Can anyone tell me why Stalker: Clear Sky is bad?

can anyone tell me why Stalker: Clear Sky is bad?

i havent played it yet, im still on Shadows of Chernobyl but all i heard from Clear Sky is that the shooting mechanic sucks cock, double barrel shottys are like sniper rifles for the enemy

any mods you reckon would be good to get (besides from the complete mod which i been recommended a number of times to get)

also has anyone played Lost Alpha yet?

it's not terribly, but is obviously the middle child of the trilogy

didn't get the ideas and ambition of the first or the polish and refinement of the third

>Shooting mechanics are shit
They're indistinguishable from SoC unmodded.
>Double barrel
Faggots just don't realize that a shotgun is only effective from sneeze-distance if you're shooting buckshot or birdshot or rock salt. If you load slugs it's exactly a rifle

People don't like Clear Sky because it feels like a standalone expansion rather than a sequel. It added equipment upgrades and a faction warfare system, and otherwise could have just been an overhaul mod.

I don't think it's a bad game though, just not as revolutionary as its predecessor or as impressive as Call of Pripyat. You'll love Call of Pripyat

It's basically a prettier Shadows of Chernobyl expansion, plus it's buggy, but Faction War is cool. I had a game breaking bug in the middle.

Don't ever touch Complete.

who are you quoting

It's not bad. Just patch it and play it. I had literally zero problems, and the characters were more engaging than the rest of the series. My only gripe was the final battle with Strelok at the NPP

I played through SoC Complete but I didn't have a problem honestly I actually fucking liked it. Probably not the best mod because it changes some gameplay stuff but overall not too bad. Graphics upgrade was nice...

The graphics in the original really aren't that bad. Complete fucks with colors and makes the shooting significantly more accurate. Also autoheal bandages.
STALKER isn't a perfect game, but Complete really doesn't help.

the gameplay loop is the same, but the missions and content to do is shittier past the first area.

faggots on Sup Forums misusing spoiler tags have made them useless for actually hiding spoilers

what's the worst faction and why is it Duty

why not touch complete? will it spoil it?

I really am ok with more accurate guns though lol. DESU even in complete, it felt like the accuracy was fucking garbage until you get to the top tier NATO weapons. Then you fuck shit up but otherwise...yeesh.
Sad too because one of my favorite rifles IRL is the AN-94 because the cool factor is just so high. It sucked in STALKER.
I never knew Slavs had such a boner for 5.56 western STRONK rifles


what's the best faction and why isnt it any of them?
the AN-94 is overrated as it is IRL

Did you even read the op or did you just retard your way in to dump your stupid all over the floor?

Rifle is cool.

No seriously I know it's not that good irl but this is a fucking game and cool factor should always triumph.

this desu

the AN-94 is a meme gun that's not as good as the real SpaceAKs, AEK and AK-12

RIP AK-12 program

Clear Sky is by far my favourite vanilla Stalker game and when mods are taken into account I still prefer it over CoP.

>but this is a fucking game and cool factor should always triumph
its a game that was made in Ukraine. whaddya expect

I'm not complaining about STALKER as a whole my dude. I love the fucking game but holy shit the gap between weapon tiers is insane.

Well yeah... That's intentional

No idea why people don't like it. I like all games in the franchise.

>Brutal we're using equipment that's almost 40 years old
>Wait why is a modern rifle significantly more effective?!

Personally i lost 3 different playthroughs due to corrupted save because the game was so fucking buggy

I know it was my fault for not patching it but i had previously played SoC Vainilla without patches and i had no problems, I guess I was lucky

My main problem with Clear Sky once it's patched and playable is that most of the levels feel way too linear, even more than in Shoc. Limansk was dissapointing, the NPP was dissapointing and the other areas were the same as the ones in shoc

The swamps and new red forest was really good though

Also faction wars in vainilla are broken as fuck and stalkers asking for help every 2 seconds gets annoying as fuck, it's also really stupid that you take a whole bandit base by yourself and after your faction takes it you bet your ass that base is going to be crawling with bandits again in less than 12 hours

Another thing: Losing all your money mid game? Not fun, it's like it even added a challenge because unless you were retarded you already had good weapons but it was still stupid as fuck.

Dude I never said there can't be better and worse guns in the game that are clearly defined. All I'm saying is that the difference is like night and day as opposed to a very realistic game or real life, where it isn't.
An AK74 isn't going to be significantly worse than any modern rifle. Ballistics are similar, accuracy is...similar enough. Recoil is manageable, etc.

I'm not saying STALKER is any worse for going that route. But I will say that it did make the earlier guns feel a little janky and clunky. It's cool for things like the makarov but it persists like I said, until very late game where you get the NATO weapons or a VSS

The mini-ak is not a real AK.

Then enlighten me, what is a "real" AK?
Are you one of those people who thinks literally everything has to be 7.62 or it's shit?