.

>delusional liberals
alt-right beta cuck confirmed


Would you rather have your gf cheat on you in a gang bang or get BLACKED by one guy?

You have to choose 1

>tfw my wife doesn't know how to drive
>totally reliant on me to get us places

Feels good holding all the cards


>Don't you DARE label me while I label you

Why are the alt-right triggered easier than a tumblr landwhale?

>year of our lord 2016
>having a gf

>m-maybe if i use insults that hurt my feelings against him it will work
stop projecting

you're losing

ok Sup Forumsack
don't you have to debate how white you are?

So whats the big deal with people in a relationship sleeping with other people? It's just sex. It's not like she's not having sex with you at all or am I wrong? I've never had a girl/boy friend before. It's just sex right?

Yes, Fease
Just harmless manchild

>who need to put everything in neat little boxes so they can point their finger at it

Oh the blissful fucking irony

gang bang

Fuck off, Sam.