The Hearthstone killer is finally on Steam. And it's fucking glorious.
AI keeps killing me, played a little with my friend and he kicked my ass.
The game is fun, but I fucking suck at it. I never played card games before.
Git gud. Play stuff on curve and learn to kill your opponent's stuff while keeping yours alive on the board.
>Its just another CCG
>hearthstone killer
Get fucked Havenshitter
I was in the top 10 global of infinity wars while people here still played it. Angel decks were fucking broken.
The interface and the backgrounds are atrocious, otherwise a pretty good game
>on curve
lmao shit game confirmed
The fact that you can play cards with a single mouse click makes it all worth it.
Hey i was in the Top 100!. Man that game was fucking cool before they went completely bankrupt and gold-trade spammers took over the chat.
Are these decent or do I need to reroll?
first of all you need the uncensoring patch
So what's different about this one?
I don't like phone game aesthetics
Why haven't any of these card games made it where you can trade and sell cards on steam market like how you can do with weapon skins on CSGO?
This can be profitable for developers
Otohime is great, Queen Vampire is ok. Ideally you'd want more legendaries, though. Like 6 or 7. I say reroll.
Erika is best girl
>So what's different about this one?
animu tittay
Instead of running into shaman all day, you run into haven.
That's pretty much it.
I haven't played a single haven in the last 20 games.
it has boobs that look like anime
Forest Bitch is even fucking worst than Shaman.
Don't talk that way about sweet Arisa!
Don't name cancer.
Any advice?
Skull Beasts are good 1-drops, put more in when you can.
How much are you getting paid to spam those shitty threads?
Here's a (You). Poor thing, you must be starving by now.
is it porn
Is this game dominated by aggro decks as well?
There's that one that the dev was giving out here, but it wasn't very good.
you've made this thread 3 times today you fucking weeb shitter
Easy to get into? I haven't played Hearthstone at all.
To a degree. Combo decks are really strong, too.
they all hit the bump limit too
And every single time the threads have hit the bump limit.
>weeaboo trash
>hearthstone killer
Very easy to get into. You get like 30 card packs straight off the bat.
What should I take out for them?
Should I try and put in more Burial Grounds too?
The major issue about games like these is that it'd be too easy to game the system if there was a trading system since you could create new accounts and transfer all the good cards off the account before rerolling.
How to nip voices?
They give you 40 packs for free off the bat.
People would just make hundreds of accounts and flood the market
Make game nip
take nip folders
make game eng
replace eng with nip
All the decks are full of moeblobs designed for faggots that kiss girls.
Girl kissing faggots are the worst kind of faggots.
Stop mentioning Hearthstone in the OP, you're just guaranteeing a third of the posts in every thread will be shitposts.
Devs are not as jewish as Blizzard yet
Don't have to download the entire game again whenever they update
Game encourages combo decks
Better animations than HS.
>First pack since starting the game gives me a gold card
Is Orb Dragon good? Or is this just a false sense of achievement?
Gold cards are basically HS epics.
You're more looking for rainbow cards.
I've never touched card games before, so I'm just following budget guides. Problem is I have so little essence that I can't even make those. I don't want to scrap any legendaries, so I'm seeing what I can scrape together.
Also, is the auto-deck completely random? Even I can tell that the decks it builds are complete shit.
pssstt, Sup Forums... guess what ...
I opened another pack just now, and one of my cards is animated. Another somewhat uncommon card, or is this essentially the holographic version?
From a couple hours of playing here are some the the differences from hearthstone.
-Deck size increased from 30 > 40
-Decks can contain up to 3 copies of a single card up from 2
-Legendary cards aren't limited to 1 per deck
-There are not active hero powers but each character uses their own mechanic that has a spot in the UI
-You can evolve minions after a certain turn which increase their stats and gives them charge but only to other minions
-Evolution is limited to 2 per game for the player going first and 3 for the 2nd player.
-Card packs contain I think it was 8 cards instead of the 5 from hearthstone.
-You cannot craft this game's version of golden cards
>hearthstone killer
It's the EXACT same shit just with weeb booby animes.
Just the holo version
The animated ones are basically golds from HS but you can't craft them
>ever unseating hearthstone
>this can be profitable for developers
not if their market cut fails to make up for lost pack sales.
I've found most online card games REALLY lack luster. They just dont have the deck variety or they do but its all locked away behind bullshit so you cant even tell if there is a deck that fits your play style. Then on top of that they always paywall the most interesting formats or they have no casual mode. Its all RANKED all the time which is annoying when your trying to try new decks. Half of the games dont even have single player either.
For all its problems Magic: Origins Duels is still the best. It actually lets you play the game and if you want to build jank it lets you.
You clearly have not played Shadowverse yet.
Best evolution art right here.
>That's a big turtle.
What i do like more about Shadowverse over HS is it's a lot faster
Is that leaked footage of mega torterra?
infinity wars already had full trading in and it just soulbound all cards from free(non-in game currency) boosters
Nothing will ever be able to compete with MTG in gameplay terms, it's been honed to a razor's edge over decades of development.
damn shame MTGO is utter garbage, but it's not surprising given how old it is.
cerberus is cute!! cute!!!
nude mod when
The most fun I ever had with card games is making printed EDH/Commander decks, so everyone was on a level playing field without needing fucktons of money.
6-man games could take 8 hours, and we did it pretty often in college.
I still miss my AMERICA Zedruu the Greathearted deck. So fun trying to figure how the fuck to resolve some of the crazier plays that were made.
>Nothing will ever be able to compete with MTG in gameplay terms, it's been honed to a razor's edge over decades of development.
magic might have had 23 years of balance and design but it really didn't change the fundamentals very much, partly because they didn't want to but also because they couldn't do vast gameplay changes because they were tied down by existing mechanics and the need to keep in line with the game that already exists
a game with wildly different fundamentals can probably surpass magic after a year or two of balancing and adding content
Is getting a hand job technically a blow job from a dog.
>spend the day rerolling
>only legendaries are the likes of skullfane
>usually none at all
It's not going to get any better will it
i would rather play pic related
okay downloading now
>but it really didn't change the fundamentals very much
Are we talking about the same game? Magic has had multiple dramatic changes to its fundamental mechanics over the course of its lifespan.
Someone spoonfeed the decensor patch.
Wish we got more Bahamut anime stuff.
What's a good substitute for Cerbrus in a Shadowcraft deck anyway? I don't plan on having her anytime soon unfortunately.
You can't play anything but aggro because Dshift or Seraph
I'm not even looking for MTG in terms of game play. I just want deck variety. Different ways to play and win and I want to be able to test out everything from the start to see if I will enjoy the game. Spellweaver was the most promising to me but then they locked all but one deck type away and I just gave up on it since that one deck type was lame as fuck to me.
No I haven't but I just downloaded it. I want a card game I can play off and on when the mood hits me but my friends arn't over.
I have 11 maybe 12 now EDH decks. Best shit in the world. My friend group has dwindled but there was one 12 man FFA game that I hold fondly. She was a blast. Most of it was just debating board states and making alliances. Was awesome.
Rerolling can possibly take days, just like every gacha game
>remove sword
>become stronger
fucking japan
A lot of Steam reviews seem to be shitting on it for fucking over new players and getting more Jewish. Is it worth trying out despite that?
make game nip
copy nip folders
make game eng
replace eng folders with nip
The rest is up to you, user.
>get an infinitely regenerating card
Simply retarded. There any way to counter that besides simply trying to outdamage your opponent?
Excuse my stupidity, how do I open packs?