Give me a good JRPG to play on PC. Preferably with beautiful scenery and cities

Give me a good JRPG to play on PC. Preferably with beautiful scenery and cities.

Also maybe without random encounters I really hate those things

Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD remaster
Valkyria Chronicles
Tales of Symphonia

Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky has some pretty nice artistic graphics.

Unless you just mean retarded normie PS4 style 3D bullshit, in which case fuck off and die.

That one.

Retard weeb bought a PC, and now needs to satisfy his autism with chink RPGs.

Stick to consoles, faggot.

That looks like shit though. Was it originally a PS1 game or something?

>Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky has some pretty nice artistic graphics.


autistic graphics*

It was a PC game.

A Japan only, PC only game.

Japan is actually LESS technologically inclined than the poo in loos when it comes to PCs.

>poo in loos

Nigger, are you having a stroke?

Someone please just post Lightning. That's the only reason I'm here.

t. Pajeet


TitS is no doubt my favorite JRPG, but it's because of the story and characters.
The graphics are pretty mediocre.
That said, the cities are wonderful and fun to explore, but I don't think it's what OP is looking for

Not large enough.

This is not what I expected.


>Japanese games

You're fuck out of luck, mate. Either you're going to wait 8 years for a port, or get a MonopolyStation.

Lightning Returns has that, just don't go in expecting a remotely good plot out of it. Side quests are nice but nothing riveting. Combat is really, really fun and there's plenty of shit to do. The time limit isn't even at all restrictive and gives you plenty of time to do everything without worry.

Final Fantasy XIII from what I remember had a half-decent plot, gorgeous looking environments. The combat, however, is dull as fuck and most of the game is a slog through corridors.

FFXIII's sequel, FFXIII-2 (duh) fairs much better as it's open and looks a lot better. Combat is the pretty much the same. Story sometimes felt pants-on-head retarded but I enjoyed it more than FFXIII overall

Final Fantasy X, a personal favourite of mine, because of its world and story. Game plays more like a classic JRPG with random counters and a turn based system, however, that shouldn't stop you from playing as FFX is a wonderful game.

Tales of Zestiria also has nice environments and pretty cities, however, the story is generic and mediocre and suffers from having one of the worst villains ever (HE SHOWS UP THREE FUCKING TIMES).

Tales of Symphonia is also a great game. It has a great story, characters, and the battle system is really neat. Mind, the game's visuals are incredibly dated but when you get into it that shouldn't be a bother.

reviews aren't my thing


>trying to imply Lightning ever had anything beyond an ironing board for an ass

Does the artist do doujins?

>uses nigger casually
>doesn't browse Sup Forums enough to know what a street shitter is

>he still thinks people care about japanese games

japan has been out of touch over a decade now mate

I don't know who the artist is.

Sup Forums is a shithole. I have nothing against blacks. Nigger is a fun word.

Oh nevermind, it's Pianiishimo. I should've known.