SSE, Anyone?


Why not



fuck i guess. i keep making characters and deleting them because i dont know what to do with them

Fucken this. Also realizing I don't wanna get too far and then SKSE comes out and I have to restart a-fucking-gain

yeah ive been through around 5 characters already with like 15 hours in the game. i really gotta stick with someone

>1337 is literally a stealth archer duo


Can we just delete the follower thing? Followers are shit anyway and all it does it make it so that everyone trying to roll for 1000 posts are the same race.


Just wait for 64 bit SKSE user. All the mods are fresh garbage without it anyway

Looking to pick it up this weekend, so let's see what I roll.


Ok sure.

Uh, what am I supposed to do in this game?

what i do in skyrim is wander, hunting and taking a little nap in people's houses

Probably not gonna reinstall this shit but might as well see if I get something interesting.

Let's do this

Let's see what happens.

rolling up

rerolling because i got a shit one.


Died roll again



>using followers



I need one for oblivion

>not wanting a dog companion


I know that Fallout 4 and Skyrim might as well be the same game, but they're not actually

Rollin' again. Got Dawnguard this morning

jinjoist nord assassin with a battle mage for a partner?

I like dis




rolling, this is not spam

>physics still tied to framerate
>limiting framerate to 60 doesn't help because physics STILL bug the fuck out
>people say "just limit it to 30 it's buttery smooth there! :^)"
>game is unplayable due to random teleportations, people suddenly sperging out and flinging themselves through walls, corpses falling through the floor, textures bugging the fuck out, water causing a horrible screech noise any time near it, etc.

Thank god this shit was free. Let me know when TES5Edit and all of the unofficial patches are compatible again.


re roll

re role again no argonian followers




Fuck argonians

Already started, but fuck it, let's see.


Lets see what we get


I want to fuck Argonians as much as the next guy, but come on now.
It's not like there's any reason to pick one race over the other in skyrim.

Rollin for a good combination.

>posting the shit list

off yourself my man
