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Console friends welcome
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Console friends welcome
>Over 5,000 hours of memelands
whew lad
Gmod was from a community I used to be in. I'd just leave it on for long periods and do other shit.
how can you have so much time on borderlands?
user, you have a problem.
Why is it that every body who posts in these are almost carbon copies of each other?
Almost always
>garrys mod
>team fortress
>half life 2
>mount & blade
>generic AAA fps
>gta V (maybe)
>Counter strike
Every fucking time its usually some variation of these...
I have never seen thid kind of concistencey in any other group than mustards.
do you ever leave the house?
I guess I just like swords
>people like good/popular games and play them often
sometimes. why?
to put it in context, there is 8760 hours in a year
here you go bud
none of the titles you mentioned in your generic pc gamer list of overplayed games
Yeah faggot but only mustards on steam And ALWAYS so consistent.
At least console tards tastes vary... Im told all the time that mustards can play anything but they fucking don't stray to far...
holy shit
Mine's generic as fuck. Imagine how good I could be at piano or something if I put half of this time into it.
>18 hundred hours spent on watching a porn movie
pathetic senpai
i transcend time, nigga
Still see boarderlands and fallout and dark souls, killing floor a lot...
Maybe i just don't like PC games...
I just seem to like
>resident evil
>silent hill
>street fighter
>devil may cry
>project zero/ fatal frame
>soup calibur
>final fantasy VII
Stuff like that...
pls no bully
I didn't bother including Garry's Mod or TF2 because there'd be no point
>Garry's Mod = 1212 hours
>TF2 = 721 hours
There is so much to choose from and these are THE best??
Am i missing out by nt being into fps? (like almost at all i own COD4 and World at war that is it)
>I have never seen thid kind of concistencey in any other group than mustards
Sup Forums 3x3s. All the same super safe "look how smart and cultured I am" picks.
I want to laugh at people who have thousands of hours in a game then I remember that I have over 20,000 in WoW (yes I know that that is nearly two and a half years of playtime).
Are you really this confused by the fact that certain games are popular? If you took a census of people who only play on consoles you would see a fuckton of CoD, Madden, GTA, and all kinds of other stuff that may not be the "best", but is popular.
Help Me improve muh taste please
>Fruit of Grisaia
Is that any good, homie? I saw the VN thing on sale once but didn't bother with it since I hadn't played the main game.
Yes i really am this confused... The likes of left 4 dead, counterstrike, dark souls, mount and blade and garrys mod are almost always on these lists... Its just weired.
maybe im just old at 26, but in all these years i have never touched 95% of what these lists contain...
All the stuff is multiplayer and multiplayer games need to be popular so of course those would take up the most hours played. Most single player games end from the 20-130 hour mark, my most played SP game is Persona 4 and that only took 240 hours over 3 playthroughs.
Anime is truly a mistake
So how many times a month do you watch that?
Because most of them are cheap, well known, and can have a lot playtime pushed into them.
I have huge library on steam but even if a game is amazing i might only get about 10-20 hours out of it. However something like Gmod while not being that good had a lot of content inside considering all the game modes people make and the mods. Grab a couple friends and you can spend all day on it.
Another bit is AFK time, some people will launch DOTA 2 and not play it just to having it running for when friends get on or maybe they forgot. Nobody is going to launch some other game just to afk it unless they want to meme and get 1000 hours on a VN.
Lastly it's just normal people playing video games. As a whole video games are very niche and rarely do people explore the medium and will just stick to buying a new playstation or xbox and the ass creed.
I have had it running since it came out with a few hours of down time
Don't give up till you top dota
I am going for 4k
Only ones I don't regret are NV and Crysis. Thankfully I started playing better games.
had this saved with rates
Tell me, what do you play?
What's wrong with Killing Floor?
You just have terminal bad taste. Sorry for your loss.
>plays game for over 50 hours, sometimes over 100
>calls it shit
You two should be friends, your lists are weirdly similar.
He seems to think there's something wrong with mount and blade, too.
I guess that means I must know what I am talking about. Aint like I play Dota2 anymore.
>X-Com and Morrowind have the exact same time played
This is fucking spooky
Come at me
I need to play more xcom EU and get it above warfarm
Good taste
How could you possibly have that much time in Quake?
This is inaccurate as fuck though. I loaned Skyrim and my account to a friend, he played it more than I did. I also own a physical copy of Morrowind, the Steam version is only what I played in the past year, I played the physical copy so much it doesn't work anymore.
Sorry in advance for FNAF World, everyone has a guilty pleasure.
i roughly guessed how much time i spent playing quake 1 back in the day, did the same for RO, and TERA (before it came to steam) then idled them until they were the right time area
all others are legit, tera has added played time as well
silent hunter 3 should be more if i added the modded versions time that i run through non-steam game shortcuts, easily over 1000+ hours, i should idle vanilla for awhile to account for it
i wish steam would keep track of non-steam game hours like other programs that track hours do (that are not steam)
your complaint seemed to be that PC players ~only~ played those games
even if theres a good mix of different genres it still bothers you?
i can understand feeling bothered by people who have thousands of hours on the titles you mentioned before but if there are plenty of different genres in the mix then i dont see much of a problem
>i roughly guessed how much time i spent playing quake 1 back in the day, did the same for RO, and TERA (before it came to steam) then idled them until they were the right time area
That's some genuine autism.
>i roughly guessed how much time i spent playing quake 1 back in the day, did the same for RO, and TERA (before it came to steam) then idled them until they were the right time area
Because hours played tells which games are good AND have a lot of replay value. I bet almost anyone posting those lists could name games that he thinks are better, but have no replay value.
Plus not all PC games are on Steam. Plus Steam has only tracked played hours since I'm not sure when, 2010?
>this many has spent 3 years playing Peggle
>i roughly guessed how much time i spent playing quake 1 back in the day, did the same for RO, and TERA (before it came to steam) then idled them until they were the right time area
to this day, i clearly remember some spurts of playing RO for 12-13 hours a day, EVERYDAY, for 6 months straight
But why would you feel the need to idle in multiple games for thousands of hours just to have a number next to the games title?
Oh, and for TERA, i logged into ever char I ever made and added up all the lifetime playtimes together, so it is pretty damn accurate, had over 20+ characters
I remember being top10 in character levels for several weeks when euRO servers were opened, but I couldn't take it for long. 12 hours per day was nothing.
Lets see people's opinions THIS time...
see this guy's post for my answer
i do have mild OCD so.... thankfully not as bad as some people...
I used to be on the leaderboards for kills with the M16A4 in Battlefield 4 but when I stopped playing I quickly got surpassed with people with much greater autism than I.
Do you have a job?
No, I'm studying though
I think I saw someone with Skyrim at #1. Gross.
Clearly not very hard
I threw up... Several times
How do you figure that
I don't actually like videogames
not too special
Pls no bully
Embarrassed by CSGO at the top but it was all I played for a year with my shitty laptop, and I haven't played TF2 in almost six years. I rarely get a game very high because I'm constantly working my backlog.
How do you have almost 1000 hours into a dead broken game?
I mean, I fucking loved blade symphony too, but it got dead and unbalanced as fuck around when i quit, which was like december of 2013.
Oh boy I cant wait for people's opinions...
Holy shit someone that actually played Battleborn.